DOOM has been cracked and is available on P2P networks, what does it mean for Denuvo?

DOOM has been cracked and is available on P2P networks, what does it mean for Denuvo?

>piracy is over this time!

A shit game that's already 19.99 brand new is free for a trash player community now.

Game sucked anyway.

nothing. denuvo its job and prevent this game from being pirated for a few months.

as long as denuvo can prevent piracy for even ~3-4 weeks it's worth it for hyped AAA games.

the inside crack was significantly more damaging however, and makes it a far less attractive option for smaller games.

>cracked months later

we win guyz :) hahaha deadnuvo, amirite 111^^^^

It took months this time around, but they learned from the experience and next time it will take one month, and after that it will take two weeks and so on. with time and experience the delay between release and crack will diminish. this is how all DRMs in history were.

>denuvo is not cracked

>denuvo is cracked
>B-b-but the point is to prevent piracy for a few weeks!

Being a cuck for a DRM is the lowest form of faggotry and watching you corperate cocksuckers backpedal is amusing.

doom 2016 had the latest version of denuvo. lmao dude sex asshole divided here we come.

>it's worth it for hyped AAA games
Again, the idiots who pre-order or buy ''AAA´´ games are going to do it DRM or not. There won't be a big difference in sales.

>trash player community
We got a tough moralfaggot here

Denuvo won because it ensured the initial sales' window.
The publisher won because it got real sales data
Gamers won because they'll be able to play the game even if Denuvo and Bethesda go belly up.
Pirates won because they'll be able to play the game.

Hey, they already got their sales, Denuvo did its job.

DRM isn't meant to be utterly uncrackable. As long as it holds for a couple weeks or a month. It's already done its job.

To be fair Doom was actually a good shooter that delivered on what it set out to be by and large.

I heard the pirate version only works for the first level is this true?

Where? Where can you pirate anymore?


until there's some indication that patching out hand-placed triggers can be automated, cracking will still require a bit of time - say, 2 weekends of time (these guys are doing this for free and probably have jobs and lives).

Assuming a game comes out on a Tuesday that still provides a 2 week sales window.

that said, we're still not sure exactly how cpy are doing their cracks - if they're using a similar cpuid bypass as the one that was documented by painter, then that could get patched out and we'll have another few months of waiting for a new exploit to be found.

nope. plays well.

the first month is the most meaningful for sales of a triple A game, Denuvo did what it was supposed to do for 4 months

Wrong, the delay between cracks is actually holding pretty well with Denuvo.
Deus Ex MD hasn't been cracked yet and will take quite some time.

it means it will get updated

just like it was updated after tomb raider huh?

>until there's some indication that patching out hand-placed triggers can be automated
Remember AssCreed2? it too had triggers and choicepoints where it had to call to its online DRM. eventually a full bypass was made. Remember StarForce?

I am not saying Deus Ex MD is right around the corner. what I am saying is that slowly but surely they understand of how Denuvo works, the more time they learn the deeper the understanding and the more easier it will be to crack future games and harder for Denuvo to do a preventative patch.

lmao I remember asscreed 2, pirates literally made a server emulator. clever.

Wasn't there a game protected by securom that took months to crack?

Where's securom now?

that was the first two or three weeks, I am talking about what happened afterwards.

yeah, sure, at some point in the future a fully automated solution might exist. hell, they might even learn to strip the drm out completely.

however, at this point, it's best to remain cautious esp since there's literally 1 scene group that's releasing anything. hopefully the stuff painter documented online will get other scene groups in on the action as well since he's basically reduced it to trigger hunting.

but yeah, denuvo have demonstrated they're willing to adapt and chances are they'll keep patching holes as long as they can.

TR crack came out well after doom had been released - denuvo can't go back in time and patch exploits they didn't know about.

Hopefully they'll be quicker with Watch Dogs 2. I need the memes.

so dude sex is vulnerable? lmao that is the only game with denuvo I care about.

yes it is. the painter video documented the cpuid (+ other fingerprinting) bypass is demonstrated on deus ex. he doesn't care about videogames though (he's primarily known for his work with adobe apps) so he's not going to manually patch all the triggers, but to demonstrate he did get the game to load into the dubai mission. it's just a matter of time.


>denuvo have demonstrated they're willing to adapt and chances are they'll keep patching holes as long as they can.
problem is that its hard to do, once the basic "engine" is compromised its hard to patch it without reworking it (which is expensive) so its just a matter of time.

>19.99 brand new

>buy a doom game
>get serious sam on mars
I fucking love Denuvo, every single game that uses it is shit for some reason and since I'm a principled autist I refuse to buy games with intrusive DRM

That's an insult to serious sam. I don't think Croteam ever thought it was a good idea to implement game-interrupting finishers, let along give you the option to turn the eye cancer indicators off but leave the enemies as staggering bullet sponges

>game-interrupting finishers
you're right it is an insult to serious sam
I apologize

>brutal doom was the way doom was meant to be played! ID didn't do it because of technological limitations!

who are you quoting?

>who are you quoting?

Oh I see you're just shitposting

>55GB blunder
>no can do