
Im retard who cant find an answer.

Will this thing make a difference visually if only playing on a 1080p tv? for example will GAME-X look better on the pro compared to the old PS4 if playing at 1080p?

Some of the games like Rise of the Tomb Raider and TLOU remastered will look better at 1080p than the regular PS4 but not all games will

TLOU Remastered uses the higher quality shadows in its 1080p mode at 60fps (normally reserved for the 30fps cap on PS4) and Tomb Raider has a fake 4K mode at 30fps, 1080p at fluctuating 60fps, and I guess a higher quality 30fps mode for 1080p.

Some of the shit on that highlight reel looked pretty good. Even if it was shown in 4k the youtube 1080 video looks good if thats anything to go by..

depends how the developers patch the games

they said some games will look better
but as to what the fuck that means who can tell
sony always bullshits to some degree no matter what they say

will games RUN better?

What about 2560x1440 monitor ?

Will that be supported ? If so, how ?

1080p upscaled ? native 1440p ?

Some games will have no change. Some single player games will have an improved framerate. Some single player games will have HDR and/or increased draw distance and other settings. Some multiplayer games will get the improved graphics.

No multiplayer games will get an FPS boost because apparently that would be an unfair advantage.

There's really very little reason to get a PS4pro unless you already own a 4k TV.


Yes, but its up to the developers.
Any game released before October will require a patch for updates, but after the Pro launches all games going forward will be required to have a Pro setting even if its just a stable framerate.

>paying $300 to change settings on 3 games

It's a game-by-game basis. It's not something that will just happen, each game has to be patched.

I see, So even if a game is 4k compatible, that does not means that it will supports 1440p.

pic related

Actually, most 4K games won't really be 4K, they'll be upscaled 1440 with post-processing, so I would assume you can have a 1440 mode.

Experience faster framerates!*

*only applies in games where the develop spends time and money patching in a higher framerate mode assuming the game won't break on higher framerates and has no multiplayer; we refuse to allow multiplayer games to increase FPS because that would be unfair

Buy yours today!

Only if the devs make a patch for it that will focus on 1080p, otherwise there will be no difference at all.(Okay maybe a small difference, but without a patch a game won't be able to take advantage of the new GPU.)

and thats if the developer is even competent enough in the first place

geeā„¢ thanks*

>not higher



Im really struggling to see what the fuck the point of these mid gen upgrades are for. There is no way developers can develop and fully optimize a game for TWO SEPARATE SETS OF HARDWARE (that people may or may not have) at the same time. At most i think youll just see shitty resolution upscales and lighting differences in these "patches"


They're trying to beat Microsoft to the punch and at a much lower price point than what the Scorpio.
Granted the Scorpio is aiming for 6 tflops so the PS4 Pro is weaker, but will likely be much cheaper and that seems to be want gets people to buy.

i cant see it mattering that much
i dont have a ps4, but i do have an xbone
i have 0 interest in the Neo
if i get one ill get the cheaper slim for the few games i feel like i missed not owning one
im more interested in the Scorpio since it might upgrade the games i already own and promises possible upgraded sequels to my main games

Sony is giving devs completely free reign. They can do whatever they want with the extra power.

They put out a big FAQ regarding the ps4pro i would advise you to check it out.

The pure stupidity of introducing a significantly more powerful "upgrade" mid lifecycle is still confusing me though. Both microsoft and sony now have consoles that are capable of much more than their current versions, but will never be utilized.

A: because it would be incredibly expensive to build a second version of a game from the ground up to take advantage of the new hardware and

B: because doing that would cut off gigantic amounts of the playerbase who dont have the pro/scorpio and make it impossible to make a profit

I just dont get it

Note you can experience stable locked 30fps instead of 20fps advertised as 30.

the point isn't to make games look good or play well, the point is that they can now capture screenshots and videos in 4K and say that they captured it on a console. It's all for advertisement now.

>tfw you bought a Ps4 and is now deprecated

Supposedly games will utilize supersampling in resolutions below 4k

at least it will play all the new games, not like the new ds jewery

that's your fault for buying consoles this generation

there were like 4 games exclusive to the DSi?

As you may learn, newer versions of technology replace old ones

the games are upscaled from 1440p to 4k and then downscaled back to 1080p
its true
a sony brony told me in the horizon dawn thread

Whats the point of introducing a 2nd, stronger console if your not having the devs utilize it??
Its basically up to them. Use it or not. What kind of gameplay is that? This boggles me.

They're actually not really trying to increase fidelity in their games, they've been very explicit that despite the improved memory/pipeline/APU they won't be allowing pro versions of games to use different assets.

They get to increase FPS or resolution (1440 upscaled to 4k kek) or add post-processing.

Honestly it's a huge waste of the components that are going into the PS4pro.

The thing doesn't even support 4k blu-rays

We don't know yet. Based on Sony's words, they only have a few developers making patches for games. It was a huge fucking mistake doing nothing but advertising HDR and 4K in the meeting.

I can't believe this shit is actually happening. This kills video games, there is not turning back after this.

maybe maybe not
there have always been upgraded versions of consoles
its just a bigger jump this time

i got my n64 upgrade when i bought perfect dark, then when i bought donkey kong 64 the store gave me a second upgrade for my n64 for free and i gave it to a friend
please. dont compare upgrading the n64 to upgrading the ps4, the n64 came with ram upgrades IN THE GAME BOXES


If someone was in the market for a PS4, should they look at the Pro or the slim model?

I figured that the exclusive titles would be getting the option of higher FPS, and that's the point of me buying a PS4 in the first place.

Then again, I highly doubt Jap devs are willing or even capable of doing this, which is also the reason I wanted to buy one.

One thing's for sure, both consoles physically look like absolute shit.

Who the fuck designed this shit? It looks ugly as fuck.

PRO is 310Watts compared to 160Watts of the Slim.

Probably going to suffer from overheating problems and have noisy fans trying to cool it.

This literally has never happened, not in this way. And it's not just this, it's everything that has happened this gen.

>There is no competition, Sony just gets a massive undeserved lead up because it's competitors literally commit suicide
>Dime and penny tactics like forcing people to play to use online
>Trying to push a smoke and mirrors money sink gimmick on the consumer base like it's the early 90s
>The endless flow of re-releases and "upgraded" versions of literally brand new software

It's so bad, every thing about this gen seems to be about wringing every penny from the consumer and because we live in the golden age of the goy they are actually getting away with it.

I'm pretty sure I'm just gonna skip this gen but i worry for the future.

Find an older model for cheaper when stores start to phase em out.

I've had every iteration of Sony's slim models, and they've always been an improvement in some way or another

I like it.


I like wedges.