Star Wars Battlefront

What is the verdict Sup Forums?

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It was my first game for the ps4 and I can say that it is a solid 2/10 game.

>OFFLINE MODE has four maps

thank you dice

It's a pretty bland shooter, but it can be fun.

Balance gets more and more fucked with each new thing they add. Combat roll was a mistake. Best OT SW mp game anyways though.


Pay 2 Win

Paid DLC content adds an unfair advantage against your base game owners, including more damage protection, and more damage dealt.

I liked the beta a lot, didn't even bother with the full game though

Grind FPS games are a mistake.

Nice graphics
Shit gameplay
Low amount of content
Battlefront II is way better

>tfw I wanted Geonosis

>tfw sullust

nice graphics and sound

bland gameplay with fuck all content

Like 'our guy' mack said so eloquently; a stupid boring pew pew fest.

>Like 'our guy' mack said

that autistic bell ringer guy?

The most EA-ish game ever.

Got it for 20 bucks. It's easy to pick up and play, and I can play couch co-op with my lady, so it's a win for me.

If I paid $60 though I would have been pissed.

offline couch co-op.

Way too boring because of lack of depth

10/10 graphics and sound design though

DAILY REMINDER: Total biscuit is OUR guy!!!

Yup, and?

just lame as fuck is all.

The great Irish hope, yes, indeed.

That cancer ridden fat fuck spending half his reviews whining about menus? Gr8 b8 m8.

Kek, he wouldn't recognize good gameplay if it cured his cancer.

today im here to aask user one and simple question, WTF is yor problemo bro? TB a best

(when is he gonna die?)

where are all the vehicles?

No Clones Wars

Supers not sent/10

It's shit.

This picture basically explains what happened with Battlefront EA.

needs way more customization beyond head swaps


Fantastic atmosphere, graphics and sound design is great.
Gameplay is a piece of shit and EA just tried to get away " Its a Star Wars Shooter people will buy it no matter what we do!" Next to know content and dead online.

I actually liked it a lot, I have 80 hours in and still play at least 2 matches daily
But I bought for half price, and for that money I can say that it was a great deal, they have added a lot of content for non-season pass players, maps, weapons, cards, etc

Also my gf loves this game

I only have it because it came with my PS4. It's pretty meh, there was a lot of things cut from Battlefront 2 due to EA being run by a conglomerate of Jew monsters

where are all the classes?

>(when is he gonna die?)

Before HL3 is released Friends I just received on this site $50 PSN Card Code..for FREE! You should try asap, until it works!