Why were the last bosses in this game so bad?

Why were the last bosses in this game so bad?

King Vendrick was so boring and repetitive. Nashandra was an anti-climatic a joke. Both were super easy too.

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Dude it's part of le lore

Because they had literally no idea what they were doing?

The quality difference between DaS2 and Bloodborne are stunning.



Wouldn't be a souls game without shitty end bosses.

>it's a "le dark souls ii is bad cuz i didn't play it!!!!!" thread

>false king

Inb4 let moon presence and true king are the final bosses meme

>those sound effects
>those whiffs

Jesus Christ, that game is garbage.

Dude, I love DaS2 as much as DaS and I can't defend how shitty Nashandra was.

Every souls game has shit final bosses gameplay wise, but good ones lore wise. Don't rag on DS2 for stuff other entries inthe series does too .

The dark souls series is by far the most overrated series in gaming ever. Long boring tedious fights don't make a game hard, they make it boring and tedious.

Good thing only Dark Souls II has those then.

I don't know which uninformed, shitty uneducated opinion of which post is worst.

>I don't agree, therefor you are uninformed.

Typical dark souls fanboy.

>I haven't even beaten one boss in an entry of a 5+ numbered game series, let alone beaten the entire game, and expect my casual ass opinion to be taken seriously

Did the same people even make these games? This looks like a whole generation apart, but it's only one year.

Not really. There's a console generation separating them as well.

They pretty much are a generation apart.

You know what I love so much about das2? It actually keeps the vibe of the first game intact. It has that surreal and melancholic atmosphere that made the first so special. Say what you will about 2 but 3 doesn't have 1/10th the atmosphere that 2 had.

They've both got literally no atmosphere.

These three do.

So wrong you tasteless pleb. Das2 has twice the atmosphere bb does. Bb just slathers on the dark shit like a really edgy slipknot song. Das2 actually does it tastefully.

>Would you like to to change genders in this magic coffin?


The fanboyism is strong in this one.

everyone knows the real final boss is burnt ivory king

>The Old Hunters DLC Final Boss
then why compare it to some optional boss in ds2 that is literally a braindead retard?

if anything that should be compared to the burnt ivory king (also from a dlc)

>not my honorable nigga Alonne

So you couldn't beat the game, huh champ??

>tfw that gate opens

I can't even get to him

>beat him in NG post-game
>"holy fuck that was fun, I wanna do it again"
>bonfire ascetics nigguh
>the way to him is now filled with not only sanic alonne knights, but a bunch of black phantoms too

>DaS2 was downgraded for consoles of the last generation.
>BB was made for the next generation of consoles.

Not that that's saying much.

>did the same people make these games?

what, you thought the whole "LE B TEAM XDDD" thing was just a meme?
I mean Sup Forums did exaggerate it for shitposting purposes, but the games were in fact made mostly by different people.

Good job user, you made me agree with a retard like this

the path to alonne is one of the worst fucking things about DaS2.

would it be so hard to let us open up a shortcut once we reach his boss room? but NOOO, MUH XTREME DIFFICULTY SO HARDDDDD

burnt ivory still looks like a cheap, ugly abortion with ps2-tier textures and unnatural animations compared to Orphan

it's a ps3/xbox 360 game, what did you expect, nigger?

at least it runs over 15 fps unlike ds1

Ask a friend for help and unsummon him before the bossfight.

The bosses aren't long. You're just concentrating and a second feels like forever. They're like 3 minutes or less.

this isn't the monster hunter thread buddy

ds1 is a ps3 game as well but it has much better boss textures and models
and don't pretend that ds2 doesn't run like a hot garbage on previous gen