ITT: Characters you identify with



watch your tongue, kiddo..


How could you possibly identify with him? No human being could.

Surely this is intentional

But he's just like me. Intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor.


what do you mean?

You stop this right now


Why does he need 2 fucking belts
Does he carry something really fucking heavy in his pockets or what?


his dick

But I have problems waking up.

one for his shirt, the other for his pants


You're very cute, user!

This is a character i identify with most.

And a faggot


This is me, this is literally me.,,



Basically me

me on the left

Hahaha, edgy fedora guy.

>hates self
>no reason to live

only thing different is having blue hair and she has no penis

The OP was funny because he was being ironic. Well, maybe not "funny", but at least not embarrassing.

This is just embarrassing.

I'm a male Fuuka for sure. Very insecure but always taking care of everyone to fill that void.

Intelligent, nihilistic, and a wicked sense of humor. That's literally me._

She's the worst girl on that fucking show and it's not video games yet.



>male Fuuka
Fuuka you


so this guy's design is a joke right? i dont play blazballs or whatever but he just has to be made to look as lame as possible

It's a "it's clear that's the bad guy but you're too fucking stupid to notice" design

literally me

I do enjoy some gradeA puff in a park barefeet.

pls be in towa city

lets fuck

why does it look like you're masturbating on that pic

Sad cat

Not bad, but I raise you a better character-fu!

Captcha: belok kiri.... what the fuck.

A good for nothing, delusional guy with too much overconfidence in his abilities.
However I manage to reach goals.
Also, since I was a kid I insisted on being a mad scientist and fucking everyone knew about it. Some people still ask me how my experiments are going. Fuck.

Too smart for my own good, keep getting dragged into things by other people when I just want to lie in the grass and look at the clouds.

Dude he's literally me. He likes balisongs (butterfly knives), long coats, and fedoras just like me.

>laughing and joking even in life/death situations
>treats other people to lunch even when broke as fuck
Yeah, me.



lel busted

Ragna was a mistake

Y-you're right, she's probably better than me...


Holy shit.... it's true.

I hear he's doing great in the manga

actually and literally me

Here is my photo.





>people actually thought Ash would win

The only honest answer ITT

Fuuka and I share a lot of interests and have similar views on life and people.

>Fuuka and I share a lot of interests

And has some ridiculous edge

You bacon too?

This is literally me

What game was Michael Scott in? What about him do you identify with?

Just got this game for free and I'm gay now. Shin is just perfect.

You're a terrible actor, I don't believe you.

But wait, if you're a terrible actor, you must be Christopher Lambert!

I wanted him to be redeemed.
I wanted Annie to notice him
I wanted him to return home



>ripping of undertale
it's shit


That's not something either of us are interested in.
Fuuka likes technology and computers, and I do too.

That's literally gay

I want to see her get blacked


He deserved what he got.

Marry me