>a warhammer 40k fps
>made by the E.Y.E. devs
How can you NOT be hyped as fuck?
A warhammer 40k fps
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I'm thinking about buying it day one just to support Sterum On and I'm not at all into Warhammer.
When it comes to 40k games, always rein in your enthusiasm. There's a good chance it'll turn out to be shit.
Remember BFG Armada?
Send help I could not contain myself.
Despite god tier atmosphere EYE was a fucking atrocious game.
With that said it should be pretty hard to fuck up a 40K L4D clone.
>Streum On
>Your legs have a dedicated health bar
How can this fail?
Because I dont have access to a computer than can run it
On the bright side I might get laid
If it's an L4D clone then they've already fucked it up.
>developer with one game under their belt
>"It can't possibly be bad!"
>left 4 dead invented co-op
I hate this fucking meme.
one of the few games i was looking forward to this year but i barely meet the minimum requirements
But what was wrong with BFG Armada? It has monthly updates and adds races for free if you bought the game with 2 months of it coming out.
>40K L4D clone.
Please fucking stop
Just because its player vs AI doesnt make it L4D
>How can you NOT be hyped as fuck?
Warhammer 40K is for autistic manchildren, not to mention E.Y.E. was an abysmally shitty game. I guess some people do like shitty games kind of like those B-movies which have a huge cult following
>But what was wrong with BFG Armada?
Incredibly, horribly unbalanced. Imperium is just top tier and shits all over everyone else.
Orks and Eldar are complete bottom of the barrel and you're an idiot if you play them.
Very disappointing on release.
>unreal 4
>small studio
were you expecting this to be optimized or something?
I remember seeing the first video they released of some of the maps and a bit of gameplay but I haven't seen anything since, has there been any progress?
They haven't released any public build or footage which is a bit concerning
Unreal 4 is extremely well optimized though.
Release date announced and pre-order went up on Steam.
Cause no tau
No one wants to play boring space Marines.
>no coop campaign
one job
Nigga I like Tau but just no. They would be fucking awful in a game like this.
haven't you learned yet, OP?
>>no coop campaign
How do you even fucking breath. It has coop you moron.
It's a coop game.
>Orks and Eldar are complete bottom
Excuse me but ork is actually the most op in the game with the point reduction stuff to have a battleship and a cruiser. And if you know how to play Eldar and not be stupid its easily the most best race. Maybe you just dont understand how to play and if so [Spoiler/]Git Gud[Spoiler]
Looks fun at first.
I'm afraid it might get stale after a while, though.
>[Spoiler/]Git Gud[Spoiler]
Fuck off shittid
This game has my dick hard as fuck!
>Excuse me but ork is actually the most op in the game
Fuck no, man. Any decent Imperial or Chaos player can completely shut down Orks if they have any idea what they're doing.
If you've ever won as Ork or Eldar against Imperium or Chaos it's because the other guy had no clue how to fight them. But all things considered even, you will lose 4/5 games you play.
You are now imagining the events of E.Y.E. but every character is now an angry marine
>most best
>[Spoiler/]Git Gud[Spoiler]
>Dark Angels (Fucking boring chapter. Their HH and 40K make me want to bash my head on the wall)
>Genestealers (Tyranids are boring as fuck. Basically, in game terms, you are fighting glorified animals)
>L2D clone
>You exploring a narrow and dank gray world of the Space Hulks
Wake me up when they announce Fire Warrior 2.
I thought that was the intention.
>likes Streum On
>Not at all into Warhammer
Yes you are, you just don't think you are. E.Y.E. was the confluence of GiTS and WH40K, produced by French weebs in the complete absence of the English language beyond what could be scoured from a couple of grammar textbooks
I play with a friend so im imperial and he is ork and we just kill everyone. He is actually a good ork player
Nothing. One of the few games this year I genuinely enjoyed.
Tau got into a beta release yesterday in case some missed it.
A helpful tip user.
Why not just ctrl+s and then start typing? Skip the highlighting.
I-i was just pretending to be stupid anons
>I play with a friend
Well there you go - 2v2 matchups are different from 1v1, and harder to gauge balance wise.
What The Fuck Did You Just Fucking Say About Me You Little Bitch?
I just hope it won't be mediocre
>optional co-op gameplay
It's a hord mode on the unlocked levels not the story coop like Halo
nigga, e.y.e. is fucking 40k made as interpreted by a frenchie who can barely understand english
you like 40k, i promise
what is this game supposed to be? Standard FPS campaign with co-op? L4D? Payday?
Why do you care since you seem like the sort of insufferable cunt that no one wants to play games with anyway?
They're being helped by Cyanide
>It's a hord mode on the unlocked levels not the story coop like Halo
Source on this?
Regular campaign is you as a termie librarian trying to keep everybody alive. Coop is similar to l4d and payday.
If you've ever played the Space Hulk boardgame, it's like that but you and your friends control indivdual terminators and the librarian.
Solo campaign is about 15-20 hours and you play as the librarian.
That's all I really know.
because it REALLY worries me how much it was delayed, and also how little gameplay we've gotten
Why they showed so little of this off?
>not having bought it the day it went up for preorder
I trust Streum On
Technically two, they made a source mod before E.Y.E set in the same universe.
It's more of a pick your weapons and survive with continuously spawning enemies type of thing.
They also have other prototypes they've been working on in house (E.Y.E: 2, A realistic medieval game and something else "completely crazy")
Apparently it's a third party that's handling the marketing, hence them showing very little. Apparently Streum On wants to share lots of stuff about the game but simply aren't allowed to.
>Solo campaign is about 15-20 hours
Goddamn, really? I wouldn't have expected it to be that long. Even more bang for my buck.
This just says they've removed the cutscenes from co-op.
Because it's shit but they've not been in the industry long enough to learn how to lie with a straight face
Just wati for it to release and check reviews and gameplay videos
>that second post
Actually makes a couple of fair points. It works for games like L4D because those don't have stories or cutscenes, but if Streum On wanted to tell an actual story (which knowing them they probably did), it makes sense they'd restrict story mode to single player.
I could see it, you and three friends or ai are in battlesuits fighting orks as part of the Farsight Enclave.
>34 bucks (including current discount) for 15 hour campaign
>bang for your buck
watch the interview
>There will be streamlined Levels for Co-op Experience
aka story-less hord mode
>it makes sense they'd restrict story mode to single player.
>3/5 party members want to skip this cutscene
>press ESC to vote to skip
Is that so hard?
yes yes co-op game or whatever, hopefully it'll be like EYE
way more importantly: Inquisitor Martyr when?
You're forgetting about the coop user, which is definitely going to be where most of my hours go to. I've played a lot more E.Y.E overall than I normally would have because of coop
The NMS dev was lying through his teeth the entire time and still never showed off any significant gameplay.
The game would be better served starting out serving the regular Tau, then slowly turning to Farsight after breaking your conditioning.
>The story in Warhammer is too deep for most
>Inquisitor Martyr when?
You're looking forward to that? Why? It looks like complete shit.
>voting system
Modern players are braindead schmucks, I wouldn't trust them with a vote if my life was hanging in the balance.
If you want to watch the cutscenes, play single player. If you want to play the campaign in co-op, play the cutscene-less campaign. Seems simple enough for me. An alternative would be to add a dedicated story mode for private parties, but for something most people would probably use once and never again, it'd likely be too much time and effort.
define significant gameplay
they showed off everything and just never mentioned that it's all there is
I can't tell if this is a single player game or yet another shitty Left3Dead coop game with the emphasis on MP GOTTA GO FAST TO THE SAFE ROOM.
deepest lore!
Neocore is great
Van Helsing is great (their previous aRPG)
It looks fun
>i don't trust a voting system, even though that's the best compromise
What retarded logic is this?
Then you're a moron and you should get the fuck out of our hobby
He's KINDA right in the sense that 40k story has too much sheer volume for the average enthusiast. There are HUNDREDS of 40k books out there.
fucking commy logic
The system is fine. It's the players I don't trust.
I'm not 15y/o any more
>Tau, then slowly turning to Farsight after breaking your conditioning.
Tutorial for when farsight was still the Head General. Then main campaign is during the enclave days.
>I don't trust players to control whether we watch a fucking cutscene
So worst case scenario is you have to skip a couple minutes of cutscene, or sit through it, when you want to do otherwise?
That's just pathetic, mate.
Post proof
And no you complaining is not proof
When the alternative is the ability to choose whether I want to watch the cutscenes at all or not? I'd rather have the option.
40k videogame only fans only care spess mareens. I know, it sucks. But Fire Warrior 2 would not sell as much compared to Space Marine 2.
>there will never be an eldar game where ride jetbikes and kill slaaneshi demons with your shuriken blade
>you will never cut an ork in half as a striking scorpion
>that's $2.67 per hour
>that's £1.69 per hour
If it's anywhere as near as good as E.Y.E, I don't mind paying that much. Besides, I usually get dozens of hours from games I payed £3 for.
Also, i want to support them
Play it with your friends?
that's a fucking awesome idea, user
>40k videogame only fans only care spess mareens
Absolute horseshit. Thats not even true for the tabletop. Orks and IG are just as popular, and at some times have been even more popular.
Man a battlesuit game could be radical since you could choose from the different suits (no riptides fuck those things) and all of the weapons available.
>game about a traitorous chaper
>not a space hulk game where you play as the forever loyal blood angels and must control the black rage as your tear your way through enemies
It's gameplay looks like an arpg from titan quest/sacred 2 era. Obviously there's nothing wrong with those games, but making an arpg that sluggish and slow when the arpg genre is dominated by games like poe and d3 is a big fucking turnoff. I mean they even gave TQ anniversary a game speed option because normal speed just feels like slow motion.
I had been holding out hope that the first alpha gameplay footage they showed was just that, alpha footage. But looking at the newest gameplay videos they don't seem to have changed shit. Gameplay still looks bland, combat looks boring, animations looks shit, movement looks clunky. Such a goddamn shame
The game would logically end with you becoming the new Farsight and continuing his legacy/charade by taking up the dawn blade and his battlesuit.
>>game about a traitorous chaper
By that shitty logic all legions are traitorous.
Which is ironically true because not a single one of them upholds what the Big E tenants but still, not for the reason that a handful of faggots bailed the chapter.
Sonyggers can barely reach 30fps
Meanwhile PC goes up to 40k fps. That over 9000 times better.
>Not wanting to be a Gun Drone
Gun Drone, best drone.