Sony refuse mods on console editions of Skyrim and Fallout

wow thanks sony

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I can care less.

So that means you do care at least a little.

what's the problem? sony knows how stupid it's customers are and all the trouble shooting that will happen is a waste of time and effort

Shit's hilarious.


keep that shit on PC only. console kids should not be allowed near mods

They're likely in panic mode because someone got a 3.55 PS4 to do the usual "Hello World" stunt yesterday. I doubt they want to open the system up any more.

Holy kek, sony just can't stop fucking up.

Sonyfags on suicide watch.


The quality of these mods are gonna be Skyrim steam workshop at best so who cares.


>first now this
On a roll!

Thanks senpai

>Playing any of those two games on console.

Can't believe Sup Forums memed me into thinking the PS4 was better than the Xbone, I could be playing online with my real life friends right now and have console mods but no, I'm alone on PS4 paying for shitty online and getting financially abused by Sony at every corner. I'm so fucking done with this bullshit, fuck you Sony & fuck you Sup Forums, you're always wrong unlike Sup Forums.

>Wont allow Xbox crossplay even though Xbox wants it and Rocket League has it ready to go
>Won't allow mods even after telling Bethesda they would and let them do all the work before saying no
>Raised the price for online
>Charging for updates
Holy shit, they really just don't give a fuck

What happened to Sony overnight? Did they hire Reggie fils-aimé?

PS4 is better than Xbone. That said they're both shit.

Why didn't they shoot it down in the first fucking place then?
They knew mods for Bethesda games were huge and didn't want the xbone to have an edge on them on one of the biggest games of 2015, 4theplayers indeed

so you care a little?


Wow Sony

Good job on that lead my man

Even worse.

They hired Allison Rapp and Zoe Quinn

>Raised the price for online

You were never going to play Fallout 4 or Skyrim on PS4 anyway, or even at all considering that they're Bethesda games

remember that xbone mod limit is 2GB and ps 4 before cancellation was 900mb lmao.

It's going up by $10 a year

Better than nothing. Stop trying to damage control

You faggots said that the PS4 would be better than the X-Box One. Fuck you all!

Wow sony

OH NO!!! Now they have to patch the game themselves!!!

Any particular reason?

Fuck this noise,I'm selling my PS4

Because that would've hurt the sales of all the people buying a PS4 with Fallout 4 for the holidays.
By dragging ass for a whole hear they've already won and this announcement won't matter much because fallout 4 has already sold most of the copies it'll ever sell.
Sony truly are smart Jews.

PS4 is better than Xbone
Microsoft is better than Sony
Steam/PC is both better and worse than two of them.

Does no one remember the clusterfuck that was FO4 mod release for Xbone? People were bitching left and right, blaming modders for not porting their mods that WON'T EVER WORK on consoles, stealing mods, fucking up their consoles by installing shit they shouldn't and a bunch of other shit.

Nips being out of touch yet again.

>this much fucking damage control
sonyggers, everyone.

They're going to increase the limit to 10

Sony doesn't give a fuck. They have 40 million sales and climbing. You think people will stop buying playstations because of no modding?

because they can and neofags will eat it up.
lmao even wii u had free multi

This, it's not a bad thing for Sony to prevent mod support when they saw the backlash from xbone bullshit.

It is better, but that doesn't change the fact that you're immensely stupid for not buying the console all your friends have. That's half the fucking point of buying consoles.

Because you'll keep paying

gotta get those free games out to people somehow

So why does Sup Forums like the playstation better than the xbox again?

What the fuck are Sony doing this week? Are they trying to tank on purpose?

still no ultra hd textures tho. xbone just cant do it, maybe scorpio will. it also has no console commands and extended scripts right?

They're shills

That is hilarious.

But it is ultimatelly the best decision.

Most homebrew modifications of consoles comes from weird interactions betwhen game and console firmware. By making users able to mod games, it doesnt take much for one make a mod that fucks up and rewrite the firmware of the ps4

That is why beth wouldnt release any form of script extender. A security breach of the console is much, much worse in beths hands than you might imagine.

Have you actually played or even seen them on xbox? They're above decent.

sony is based. they are killing this industry. good.

They already won so now they're just experimenting to see how far they can jew people out without significantly hurting their sales.

Also, what this guy said
Sony is currently tanking money right now, with their film, TV, and phone arms doing really poorly. However, along with their insurance arm, their Playstation arm is doing really well, so they're trying to cover their losses as best as they can, so they're going to start making their customers fork over more money.

PS4 > Xbone
Xbone S > PS4 Slim
Scorpio > Neo

Sony's on a fucking roll.

I knew you would come back user. Come on let's install some mods and later we can play RDR.

Because fuck you give me money

Dick move by Sony not allowing it, stupid move by Bethesda not getting approval before promising it.

I bet they'll defend them by saying only poorfags are upset by this. Literal goys.

I didn't get a PS4 yet, that's one of the reasons why and now it's even worse. I'm thinking of getting a Pro once my weeb games get localized.

Like 7 million people bought fo4 on ps4 and the only reason the chose the ps4 version was for the mod promise, sony fucked their customers hard on this one

So glad I never bought a PS4.
This "4 the players" shit has become some sort of ironic joke they are perpetuating.

The losses of Ghostbusters have to be covered.

It's just the reverse of last gen where microsoft started gaming oriented and ended with a bunch of anti consumer bullshit

This is the saltiest picture I've ever seen
Imagine being this much of a bitter console baby

Arrogant Sony is back. The cycle continues.

I'd wager this is all because of sex mods and Sony are afraid of the backlash

Even in death, Harambe ruins everything.

They have money to spend off of Jack and Jill.


It's actually normalized a lot, there are like 5000 mods for the xbone version of fo4, like 1/3 of the nexus mods, and the xkiddies were culled from nexus already no one gives a fuck anymore


I can't wait for another FIVE HUNDRED AND NINETY NINE US DOLLARS situation in the future



I thought Sony was about being the more open ended freedom loving console?

Is project scorpio supposed to be a new gen of console or is it just an upgraded xbox one?



This is going to be the generation that people look back at and wonder how the fuck the PS4 outsold the Xbox.

How does Sony keep fucking up this bad

Xbox is back baby

I was really bummed that the PS4 Pro 1337 Gaymur Edition wasn't $599

I don't get them. Why not fire literally everybody except the Playstation department? Any /biz/bro around to enlighten me?

Only for indieshit developers so they have an endless fountain of bottom barrel garbage to give out on PS+ to save money on licensing.

That's it I'm selling my ps4 and get a xbone


I'm pissed because something that was never promised or even hinted at was not included.

I'm pissed because the games I bought aren't good without mods


They knew shitty Bethesda tools are buggy as fuck and could potentially have an exploit that would lead to blowing the PS4 wide open. Their only current cash cow.

They played it smart.

>buying bethesda's games on consoles
You silly sausage.

You can't just lay off thousands of employees. Also they probably still see space for them in those industries so they just treat the recent years as recoverable mistakes.

>You bought an Xbox 1
>You bought a WiiU
>You buillt a PC
>You didn't buy a PS4

so sony will be issuing refund then?

it just keeps tumbling down

Lets be super fucking honest: did ANYONE think Sony would go through with this 100%? This is the company that killed Linux on the PS3 (which didn't even have full kernel access) because a barebones theme mod could be used with it, tried to subpoena people who WATCHED a Youtube video detailing a specific hack, alongside trying to make the hacker into a copyright example federally

Sony has demonstrated that they hate the idea of people doing ANYTHING with their vidya shit they don't have full oversight over, and will use every legal loophole to showcase dominance, which is why Lik-Sang no longer exists. To them, mod support is just an internalized challege for hackers to break the system open using something that could be as generic as a monster replacer, which they'll never take a chance with

This is the strategy even if it means them getting clowned PR-wise, Sony doesn't give a shit, they're still trying to ride the "we're not the XB1" mantra that's been continuously-losing steam since launch, while using their exclusives as bait, despite the fact these exclusives are either collecting dust, getting unneeded HD remasters instead of sequels, or are just the most ho-hum transitions to the next-gen ever

Dude the e3 thqt fallout 4 was announced mods on consoles was a huge talking point

>>buying bethesda's games
just wow.

Didn't someone made a Hello world on ps4?

Vita got blown wide open, I really think they are paranoid as fuck now.

I'm a convert after today, I will not longer defend Sony. Just waiting for the Scorpio.