>ITT games everybody forgot about
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ITT games everybody forgot about
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It came out?
Insomniac just can't catch a break.
Everything successful is owned by another company.
Every time they try to make their own IP, something goes wrong.
At least they're still having fun instead of going full sellout like Naughty Dog.
yeah and flopped HARD Like games with gold hard
yeah besides overdrive was a fun game beside the HAHA RAAAAAADICAL BRO NERD humor
Remember that game Insomniac released for PC recently?
Me either.
Played it on xbox games with gold and it was a lot of fun. Dumbasses should have made a Windows version, it would sell more just because of free hype.
They do it to themselves. I will never forgive them for fucking up overstrike
It was a fun game. Wasn't really meant to be GOAT
I want this but I'll wait until I can pick it up physical for a $20.
I would have bought it if it were on PC.
I have a soft spot for SO AWESOME DUDE XD in that lame middle school way
Same here senpai, it's £25 over here bit I'm still on the fence about it
Deus Ex hr
Mirror's Edge Cata
The low budget submarine metroid? What about it?
>Their only game under EA became SUPER GRITTY
>Insomniac devs apologizing on livestream before release and showing off how they tried to brighten it back up before release.
I'm sure they were honest when they said THEY made it shitty and EA had NOTHING to do with it!
>They're going to be stuck on Spider-Man for the next five years, minimum, due to obligated sequels.
>There will likely be another Ratchet as well.
>Every new idea will go on to die just like Sunset Overdrive.
So what stupid partnership that ruins their sales/game will happen next? They've done EA and MS already, so I'm guessing Activision.
>deus ex hr
one of the most memorable and beloved games of last gen?
You will remember Yorick Mori
swaggy p literally did nothing wrong
I'm pretty sure the Wii version of Black Ops 1 has more active players.
What do you guys think would be the WORST CASE SCENARIO if Electronic Arts actually fucking died?
Like I talk about things I wish would happen all the time, and a lot of them have actual disastrous consequences.
But as for EA going away. What would be the downside? I can't think of any.
The mod that took off her pants made the game worthwhile
I forgot that was a thing
A lot of people would lose jobs.
i didnt forget about you user
still the only current gen console exclusive i actually even liked... gives me those nice JSRF vibes but with a carparkpunk feel instead of a tyedyetokyo vibe
But it's been causing that from its continued existence!
Do you know how many companies EA has killed?
But it's not on pc, therefore it doesn't exist
no one even knew it came out until people heard about servers shutting down
The orange-blue right in the fucking title, holy shit
first time I'm seeing this, what is/was it?
If a game isn't on PC then it's not even worth remembering.
It's even on steam so you guys have no excuse to not play it.
Bad console exclusives are always forgotten. Remember inFAMOUS Second Son?
Literally any big overhyped AAA game. They release, gather the first week release money, then everyone forgets about it. Then the cycle repeats.
It didnt deserve to die that fast
A "game creation" suite. It was famous for kicking Conker's Bad Fur Day fans in the balls by saying that if people wanted a sequel to it, they could make their own in Project Spark.
Damn, post more kat. I'd say that happened for Watch_Dogs and it got a sequel from those retarded hype sales.
But I did pay it. Despite boring repetitive action, still was pretty good.
>put in tons of hours to make the perfect Conker game in Project Spark using their shitty tools
>only you can play it because no servers
Oh the ironing
i know i played and beat this game. but i cannot remember a single thing except the ground moving up and down
I'd say Watch_Dog's ridiculous hype machine was probably the reason it's mediocre self is getting a sequel that no one asked for.
Was this a thing people wanted?
No wonder. Gameplay looks fun but setting is story on Gearbox level of cancer.
I think a bunch of people did want a MIrror's Edge sequel, but not the way Catalyst did it.
I wanted it, then I read into it and
>locked abilities behind a progression system
what the fuck
>game recently was bypassed so pirates can now play online too
>still ded
Nothing but a generic, boring launch game with total wasted potential.
A Mirror's Edge sequel? You're actually asking if people wanted that?
Yes. Badly. All they had to do was make the first game with an open world.
They had one job and they fucked it up with gimmicks and shittiness
It came out?
is it as good as the first one?
Reddit is still having butthurt fits over it
I don't think this game will be forgotten anytime soon. Some people will be butthurt for years, like that post by that guy mad about Mass Effect 3
Post pics
No one knows.
When it comes time to shitposting it won't be forgotten. Also The Order 1886
Eh, I thought it was an alright bookend to the franchise. RIP Uncharted.
I loved LoG 1, beat it 3 times
I've started LoG 2 at least 3 different times, and halfway I just get bored.
The furthest I've gotten is beaten the boss in the arena behind the snake temple with all the zombies and the 2 giants. After that I kinda just lost interest, no idea why
user, I got it day one on Xbox. Just wait a bit more
Well it's not like pirated copies will suddenly show up on steam stats.
You just reminded I beat that game. Now that I look at it, it blows cocks. Glad I sold my ps4 though
I have a friend that told me his adventures in this game. Said it was actually okay.
people talk about it all the time when lg1 is brought up
superior in every way
>Fury Road hype leaves people itching for more Mad Max stuff
>this comes out
>crickets chirp softly in the distance
people agreed the game was pretty good fami.
This is the only thing I remember about that game.
Its pretty much Titan Quest 2.0
Doubles as a game everybody ignored.
Still playing it, buying crucible once I get through Legendary difficulty
Primal Strike Warder is olev
Idk now its forgotten, but for about a month after release everyone was pretty blown away by how solid it turned out.
And then never talked about it ever again
>they could've let their american studio handle this and make just cause 3
>they didn't
but they do
that's the whole point of the bypass, they are bypassing steam DRM and playing as legit customers and showing up on steam stats
It looked interesting. I didn't like that every enemy looked the same. I would have bought and played it if it had released on PC.
Ain't that oh so very quirky.
>XBone exclusive
it never had a chance to be relevant
I feel like this game is probably alright, but people don't want to like anything made by EA, so they just shout buzzwords even though they never played it.
i'd imagine that becoming real annoying after the first few times
>le portal reference XD
Speaking of Mojang...
Alan Wake 2 was shelved for this.
I thought that was cancelled?
Suddenly remembered bamham knight the other day and reinstalled it, looks like the developers gave free skins to everyone.
Batmobile and key bindings still glitchy as fuck though.
No, it even came out on Steam.
Perhaps you're confusing it with 0x10c.
Far Cry Primal, aka FC4 with a reskin
Even the fucking map has the same layout and everything
>Perhaps you're confusing it with 0x10c
it didnt even look like a real game, the screens he released look like they were slapped together in gmod.