Times you've been stonewalled in video games due to autism?

For the longest time I couldn't beat Brock in Yellow because my autism demanded me to fight him with Pikachu, Pidgeotto, and Metapod just like Ash did.

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I did that when I was a kid, grinded Pikachu up to level 20 in the grass outside Pewter, and defeated Brock with Pikachu using Slam, was easy enough, just very tedious

Fuck off, ashnime faggot.

>Not dumping Pikachu's usless ass when you found out he wouldn't evolve without trading

>Trading evolution

You could trade the Pikachu to another game and evolve it there. It is the only way to evolve the Pikachu in Yellow.


Raichu is shit

I tend to play lolies in jrpgs when possible. 99% of the time they are joke shitty characters.
based Disgaea saved me from that agony, though.

I legitmately thought Pokemon Yellow was broken because Pikachu's electric attacks didn't work on Brock.

Like what the fuck it worked in the show.

kek. That's cute, user.

I was stuck here but my autistic child brain grinded up my pidgey to a pidgeot so I could kill everything with gust. I think it got to level 36 before I beat them.

>grinding a pidgey to a pidgeot before brock
you're full of shit. If not, that must have taken a dogs age

I swear on it. all that was in my party was Pikachu and that mutherfucking pidgeot so gust was the only attack I had that worked. I have no idea why I didn't try and catch something new but I think I remember running out of money because of potions.

>Not evolving your Metapod to Butterfree
I know it's not exactly to the anime, but some comprises HAD to be made, senpai.

Forcing myself to play muh hardcore mode in Path of Exile even though I hadn't seen half the content or understood half the mechanics of the game. Needless to say just about every death was completely unnecessary.

It didn't though. Only because of the sprinkler was Pikachu able to do anything.

That's not autism you fucking folt.

That's retardation.

I want to start Pokémon Yellow but I can't decide a good nickname for Pikachu.

I don't name all my Pokémon but I usually do for my starter

Did Ash even beat Brock? I thought both of his first badges were gifted or whatever.

>People complain about how difficult Brock is if you chose Charmander.
>Even with a type disadvantage Ember still shits all over his Pokemon because of their garbage Special stat.

He make Onix vulnurable to electricity via sprinkers.

The water badge was gifted to him on the grounds that Misty's sisters knew for a fact Pikachu would kick her shit in if he was willing to fight her.

>Misty's sisters knew for a fact Pikachu would kick her shit in if he was willing to fight her.

No it was a gift for him saving the GYM from a team rocket attack

This. there is no 'bulbasaur = easy mode'. The entire game is fucking easy mode

Is there a move like that in the later gens?

>you fucking folt
What did he mean by this?

Butterfree literally destroys brock when it get confusion

obviously he meant dolt you fucking folt

Whenever I play a game that lets me choose a name, I always write "PENIS" and drop the game when the said nickname becomes not funny anymore.

Yeah you ducking folt.

Baten kaitos, in that battle against the evil team on the airship. You can't just grind because if you saved on the airship, there's only one scripted fight before the battle.

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This game was fucking hard mode for sure, the elite four were brutal

Yellow was the first pokemon game I had, and I felt cheated that the anime lied.

>pokemon game
Choose one

>Start playing Pokemon Yellow when I was 4-5
>Got stuck in Viridian Forest
>Could never figure out how to get to Pewter City because I thought the exit was a wall
>Mfw I accidentally walked into it one time and came out the other side.

I was a fucking stupid kid

>He never actually played Yellow
Fgt Pikachu won't accept thunderstones, like the anime version. Though you can bypass this by trading him to another player and have them use the thunderstone, fgt.

I grinded my fucking Charmander to level 40 before Brock. God, were my parents happy when i spent the whole night with the lights on and chewed through at least two packs of batteries, if not fucking three as i kept the sound on. Beat the gym, caught a Clefairy, did it again until both of my mons were level 50 before Misty, wasted yet another night and more batteries. Didn't get to touch my Gameboy for half a year afterwards, but learned my lesson and went through the whole game at sanic speeds, caught Articuno, did the whole ultra grinding until level 100 at a friends place and beat the Elite Four with three mons.
I regret nothing.

You do remember that Ash lost against Brock, right?

Nice bait


I'm a stupid adult now, what's your point?


Nah, you're still a dumb fucking child LMAO

>Get caterpie
>Lv up to 10
>Butterfree gets psychic
Ez pz

I heard that in firered, if you grind charmander to level 40 or something like that without evolving it, then when you beat the last trainer at the nugget bridge, he will give you the option to join TR where you can choose yes.
Then you start out with a lv5 mew, the ability to steal others pokemon and change into the TR uniform.

It wasn't true.

in yellow you could not use the stone to evolve it. This pika didn't want to.

My Pikachu just quick attacked Onix to death.

I still play league.

Everyone expects me to win their lane for them.

Confusion, not Psychic

>7 year old nephew started playing yellow a couple of years ago because my bro is a bro and has decent vidyia taste
>dug up my old game and did the mew glitch/trick
>caught it and finished the game
>showed it to nephew
>made up some bullshit story about how to get it and you can only try it once or the game breaks
>he tried to do it and obviously didn't work
>flipped the fuck out and started crying because he thought the game is broken now
>never touched pokeman games ever again
>brother is pissed at me ever since


I did that, too.

>not catching a Mankey on the route to the Elite Four and giving it Low Kick
>not evolving a Caterpie into a Butterfree and giving is Confusion

i dont have aspergers but pikachu ez wins with shock

Not as dumb as what I did when I played pokemon red for the first time. I spent about 30 minutes trying to find the exit of the house you start in.

I decided to undergo the task of getting every unit all their conversations and getting them to top levels of their base class.
I'm fucking 100 hours in and nowhere close to being done. Oh god, why did I do this?

you're not the only one

>doing any of those
>not just finding a nidoran and getting it double kick
Kidoking is much more bitching than Butterfree or Primeape.


Every single first playthrough must be a blind playthrough. It took me 50 captured Devil Jhos before realizing he doesn't drop the Black Blood, it took me years to override my autism and look up online just to realize there's a Savage Devil Jho.

When playing GSC I heard from "that kid" that Chikorita could learn Fly by using its leaf as a propeller, like in the anime. I kept that useless piece of banana shit unevolved and grinded my way to Cianwood.

>Chikorita cannot learn that move!
Didn't touch my gameboy for a week, then restarted with my OG nigga Totodile.

>Pick Torchic every time because kickin' chicken
>Tate and Liza to this day force me to break momentum, go out and catch a spheal and grind it up to a high enough level where it won't get oneshot by a solarbeam.
I'm forgetting what backup plans I had for Winnoa, but I vividly remember Tate and Liza walling me.

>getting walled
>by anything in Pokémon
All you have to do is level up 1 mon.

In more recent games you can even reach lvl 90+ with your main if you do that before reaching the E4

>EOIV lets you pick dual classes part way through the game
>doesn't give you access to the last two classes yet
>penalty for changing classes is a 5 level drop
>everyone in my party is the same level/exp
>don't want to pick new classes for them yet cause i don't have the last two available
>don't want to drop my levels when i get access to the new classes
>can't figure out how to beat the strong enemies w/out dual classes
>don't want to grind

welp. i will beat you some day, autism.