Why are companies so fucking anti-consumer nowadays Sup Forums?

Why are companies so fucking anti-consumer nowadays Sup Forums?

>Paid Online
>And now this shit with playstation-pro

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They forgot how to make good games.

Sucks that the Amiibo shit could easily be fixed by having a card alternative that costs $3 at most and does the exact same shit.

hahaha Nice

why amiibo is a bad thing?
IMO pokemon go and mario run are the bad thing

>Playstation pro
>Anti consumer


Seems like you're too young to remember Nintendo's strong-arm price-fixing tactics, or the facts that region locking used to be the norm. Or things like Securom...

The industry has always been anti-consumer at its core. It's the enthusiasts market that made it great.

>why amiibo is a bad thing?

You need to be over 18 years old to post here.

Becasue you people keep defending companies like they actually care about you. This is how they repay you.

>Why is amiibo a bad thing

Fuck off nintenyearold.

Cause they lock content behind toys

they want you to buy their game, not bypass it for somewhere else. they created their american market brand, they want u to buy from that brand, not japan's.
children love skylanders and the like. There's children they could market and man childs they could profit off of. #money
>Paid Online
premium service requires work, which requires money. Plus its an age old gimmick of "you pay therefore you receive"
millennials "buy" game, play it, beat it, and toss it aside 2months later. Sales drop after first month and never go back up. DLC helps keep a game healthy instead of going into gamestops "buy 2 get 1" bin.
>And now this shit with playstation-pro
u all declared sony the "winner of this gen" (whatever the fuck that means anymore...) so dance the night away. Celebrate your "4k" victory.

It's a DLC tied to a physical product.

It plays a significant role into the micro-fragmenting of games.

oh, I understand now, you have to use the toy to unlock content in game
I don't have a Wii U or 3DS, that's why I've asked

see how I proved you two are morons that post without knowing anythin but what's in your asses? stay classy, senpai

They're not anti-consumer, they're pro profit.
You need to ask yourself why are you anti-corporation growth.

This can all be solved by just buying shares from your favorite company.

>It's a DLC tied to a physical product.
no its fucking not
its only cosmetic addons or stuff you can get in the game anyway

>ps4pro is anticonsumer
>spending $400+ on masterrace to get a new gpu every few years is good
>spending $400 on a new console every few years is anti-consumer
They even have a bunch of restrictions so mp isn't a haves vs have nots, unlike pc.

>They're not anti-consumer, they're pro profit.

So, yeah, they're anti-consumer as long s it's pro-profit... that is, in the vast majority of cases. If anything, that's the best argument one could give as to why strong government regulations are needed to keep companies in check.

>This can all be solved by just buying shares from your favorite company.

Not at all, this won't make for better products/services int he end, which is matters to consumers.

>its only cosmetic addons or stuff you can get in the game anyway

So yeah, it is but you don't care.

define "pro consumer" because "anti consumer" is just regular capitalism

In principle Amiibo is bad, but in practice they have tied mostly useless junk to it. Splatoon has been the only game that tied a hefty amount of okay-good content.

Actually, not necessarily, for one, in a purely competitive capitalist society, companies don't turn a profit.

>everyone operates at a loss
Sounds like gommunism desu

its okay when X does it

>in a purely competitive capitalist society, companies don't turn a profit.
this is why "human studies" in schools was a mistake.

Remember that game you just had to have on release day that also had day one DLC? Yeah, you and every other casual with no standards that entered the market in the mid-late 00s enabled all of these publishers to do what they're doing.

Stop buying garbage from shitty companies and start voting with your dollar.

Because they have armies of teenage kids who simply don't know any better defending those shitty practices. People unironically preorder digital releases ffs.

the irony is that most first run rosalinas where bought by some anti nintendo autists and scalpers.

This, now they rely on cheap tricks to get your money.

The thing with amiibo is that they're not necessarily a bad thing but the price point for the quality of the actual figure is pretty bad. Not to mention the horrible shortages and hoarding problems had when first released. But that's about all I see wrong with amiibos, they're a good concept in general. You pay once to get a physical figure, which people like myself like, and this one figure can be used across multiple games. The most things you get from these unlocks are shit like skins or extra health or something along these lines so it's not really a big deal if you miss out on it.

Not turning a profit =/= a loss you imbecile.

because the Jews are trying to make us gay

Just vote with your wallet, bra. They're not anti consumers since they have nothing against you. They don't hate you. They're just pro profit. Pro profit also means creating a higher quality product and striving to break limits.

Blame the share holders.

Stagnation is considered loss.

Because they can get away with it because the average consumer is a retarded cuck who will tolerate anything they do anyways.

Because consumers let them be.

It's funny how it's always people who don't know what they're talking about who try to teach you your thing.

In the theoretical model of a perfectly competitive capitalist society, no company turn a profit because if it can, then someone will undercut it.

Notice that companies can earn money - it has expenses to pay after all, just not turn a profit. It's at bare survival threshold. Just like employees.

The problem is that so called pro-capitalists are actually pro-corporatist. Not the same thing at all.

The very example of region locking tells you all you need to know: open competition is good for companies, who can shop for workforces and other necessities wherever they want. But consumers need to be shepherded by pro-corporate protectionist measures. You don't want them to play the markets the same way.

Because a lot of consumers are anti-consumer too

>Just vote with your wallet

Doesn't really work:

a) you can only "vote" for what's on offer on the market, you hold no power to initiate a change. If companies decided they don't want what you want, chances are you're not getting it.
b) The process is asymmetrical. It doesn't matter how many people chose not to buy something as long as enough people do to make it profitable. As such, something that has a pure negative impact for 95% of the market can still come to pass, and your "voting with your wallet' will do nothing to prevent it.

>They're not anti consumers since they have nothing against you. They don't hate you.

Intent is meaningless is the end result is still pretty much anti-consumer.

>Pro profit also means creating a higher quality product and striving to break limits.

Definitely, but it's a marginal case. There are way more possibilities of turning invisible costs into externalities than there are of pushing the marketedges at any one time.

It's only to allow people from shitpoor countries to buy the games
Amiibo is just shit and if you buy it you should feel like shit
>Paid Online
Literary only on consoles so its hard to say "Why are companies so fucking anti-consumer nowadays" if its only 2 companies doing it.
DLC's are shit, compare things like a DLC to battlefield with say, blood and wine expansion to witcher, and its the same price.
>And now this shit with playstation-pro
Pspro will be a flop and everyone who have half a brain knows that.

desu they'd stop doing it if their fanboys stopped supporting them but like most brands they have a rabid fanbase.

Look at the Apple dipshits. They'll buy anything apple and assume it's the greatest. Several years ago they were incredible impressed that the iphone could copy and paste.

Actually you are a moron here, you didn't ask "What is amiibo" but "Why is amiibo bad" and when everyone here think its shit it looks as if you were disagreeing...

>strong government regulations are needed to keep companies in check.

>amiibos and DLC and charging money for services should be against the law because I need daddy government to protect me from my own consumer stupidity

You and the rest of the retards like you are why we have so many stupid laws and regulations.

Because people let them and rationalise their decisions out of pure fandom.

>Because people let them

>you hold no power to initiate a change
Kickstarter and other initiatives.
>If companies decided they don't want what you want, chances are you're not getting it.
Unless you vote with your wallet and/or create PR nightmare, like with paid mods.
>It doesn't matter how many people chose not to buy something as long as enough people do to make it profitable.
False as corporations take potential income as a loss under the right circumstances. Paid mods is an example again. Steam could have only turned a profit by it. Even with one dollar sale they would've still made a profit. Potential loss from backlash was a bigger consideration.
>Intent is meaningless
It's all about intent. Otherwise revise the question. Why do companies prefer to intrude on consumer rights as part of their policy to increase revenue, rather than entice consumers with better services and products?

The real reason why "vote with your wallet" is irrelavent is because the consumers are a globalized audience comprised of all ages and as such will never ever be unionized and coordinate actions properly and increase awareness

Because you support them while they do this. Not getting a used PS4 until it's hacked.

But you need profits for upgrades, unless you actually countem them in.

>I need daddy government to protect me from my own consumer stupidity
But this is objectively true. Are you some hawkish tea party American?

They've always been anti consumer

Today they have better technology to carry out their fuckery.

What's wrong with PS Pro?

just got blocked from one of the 15 No Man's Sky programmers

I like having the little figurines. Granted the quality could be better, but it's $13, not expecting a masterpiece for that.

anons are being retarded because of a mistranslated quote. The quote was for paying for patches but it was meant for the companies to pay for the 4K patches and not the consumers.

>It's funny how it's always people who don't know what they're talking about who try to teach you your thing.
irony at work.

>he thinks the only thing wrong with the ps pro is that
holy shit sonyggers are real

Well tell us what's wrong with it

What else was there? I haven't been paying attention to the PS4-pro

Because they need to make more money.
Game studios go tits up all the time, games cost the same in retail as they did literally decades ago without adjustments for inflation.

This shit is hidden in literally every product you buy. The materials become shittier, you get less product overall, the craftsmanship is moved to a 3rd world shithole, they withold things that were once included.

It's not anti-consumer, it's capitalism at its finest.

they can't charge consumers for patches

That's not any different than what it was before. Patch deployments have always costed money on PSN/Xbox, and the developers flipped the bill.

Also, they certainly can charge consumers for patches and they will. Developers will tie in a miniscule amount of content to justify the costs of the patch sale. SFV sold a stage a 2 costumes for 25$, do you think other companies aren't above throwing in a few things and then charging you 20$ for a "Pro" version of a game. We're headed to an era of Pro Versions.

SFV can sell those stages because capcom actively supports the FGC.
when is the last time a company like sony did anyone favors?

Sure bud.
Then the guy hire the friend of his friend for "consultations", do some utterly inconsequential shit, split the loot and leave the backers with shit and nothing

so you're just sayin you have no ability to think lmfao. he asked a simple question retard

In twilight princess there's a whole dungeon you can't access without an amiibo.
In breath of the wild wolf link is locked behind an amiibo.
In poken tournament Shadow mewtwo is locked behind a card.

I think it's amiibos are cool little collectibles and they should give you the option of accessing that content digitally but don't tell me they don't lock shit out of games.

Like you had a point there but then you just grabbed at whatever buzzword topics you could even though it's nonsense. DLC is not inherently bad and Amiibos are just toys. They rarely have anything worthwhile locked behind them.

Thing is their not bad they just suffer from bad ideas and problems some games make them mandatory to unlock things, the price is tad much for their quality and stocking issues.

Yeah so you can unlock... Um

And this right here is what I don't get. You can buy an amiibo and unlock nothing special all while getting a neat little physical figurine that you can use on different games but this is somehow bad. Is it just more anti-nintendo shitposting or do people really thing that amiibo is one of the worst things ever done?

well isnt that cute BUT ITS WRONG

every large publisher demands fast turnover in a fast moving market that fits their target audience statistics
they give zero fucks about quality, only making money till the next version is made.

Go to bed Nintentoddler grown ups are talking.