ITT we post the costumes we hope make it to Xenoverse 2!

ITT we post the costumes we hope make it to Xenoverse 2!
I think we can all agree we want the BADMAN T-Shirt, so I´ll start with this one. Goku´s "Farmer" outfit from Super would be cool. (Don´t really think it looks like a farmer outfit but whatever)

Other urls found in this thread:

Yamcha´s Buu Saga outfit would also be cool to have

Bulma's Pajamas

Hetap and Hfil brand clothes.

I really like double sunday and weekend.
Are those really worth using?

I forgot how double sunday works, but weekend is ok, a straightforward laser with decent damage, and if they try swoocing out of it you can spread it in a v shape to catch them

Tracer seems to be getting uglier as time goes on

Mai wearing my penis.



>Goku´s "Farmer" outfit from Super would be cool. (Don´t really think it looks like a farmer outfit but whatever)

Looked like he was about to go on safari, but I'd still like it as an outfit.

The Time Patroller costumes from Heroes.

I heard that in X2 they're removing the stats from outfits, is that true? I hope so.

Both outfits from the driving license filler episode.
Especially Piccolo's.


>tfw can't afford any of these statues

At least I could afford the loli Chi Chi one. Should I hotglue it?

It's heavily implied, I forgot if it's confirmed, and they're also doing something with rng shit

Same thing, just less range and not an ultimate.
I think it's like half a kamehameha, but I'm just going off visuals.

You should cherish it with love.

well I'm sure then it'd have the same niche with catching evaders, but honestly at that point a galick gun or one charge kame does the trick too. At the end of the day though it comes down to your preference though

heroes outfits


for my buufu
also badman and postboy

Alright, thanks.

On another note the Dokkan WT is pretty nice right now. Now that I have my UR Majin Vegeta.

as is your taste

Wow! I didn't know this was a hat.

i guess we can wear multiple accessories now
since the wings aren't there in that picture


It's more of a crown

were can i get this

As great as that sounds, I'm afraid any hope that any casual outfits making it as alts is wishful thinking.

I guess you're right

they were already in the first game

This is gonna be fucking sweet
although there's a high chance it's just a turtle hermit set deal where the individual accessories also have a composite accessory to equip both

I think he meant the figure

Murisaki Namekian has wings while the human Cell doesnt have the wings
either the human cell costume is unfinished or we have at least 2 accessories slots in XV2

I'd like. the option of giving Videl her pigtails back.

yep meant the figure

Kill yourself barneyfag

that's what the turtle hermit items were like
>beard, glasses, and shell/staff all individual items
>"turtle hermit set" was just a single accessory that equipped all the other items under one slot
so it's entirely feasible that it's different items
>bio android crown (hat only)
>bio android wings (wings only)
>bio android set (both)
Of course it could also be two slots, but I don't like getting my hopes up too high so I play devil's advocate

Is Turles in it? If not just give his costume to Black; they're both just voiced by Nozawa anyway.

I still can't believe they missed the ball so hard with costumes for non avatrs so bad that only Videl got proper alts. I don't expect them to do much better, but i hope Goku gets some more unique outfits than 10 uniquely torn gis.

Dimps wouldn't dare acknowledge their superior game

goten´s party suit will help me get all the buufus

It wasn't

>only Videl got proper alts
Not just her though, but I admit some characters really do need better alts

guys guys you have to stop watching Dragon Ball!!! It is clearly a devil worshiping series, just look at one of it´s main characters supporting...evolution!!!
Plus we all know how mixing dragon ball and evolution goes...amirite?

I'm actually impressed with that little detail.
Gohan has a hard on for dinosaurs.

should i play the first game to understand the story ? Or i just need to know the anime and super?

with no panties please

playing the first one will help you import your created character, also appreciate better the new mechanics, as for the story, in the first one they did introduce some characters so it could help.

That being said, I wouldn´t consider playing xv1 a requisite to get the story or enjoy xv2

>import your created character
Is it that hard to re create the same character from the four different options

because the old player character isn't going to be the new player character, it will be your mentor

Is it true that 2 will important your character from 1 somehow?

I deleted my main character for no reason

also he has a role in the storyline of this game since in xv2 your character from xv1 is considered a hero and there is a statue of him on the main hub

you aren't going to play as the imported character
the imported character will appear in the story and get a statue in the hub

yes, it has already being confirmed

just make a new character and give him good moves and clothes
you get these if you import him at the start
for example if you import a character with gokus clothes and skills
you will get them at the beginning of the second game

Fusions localization news soon.

What the heck are you talking about?

I hear there'll be a part in the story where you'll fight alongside with your Xenoverse 1 Time Patroller.

>almost 1 month away from the actual launch and we still don't know how the character import works
namco is a doing a terrible job trying to sell this game
not even a word on the fucking beta yet

we will get a racing minigame
at least I hope we will get one
insert random eurobeat

I would actualiterally main Piccolo if he got this costume.

Buyfag here, I need to own that.

Double weekend is a great beam ult to use until you can get final flash. From there, you can keep using final flash (especially with a vegeta soul) since it fires quickly for a beam ult for the damage, or upgrade to perfect kemehameha. PK takes longer to fire, but does more damage, the beam is wider (to hit more area), and the damage aura around you is bigger, so you can hit players who try to knock you out of it from a bit beyond melee range.



Basically every outfit that Tien wears is fucking golden.

apperantly some custom made stuff that used to be on ebay at one point.
Sorry to disappoint

Apparently, all of the moves and clothes that you have unlocked on your character from XV1 that you import will either already be unlocked for you in XV2, or you'll get a certain amount of cash for each one that you can use to buy them again, so you don't need to unlock them.

Will /DBG/ be making a comeback soon?

Mai's coat would be nice

That might actually be a fun little mini game. Imagine online racing, where you have to go through check points while carrying your teams dragonball, avoiding obstacles, then passing the dragonball off to your next team mate in a weird sort of relay race.

Tien has always been my favorite of the human characters. Something about him makes him awesome, and he got Launch.

you get money for all that shit you got in the first game
you still have to unlock everything again
it would be very unfair for everything to be available from the start

>naked Aeris figure
>custom one-off
>bathing suit Android 18
>custom one-off
I can't even find the fucking manufacturers to place an order

Source? And why wouldn't a person get an advantage for unlocking everything in the previous game? You could already argue that people who played the first game already have an unfair advantage because they are familiar with the combat and how to build a character.

actually you do get the stuff your character from xv1 is wearing as well as he skills.
Everything else you have unlocked from the first game must be unlocked again and they give you some compensation money to unlock it faster.

At least that´s how I think it works but I can´t remember which source I got it from...

Super Saiyan Raditz when
His fusion with Chiaotzu costume is really sick, too

>and he got Launch
Funny way to spell Chaozu.

I think he's going to be a thing in Heroes soon.

Launch lives with him near that waterfall.

They make Chiaotzu watch from the corner.

it would make the game easier
around 6:30

>actually you do get the stuff your character from xv1 is wearing as well as he skills.
i would like to get the source on this
in the jap expo interview hirano said we only get money


>Wanted to import my main, a perfectly balanced human
>Thought I could import all of my skills
>Only what that CaC has
>TFW I'll have to grind out super saiyan/SS vegeta again

well to be fair
they got rid of the RNG
so its probably easier to get skills and clothes now


>but I can´t remember which source I got it from...

no, SS and all other transformations are now under their own slot, presumably story related, as a saiyan you go SS, SS2, or SS3 depending on ki level and can toggle it at will. You'll also get wads based on how much shit you had in XV1, and since they apparently toned down/got rid of rng that's likely a massive headstart

>no playable androids

>TFW thinking about using save editor to unlock the last few moves/clothing items from XV1
>Still have 2 mentors, maxed everyone else
>Max level
>Goku never showed up, even when using the trick to rotate mentors

everyone is saying you get equipped gear and skills but nobody seems to have the source for it
i will expect the worst and just expect some million zeni for completion %

He did get Launch.

>tfw raditz will always be a weakling who never turns up again

I always felt like Raditz had some serious missed potential, I really like him after re watching the start of Z again. If they hadn't just outright killed him he definitely could have helped the Z-fighters eventually

what if Black Goku is actually Radditz from another dimension

Raditz and Goku have the same blood running through their veins, it seemed really fucking shitty to kill him off.

It was to show that Son Goku was a cold motherfucker with no regard for family and friends, instead getting his thrills solely from violence. That's why he's friends with Beerus. Kami accidentally ruined him morally.

Monaka costume for beerus that can be unlocked for CaCs


>wanting to be a faggot with pink hair