Are you celebrating the most overrated console ever released today?
Are you celebrating the most overrated console ever released today?
Not today, I'm tired of playing the same old arcade games every year. But it's good when I'm feeling nostalgic.
There's a reason this console killed Sega's hardware division. And no, it wasn't the lack of a DVD player or piracy (PS1 had to deal with it as well and was a worldwide hit anyway).
wait a month
16 years, beybey
and that reason is....?
It's because no one wanted to play Samba de Amigo online.
nogames and arcade ports galore
The Saturn did it, not the Dreamcast. The Dreamcast was actually poised to be decent, they just couldn't attract third parties to the console with the PS2 around the corner (EA is the big one).
The Saturn was rife with bad decisions, the DC had a lot of progressive concepts going for it but it was too little too late.
Bad post user
Yep, I'm going to play through Code Veronica this weekend.
>the most overrated console
Dude it invented 3d party and therefore the console gaming. Without PS1 we would still be eating mushrooms with Mario and enjoying RTS clones on PC.
The Saturn seemed good, for the JP market.
But they were really high quality arcade ports made when arcades were still pretty popular. The DC library has a very good quality to shit ratio. It's not huge but there's very little shovelware.
If it wasnt for dc you wouldnt have hud displays on controllers, wouldnt have internet, wouldnt have xbox controller, wouldnt have a portable hybrid, wouldnt have motion sensor etc. GCN is the most overrated console on this board
>yuropoor controller with american console
I would say the original Xbox is.
It's one of my least favorite consoles ever, personally, but I never really see anyone badmouth it.
Consoles have been using the internet since at least the SNES, and all of DC's contemporaries had online play.
True but mainly in Japan prior to the Dreamcast. The DC introduced many gamers in the US to online console gaming. Also:
>not using the Dreamcast web browser to look at porn at blazing fast 56k
The Dreamcast was the first console to do online play without relying on a special underlying network. Anyone with dial-up Internet access could play against each other. Stuff like the Xband or the Saturn NetLink required you be connected to a purpose-built network to play against other players, severely limiting its appeal.
Bump. Can't believe Sup Forums doesn't want to talk Dreamcast anymore.
SNES didn't have online play, it had satellite radio connectivity. Genesis had an online connection though.
I might continue Shenmue II but man that game is unoptimized for the hardware (slowdown everywhere).
That's because it moved to /vr/.
I'm an oldfag that walked out of my mall's Electroics Boutique with a Dreamcast plus Sonic Adventure, Ready 2 Rumble, SoulCalibur and Blue Stinger on 9/9/99. So many fond memories.
The N64 is easily the most overrated console of all time, there's like 10 decent games on it.
Underrated as fuck you mean.
Gonna spin Rez for a bit.
Completely agreed. The GameCube's library is superior in every conceivable way.
Were it up to me, anything six generation and up would never make it to /vr/
The sixth gen was the beginning of homogenized gaming.
I'm excited, user
I'm going to get to get far in my Resident Evil 2 playthrough. I just beat REmake on PC and wanted to go all the way to Code Veronica. I'll probably play some Chu Chu Rockets as well.
I just replayed CV and it still holds up amazingly well to me. I know it's really divisive among fans but it's my second favorite classic style RE after REmake.
In a month, I can legally fuck a Japanese Dreamcast
You've got way more than that.
>Banjo Kazooie and Tooie
>Perfect Dark
>Mario 64
>Mario Party 1-3
>Ocarina of Time
>Majora's Mask
>Star Fox 64
>Conker's Bad Fur Day
>Donkey Kong 64
>Blast Corps
>Jet Force Gemini
>Paper Mario
>Fzero X
>Smash 64
>Kirby 64
The Saturn is what killed SEGA. The Dreamcast was merely collateral.
Did you ever play Rush 2: Extreme Racing USA?
I think you should play Rush 2: Extreme Racing USA.
>People still hope for a dreamcast 2
In a way the DC was the poor mans NeoGeo.
Pretty much. It was a much cheaper way to get arcade accurate ports.