You bought a ps4

>you bought a ps4


oh sweet, I love me some steamy meemies

Got one at launch. Slow as fuck start but it has become a great console. Just pre-ordered my pro yesterday. Feels good man.

I've purchased dozens of games for the PS4, but there are only a small handful of good ones. Mostly mult-plats with the exception of Disgaea 5 and...that's it.

not yet, but I will,
I mean $399 for 60fps 1080p games is a steal

The ps4 already does that. The pro is 4k and 60fps in all games.

>"Can you grief other players?"
>A little bit

What did he mean by this?

Really? That's awesome. I'm going to pick one up for Holiday 2016. 4k and 60fps is better than my rig, that's a steal.

>Sup Forums console wars

don't you guys have any shame?

>He doesn't know

Huh, so this is the power of thinking...

Really makes you whoa

i have never played disgaea but i love jrpgs. would i be lost if i picked up your pic? Or should i grab disgaea on steam first?

Waiting for Nioh and Persona 5

Where do you think we are.
Sup Forums always had some degree of banter.
go to neofag or reddit


You can play the main numbered Disgaea games whenever you like. The stories are unconnected or what connections they have are relatively unimportant to the individual game.

All of them are worth playing, and you might have some trouble accomodating the older mechanics if you start with the newer games and end up wanting to play the older ones, but if you don't intend to go through all of them, feel free to jump straight into 5.

5 is a fantastic game FYI. Well, I'd say they all are, but 5 is my favourite.

Who the hell starts this threads?
Deluded Nintendo fans? Falseflaggers?

Just leave the board.
Been a month since I've been on here, I come back and see this shit everywhere no discussion or anything. And this shithole acts like Reddit is worse.

Just leave and find another place.
You are not missing anything.

I'm actually a ps4 owner. We got cucked, brother.

i did and it feels good

He meant that the player will experience grief once they figure out they spent 60 dollars for a game thats only purpose is to take screenshots and make wallpapers.

>all those multiplats

>forcing yourself to like shitty games

there are atleast 10 exclusives in the pic.
most of the games in the pic have the best version on PS4 with like 1 exception

>I can't play these games on my Petition Computer so they must suck

A game that doesn't run at 3840x2160 60fps+,
it's not worth playing.

>listing games more than once



>you didnt buy a ps4

and how many of them are actually out?

it's meant to show how PS4 games can look more impressive than PC games.