Get fucking hyped for The End

>get fucking hyped for The End
>The Fear and The Sorrow were amazing even tho the fights themselves were garbage, but the settings and presentations were god tier
>reach the area
>10/10 cinematic, let's do this
>get hit once
>run around
>The End is nowhere to be found, no path, no shots

What the fuck do I do. The path to the east is blocked by some weird foliage, can't cut it, can't shoot it, I'm stuck. I run like a madman hoping to find him.


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Well duh, why do you think this boss is called The End?

Because the fun is nowhere to be found and you want to end the emulator process?

Welcome to the sniper battlefield, kiddo. Git gud or git shot.

if you emulate in opengl there are no visual bugs in the game

you have to not play the game for ten years and then he dies of old age

no cheating either

>thermal goggles
>that sound detector thing
>the glint on his scope
>beam of light coming down when it stops raining

make use of directional microphone, thermal goggles and sniper rifle you can find in the house there.

If you're playing Subsistence you can go First Person and look for the old fart manually.

you had to kill him when he was in that wheelchair

you done fucked up now, restart game

thanks but the thermal goggles and sound detector thingy don't work. There are no visual clues because he's not shooting, and it's not raining.
No idea which one I'm playing but I can go first person with the right little trigger. Pretty useless.

What happens when his stamina reaches zero?

>>beam of light coming down when it stops raining
Fuck, didn't know about this one.

>save game
>go to system time
>fast forward a month
>load game
>watch him die of old age
heh nothin personnel... old man.

>thanks but the thermal goggles and sound detector thingy don't work.
How come?
With the thermal googles you can see his footprints.
The noise detector can grasp his breathing, you just have to use it 360° each area.


There are 3 load areas he can be in. If he's nowhere to be found he's probably in another one.

You get down on the fucking floor and painstakingly scan everywhere that looks like a sniper spot.
The game puts them on the map

But I have no idea in which of the 3 areas he is. Am I supposed to run around like I'm on meth and hope to see something?

I'll try again to grasp his breathing tho, but it's pissing me off.

Also if you stay too long camping one spot searching him with the first person view, as soon as you go back third-person he'll be just behind you having done the same thing you were trying to do.

>enter area
>search 360° with the sound detector
>if nothing shows up move to another, otherwise carefully move towards the noise trying to pinpoint his position

If you crawl around instead of running it's unlikely he'll spot you coming before you realize where he is.

the areas are connected. Look for a sniper point in wherever you are, then locate him with the microphone and goggles.

First off use OpenGL it fixes the visual bugs.

Second off, just shoot the fucker in the face with a shotgun when you eventually spot him. Use dem goggles to see body heat.

Can't you also just kill The End when you first see him in the wheelchair?

It's a battle of patience, as real snipers vs snipers do.
Crawl carefully, use the sound detector every tot meters, don't stand up yourself too much, study the level to check if there are footprints or passageways to higher grounds.

There are three areas in this bossfight so if nothing shows up in one he'll likely be in the other twos.

>These are the fucking casuals on this board these days
I'm out.

yea, but the game treats you like the faggot you are for shooting a comatose old man to death. just save during his boss fight and wait a week and he'll be dead if you want to be a huge pussy.

>Second off, just shoot the fucker in the face with a shotgun when you eventually spot him.

Once you get behind his back there's a number of tricks you can do:
>point the gun at him "Freeze!" and have him shake to get his unique awesome camo
>load the exit passageway with mines, so after he starts running away you detonate everything even if blinded
>fill him with tranquilizer darts to get the mosin nagant
>plant a bomb on him

Also best fight in a MSG game by far.

Ok, he's dead. I was using your advices, scanning for stuff, and literally spawned on him when I changed the area then panic shotgun'd him.

Pretty dissapointed. Are the next boss fights good?

>fill him with tranquilizer darts to get the mosin nagant
Until he gets all his stamina back because lolphotosynthesis nothin personnel kid

>all this spoonfeeding

Just play the game you faggot. I figured this fight out when I was 13 without having my hand held.

>didn't ambush him for the unique camo
>didn't kill him with tranqs to get his unique weapon
>didn't eat his parrot


Don't know why everyone says this was the hardest and most intense boss battle for them. All I had to do was walk up behind him and shoot him in the back of the head.

>thermal googles
>turn the sniper duel into a benny hill sketch

That only happens once in a million years anyway. He even gets a nice beam of light so if you see that shit happening you can just rush him.

>literally spawned on him when I changed the area then panic shotgun'd him
>pretty disappointed
Well if that's the case then of course you'd be disappointed. My fight with the fucker took a good hour or so but it was very entertaining.

That looks like complete garbage. The game does not look like that. Congratulations on ruining one of the best games ever by failing at emulation, fucking retard.

This bossfight, unless cheesed or cheated, is a 3 hour long battle of patience to continously find and follow him.

People praise it cause it is unorthodox, but i guess it can feel like a chore.

By the way, if you are doing non lethal, he starts regenerating stamina with his magic camo and can heal hours worth of damage in seconds.

Good fucking luck.

>getting trolled
Yeah one shotgun blast definitely kills The End

Been literally years since I played. S-sorry.

wow, just wow, you're so fucking hardcore, like, wow
no seriously, wow
I mean, wow
no hand held?
guess what, I could reach the final level of the adventures of batman and robin on megadrive without dying more than once when I was 6, what now slutboy?

how the fuck can you eat his parrot?

>sniper duel
>he's the only one with a sniper
He could have thrown me a sniper to make the fight more interesting imo

>how the fuck can you eat his parrot?
shoot it with your weapon of choice, keep it fresh or eat it to spite

>He could have thrown me a sniper to make the fight more interesting imo

>he didn't pick up the svd after the pain fight
>he never got the rifle and killed the end early

>He could have thrown me a sniper to make the fight more interesting imo

This is bait. You can't possibly be this retarded.

>thanks but the thermal goggles and sound detector thingy don't work.
yes they do you're not using them properly

also use your codec to get some tips - is this your first MGS Jeez

Jesus you're retarded.

Well, I've been running around for a good hour before I made the thread.

Then instead of being a faggot, could you provide tips on emulating? I just used the 2x render scale and that's it. I wanted to replay mgs games because it's a series I always disliked even when I was young, and I wanted to give it another chance. So far, the only good part has been the presentation and cinematics, I'm dying of boredom otherwise and just wanna see more of Cutecelot or Muh boss.

Should've killed him while he was asleep in his wheelchair back on the warehouse docks after that one cutscene. You're fucked now OP.

>how the fuck can you eat his parrot?
You can find him by his cabin in the woods.
Shoot it with tranqs.
Eat it.
Enjoy the horrified "Y-You monster!" coming from the woods, which incidently also gives out his location.

Do you have Downs?

Stop playing immediately. You don't deserve this game.

>He could have thrown me a sniper to make the fight more interesting imo
>He didn't find the Sniper Rifle earlier in the game

They call him the end because he's unbeatable. Essentially you are at 'The End' of the game (get it). Kojima likes these clever endings, looks like it just went over your head.

>not killing him early in the game so you can face off against the based Ocelot Unit instead

When the pain dies he just explodes and I go to the next area, was there a sniper in the boss "room"?
Well, for a 100+ y/o sniper he could have used more than 1 sniper, and since he said this was gonna be his last hunt before dying, he could have made things more interesting. Maybe that's just me.

Played 1 when it was released, skiped 2, played 3 when it was released, played the demo of 4, finished GZ and TPP and I'm currently playing 3 and MG1 on my phone while at work. Liked 1, disliked the others.

Equip your strongest gun and take the fake death pill. He will walk up tgen get up and smash

All the shitting aside, why is this fight so loved? There's like nothing to it. All you have to do is put on the thermal goggles, sneak up to him, and tranq him in the back of the head.

Your IQ is so obviously below 80. You poor thing.

Killing the parrot and eating the parrot

Because that's not the only way you can do it?

That only works once though.

Yeah, but it is a means of doing it, and it's a goddamn cakewalk. Why would you do it any other way?

>fighting the end for the first time
>get him down really low in stamina
>figure I could take him out to get his cool sniper
>he regenerates when I take ~10 minutes to find him
>then he finds me, stuns me, and sends me to the jail
what did I do wrong

No one has mentioned another trick against The End, you can input the Konami Code on the map screen and if he is in that particular area he will be marked on the map

Shut the fuck up

Not him but because I like to have fun and not a tryhard speedrunner?

Moron detected.

>You can beat Mario by flying over every level, why would you do it any other way?
>You can beat Pokemon by soloing the game with your starter, why would you do it any other way?
>You can beat Starcraft by spamming nothing but Zerglings, why would you do it any other way?

He regenerates stamina? He kept losing it with me. Is it because I play on easy? What happens when he sends you to jail?

It's 129 akchuly.

muh sikret club?

hmm didnt know that

his first position is always at the cliff north of where you start

get him once and it's a Tom and Jerry chase after that, you could get him in two tries

Is it even possible to be beaten by the End after you realize he's using tranq rounds and you can remove them?
I mean the forest where you fight has so many animals you never need to worry about stamina running out anyway.
Even DSP despite taking what seemed to be hours running around in circles and getting shot never ran out of things to kill and eat.

Well if OP is incapable of finding ONE way of the ten possible ways to kill the end then It is one viable option

Because of all the gimmicks involved.
>you can find him by the light shining on his scope
>but that works for him too
>raining stops, a beam of light illuminates his position
>eat his parrot to make him reveal himself
>sneak up to him and point the gun to get his camo
>suicide pill to fake death and make him come to you
>he'll sneak up behind you if you stay still too long in one place
>sometimes he'll fall asleep, snoring and showing his position
>you can hide yourself by the waterfall with noise covering your position

And I'm sure there's plenty of things that I'm forgetting.

Just don't play the game for a week OP, he dies of old age

I haven't finished MGSV yet, but I kinda hoped Quiet's boss battle would be as gimmicky as The End's.

He'll do this really obvious attack where he has light beams come down and it regenerates all of his stamina
I panicked and didn't think to run up and shoot him so I just kind of fucked up, but he does that on all difficulties I think


You can see his steps with thermal goggles
Look for his parrot with the directional mic
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Square, Triangle on the map.
Looks for the glint on his scope
AP sensor
If he shoots you use the suicide pill and he walks to you, revive and attack.
You can actually pause the game as soon as you are hit and whee the dart is on snake you can reverse direction the shot to where he is.
The croc cap also fools him, crawl through the river

also if you really want to cheese him out save your game, reset and change the internal time on your system ahead a few days.
He dies of old age

The only good thing about it is that it's sprung on you when you enter the area like a side mission when it's listed as a main mission

I'd have to venture further in the game to see how bad it is according to Sup Forums. I will say that it is quite frustrating for Snake to not say much in the cutscenes. If I recall correctly, Kojima's reasoning was that so the player could be placed in Snake's shoes, but I want to hear from Snake for fuck's sake. Also the empty open-world thing is a minor issue. Also I miss codecs and lighthearted conversations that took place.

It's just not right way to do it. The game is about Snake overcoming and understanding his old mentor. He needs to fight them the right way for.

It's really hard to explain, but its about the emotions and shit thats talked a lot during the game. Any other way just doesn't feel right.

>You can actually pause the game as soon as you are hit and whee the dart is on snake you can reverse direction the shot to where he is.

I didn't know you can kill and eat animals. I've been using rations when my stamina was at zero. Any other hidden things like that?

He means to look where the shot was coming from based on the position of the dart in your body and look for him in that direction

you can guesstimate where the End is from the direction/angle of the dart


The codec team literally tell you that you might have to hunt and eat animals to survive. What the fuck is wrong with you?


Jesus Christ dude, capturing and eating animals is a cornerstone of this game that gets told you right at the beginning.

dude the game is literally made around doing that

just ignore him already, he's obviously trolling

It's called SNAKE EATER

What did you do against The Fear?
One of the main strats for stamina-killing him is to poison him with mushrooms and rotten food.

>I'm a retard that doesn't know a basic game mechanic introduced in the first 5 minutes of gameplay

This is you.

This has to be bait.

you mean machine gun him to death

Next thing you tell me the Codec and music radios are secrets too.

>I've never seen enemy at the gates
Do you even snipers

Will the end still die of old age if he tranqs you and you get sent to the prison? I got busy with other stuff and haven't played MGS3 for like 2 weeks now

>"And someday, you feed on a tree frog"
Who thought this would fit in the song anyway?

>play a game called Snake Eater
>doesn't even try to eat the numerous fucking snakes all over everything

I've never even PLAYED the fucking game and I knew you could eat animals, it's on the back of the fucking box you monkey.

No but you get to redo the fight.
It's basically a "game over" without death.

The End and The Fury are the fights I find most difficult when attempting a no kill run.

>One of the main strats for stamina-killing him is to poison him with mushrooms and rotten foo
I just used the Heat vision and shot him down

the end is ez man just use cig spray

the fury is a fucker though, I usually use up all my potions fighting him