There are a bunch of Legion threads
All i want to know is, does WoW still feel like a singleplayer ? Are the cinematic Quests singleplayer-ish ? is there any feeling of community ?
There are a bunch of Legion threads
All i want to know is, does WoW still feel like a singleplayer ? Are the cinematic Quests singleplayer-ish ? is there any feeling of community ?
>All i want to know is, does WoW still feel like a singleplayer ?
Mostly, but elite world quests require you to find a group and mythic dungeons can't be done through the dungeon finder, so you need to do them with your guild or find a premade through the LFG tool. I've actually seen people spamming general with LFG/LFM requests, which isn't something I've seen much of since BC/Wrath.
>elite world quests require you to find a group
kek, not if you're a prot pally
>does WoW still feel like a singleplaye
Now more than ever. Everything tends to be instanced around you.
>Are the cinematic Quests singleplayer-ish
>is there any feeling of community
Ha ha, no.
The game is all around better, but the grind is ridiculous. Suramar's rep chain is insane for having so many quests that give 0 rep.
i thought about getting into it.. but i hate the fact that its a Massively Singleplayer Online game
>does WoW still feel like a singleplayer ?
They added a channel system like all the MMORPGs, just 5 years late and you can't control it, so you'll meet less players than ever.
Also level scaling, because gamers like us like Skyrim.
You can't go more single player than WoW.
>Also level scaling, because gamers like us like Skyrim.
What on earth are you babbling about?
Obvious irony. Do you have aspergers or something?
it's basically TOR tier by now, cinematic single player story quests to level so you can go back to grinding in the end game
It's a single player game until you're geared enough for mythic dungeons and raids. Then you HAVE to communicate because there's no LFG tool for Mythic and they're actually sorta challenging.
The community feeling died when they merged servers. You need a guild for that feeling, but there's really no reason to interact with other people before mythic dungeons and raids.
Not to mention that class hall stories and profession quests require dungeons to continue. My main is a blacksmith and I can't learn to make demonsteel until I do a specific dungeon. As I tend to play the game entirely singleplayer I'm pretty much cut off at that point.
Though I may just take a dive and look for a guild to join to do some dungeons. Don't give a shit about hitting "end game" in WoW as I just play it casually, but I would like to at least finish the class hall story.
Or you could just use LFG so you don't have to say a single word and can pretend that the other players are NPCs.
Again, the casuals don't care about it, right?
I mean, AFIK a big chunk of WoW players just subscribe for 2 months, ride the LFR attraction and quit. They'll burn these players with the new artifact mechanics tho.
That's true. I don't mind joining guilds as chatting with people is fun but I tend not to play WoW for very long before dropping the game again.
Also I'm playing a blood DK, so I have a feeling I have to know the dungeon a bit better than "spam deeps" would need to. Unless normal dungeons are just as easy as questing.
They either don't care or they're going to get their shit handed to them when they try. That is, until LFR is out and they can outgear mythic within a few weeks.
Why do you care, though? Other people being bad at the game won't affect your experience, just join a reputable guild.
>Other people being bad at the game won't affect your experience
It does when Blizzard tunes and balance the game around them.
they made it so mobs are no longer individually tagged, so you there's no penalty for helping others out out in the world. even if its not captive audience 'I PLAY A HEALER SO YOU HAVE TO BE NICE TO ME' which is the 'community' Sup Forums wants, its there
Isn't that the whole point of the multiple difficulty levels for dungeons & raids?
Rude, get some vagina maybe it helps.
Protection paladin or resto shaman
tfw blizzard ruined brewmaster
>telling others to "get sex"
So, you are an apie and a redditor? That's beyond sad.
They really don't, they just add tourist EZmodes. Mythic content is just as hard as any old raid content without as much bullshit. That's why there's now also Mythic+, because they're trying to add difficulties for everyone.
However it's true that by adding EZmodes in the first place, they kinda ruined the feeling of accomplishment that came with even getting INTO some raids. Less than 1% of Vanilla players even entering Naxx was a little ridiculous, but now literally anyone can see all raid content without trying. Something like Sunwell was perfect.
Normal dungeons can be facerolled, heroics don't feel very heroic. Mythic dungeons are the new heroics. Then there's Mythic+ because it wasn't confusing enough yet.
You kids these days have retarded replies, you think you can write any meaningless shit and it's ok - that's an counter-argument or a proper insult...
In this case it's safe to assume that you're an outsider here.
Meh, I just sold my account. I'm not having fun.
To be honest, Legion feels like a huge lack of content that was masked behind ridiculously long gates.
>The entire Suramar rep/chain
>The artifact power asinine grind
>24-36 hour long missions that reward absolutely nothing
>Emissary boxes with a near 100% chance to drop gold/resources
>World Quests are literally quests you've already done and rares you've already killed
>The artifact research power takes 4 days a piece
>Your class hall upgrades (the last 3 tiers alone) literally take a month
>Upon hitting 110, you're forced to do your class quest which is done through the mission table and is done in missions that take 10 hours a piece (there's two sets of these by the way)
>Even for the hardest mobs for world quests, all you have to do is tag it if another group is on it
World Quests are a cool concept but they feel completely unrewarding to anyone that's 830+. Hell, most of the gearing process at 110 starting out is through world quests.
Let's talk about the fucking disaster that is PvP though, The templates are piss poorly thought out and designed, melee damage is ridiculous and out of control and balance is non-existent. Giving everyone baseline stats was a huge mistake and now they have no idea how to fix it.
How does Holinka honestly still have a job? Anyways, I hope you all have fun lads. I'm out though. I firmly believe that this will be a WoD 2.0 but people are just hyped up right now because it's fresh and new. After people realize that world quests get stale quickly and all there is to do is grind AP for your weapon, I'm predicting 3-4 million subs at the end of Legion.
>you can write any meaningless shit and it's ok - that's an counter-argument or a proper insult
The best part is that you can't understand irony.
Level scaling bugged me at first and I didn't appreciate my enemies growing stronger with me until I realized why they did it. It's to keep all regions relevant content wise so they could proliferate world quests as active content in an effort to never go back to the garrison-style way of WoW again.
>Emissary Quest today is to complete 4 warden's quests
>Only 3 warden's quests are available
World quests are primarily for rep.
If they released all the content without gating you'd be whining that there's nothing to do.
What should i name my nightelf monk? EU doesn't have the random button
The reason companies do gating isn't because "oh players will finish it all too quickly". They do it because there's a lack of things to do and it masks the fact.
Appeasing the casuals and ruining the genre? Yes, that's the point for my disgust at Blizzard.
Indeed, vanilla mechanics and itemization was all over the place and TBC did a better job. Again, the casual players were stuck in BT or early raids and they keep playing to clear the new content. Nowadays they "ride" the new raid/dungeon and quit after a month. Is like Blizzard hates having to pay servers for 10 million players.
Questing is still very much "single-player" feeling. You can group up with friends though, regardless of their level, since the new expansion zones automatically scale to your level (so you at level 101 will see mobs at level 101, but your friend in your group who is level 108, will see mobs at level 108).
You'll probably get a greater sense of "community" on an RP server if anything. Everything else on the high-pop realms is basically dedicated raiding guilds.
You're just as retarded. You should both kys so we can talk about the game in peace.
This is the first expansions I've played where I have a job and can only play a few hours each night. Within a week the majority of my NEET friends were complaining that they'd finished everything.
Gating actually makes sense. It's either that, or hide rewards behind either complete RNG or behind ridiculous grinds. You either fuck NEETs, or you fuck the employed. And I'm willing to bet there's more people with jobs playing WoW.
Mythic is just the new term for Heroics.
Mythic+ is supposedly the pinnacle of difficulty or some shit.
Even then, if you're a normie with a job, you can just download the companion app and hit the class hall missions that give you the experience tokens via that.
>is unfair that people with more free time than me have better gear at MMOs
No user, you are the cancers.
For WoW the majority of players aren't hardcore 24/7 raiders but the people first and loudest to whine of lack of content are these people. Those that burn through raids, quests, dailies and every secret they can within the first weeks.
And previous WoW expansions, like WoD especially, had their content consumed almost instantly.
Never said it was unfair, just a decision that makes sense. Blizz is clinging on to what players they have left. It's not hard to imagine that most of those are kids who grew up with WoW and are now working adults, so it makes sense that Blizz would try and keep them in line with the people who live with their parents.
I don't play religiously or raid like a motherfucker. I also don't care about the top tier best of the best highest-ilvl-available gear that comes from Raids and shit.
The thing I mainly have an issue with is that the denouements of expansion storylines are usually kept behind the raids. So if you just play casually, but love the lore and are genuinely interested in the storyline, you're basically relegated to hoping to get carried in LFR or watching shit on youtube.
Maybe Blizz should just start giving the hardcore raider crowd a bunch of busywork.
Like having to farm up a shitload of things in order to access the next raid boss or some other BS. Something to keep them occupied and slow them down so they're not gobbling the content up in under a week.
Class Hall EXP tokens are a joke. Never bother with them.
OR disc pries
You are still "the chosen one" #9392312309 which is game killer for me.
They're a decent substitute if you basically don't play on the days you work. It's not the same as sitting down and leveling, but it's -something- to progress your character in the meantime.
you actually think this? The people who play WoW are all literally 12 year olds, That's why the game keeps getting more and more simplistic and dumbed down
Within the next couple expansions the game is gonna be played on iPads by 5 year-olds, that's blizzards goal
Well, then I kinda agree with you. Blizzard made a lot of bad decisions, ruined the game and lost 2/3 of their playerbase, so better try to keep that 1/3 at least.
>love the lore and are genuinely interested in the storyline
Consider suicide.
I was 22 when WoW was released, had a job and still managed to clear AQ40 until twin emperors and get my shit recked in Nax.
What's your excuse to be a casual now, "current year"?
>adding completely arbitrary walls behind progression because you were too lazy to produce content is somehow okay
>literally milking casuals for extra playtime knowing they will finish the grind at sluggish pace
>people are blaming the players for "rushing through content" instead of blizzard putting out another half assed expansion
and what content is there? level through your zones and then redo them at 110 to grind ap while you wait actual days for research. you can get mythic geared in a day of being 110. there are so few mechanic changes in dungeon difficulties, it's appalling. class halls have the longest waiting times since warframe and people defend it.
Well, maybe after 2 or 3 weeks of "wait 24 hours" phone apps they'll realize there is no content.
How bad are you that you can't even play lfr ?
It's literally easier than dungeons.
theres already nothing to do, grinding the same things everyday, forced everyday, is hardly a content
>adding completely arbitrary walls behind progression because you were too lazy to produce content is somehow okay
WoW has done this since the first day it fucking launched.
>literally milking casuals for extra playtime knowing they will finish the grind at sluggish pace
They make more money off of them than you. WoW isn't for the hardcore, you should have realized this the moment they shaved off half your class abilities. Go play the final fantasy MMO if you want something that isn't blatant casualware.
>people are blaming the players for "rushing through content" instead of blizzard putting out another half assed expansion
It's has and always will be easier to play through shit than create it.
>and what content is there?
It's out there. Not all world quests are repeats but I do agree that there are too many of those. Grinding AP is no different than grinding back in vanilla for better materials to obtain better gear or even grinding experience in general since your weapon is effectively your true strength progression in this expansion.
The lack of new mechanics in mythics is pretty retarded, I agree.
Would you pay an extra 10 shekels to end the grind in your class hall like Warframe?
Stormhiem >= Highmountain > Val'Sharah > Azsuna
>Good at all
Fucking zone draaaaaaaags
Literally backwards
What do you mean ruined Brewmaster?
Is it that bad? In the seen a lot of Mistweavers complaining.
Are monks fucked yet another expansion?
reminder that all this grinding is what you will do for the next half a year
>10 years of Alpha/Beta feedback on Hunters
>3 days before launch blue post about how people are feeling about the class
>forum dies because everyone who has a Hunter also has a complaint about what they did to Hunters
>2 weeks later "fix" Barrage's animation by making it harder to tell if you're accidentally pulling something
Whenever there is even a little hope, that one fag on the dev team who got stomped by a BM back in MoP is still angry and fucks the class up more. There is no way any dev could be playing a Hunter right now because they would actually have realized how bad the situation is. No one in their right mind would make RNG the core mechanic of a spec unless they actually hated everyone who plays it. No one in their right mind would create an Agility melee spec with 0 mobility outside of a 3 minute cooldown. I don't even mind SV being melee now, but the change comes at a time when the brand new Agility melee Demon Hunters are the hot new class.
Can someone tell me the current state of warlocks hunters and rogues?
Cant decide what to main and since spring will be kinda hard I'd rather focus on one character.
Which is the better tank class, prot warrior or paladin?
>hunters are shit
You fags wanted vanilla, right?
your fat mom
post more female Draenei
Beats grinding levels and scholo, nostkek
lol, so out of words that you had to help yourself with nost?
Monk or Rogue Sup Forums ?
Monks aside from windwalkers are shit now, right?
>that feel when you end up with a boner by the time you're done reading someone's MRP
>Also level scaling, because gamers like us like Skyrim.
Leveling is an error in MMORPG design that'll eventually be bred out entirely.
I wanted MoP Hunters back, with some buffs to MM to make it viable.
If you answer my question I will.
From the perspective of a tank who has ran mythics and keeps an eye on recount.
Warlocks are hot steaming garbage. I frequently out damage them and any class I out damage immediately voids their usefulness. Every spec so far has had very lacking damage.
Rogues are doing pretty well. Haven't had any dip beneath me in DPS or fuck up mechanics. Main the rogue.
The monk DPS spec is second to none.
Warlocks are underperforming shit, Hunters are only decent as BM and Survival, and Outlaw is a meme
Do you ERP and are you on US servers
You could've gone to the general, but no, you had to fucking make another shilling thread.
Yeah, I can't wait for devs to get rid of these disgusting RPG parts and keep removing the MMO elements.
Then at last I could play my single player phone game alone.
There wasn't a class in vanilla Hunters couldn't solo.
Thanks for that I'll go with the rogue then.
How are hunters or windwalkers doing though? Are you a warrior tank?
I'm actually liking the gearing process and end-game questing more than other expansions. I get to pick which quests I want to do for rewards, the pace to gain rep is good with the 2-3 day rep boxes and the class hall campaign for my class has been fun. I don't feel too pressured in the gear race, currently 830 from just doing quests, a few heroics and might even go on to try mythics.
I like the lore for the most part, the zones are great and so are the little easter-eggs. Treasures and rares are fun, among interactions with the environment (including hidden puzzles and mount drops).
I think Azsuna is my favorite zone so far, followed by Stormheim.
>Dying to a Hunter in vanilla
The deadzone existed for a reason.
Demon Hunter tank. Windwalkers do good damage. I don't see hunters often enough to know how well they are but the few I've ran with weren't spectacular.
I generally judge other DPS more lightly if there's a demon hunter DPS running with us. They're overtuned as fuck right now and almost always do about 40% of the total damage.
Oh, so you never played vanilla? Ok.
Sounds like I just played it better than you.
Warlocks I figured it would be like that, tried a bit of Destro and was very disappointed.
Hunters situation is very sad as BM is currently the worst spec in terms of fun to play. Survival is kinda okay but why play it when a monk would do everything much better.
Guess I'll check out my shaman... oh right.
With a hunter? Dude, don't do this to my sides.
Brewmaster feels pretty squishy, unless you got 14+ traits on your artifact + a sufficient heal in dungeons.
BUt they'd still lose out to other tanking specs.
For rogue anything goes, Outlaw being really RNG-based with Roll the Bones, Sublety being very reliant on stealth and Shadowdance.
As for Assasination I've got no clue, never played that spec.
Thank you for that. Might as well go rogue or monk then. There are not a lot of hunters because they are quite boring now unfortunately.
Did you perhaps encounter a Mistweaver monk? Do you know how they perform?
Resto shaman is the best healing spec on par with resto druid
Help me decide a new name please.
My buddy who I run dungeons with is a mistweaver. He frequently complains about his heals but the only time we ever really wipe is when the DPS we pug fuck up a mechanic or stand in the fire. I'd say they do just fine. The only real issue with monks are Brewmasters. They solo things just fine but in a tank setting they are an inferior Vengeance in every way imaginable. I think the stagger mechanic just needs to be shelved.
Seems like Blizzard fucked up all of my favorite classes.
I did the artifact quest on my rogue that was ilvl 715 and the Outlaw one was extremely hard. It almost reminded me that shitty Klaxxi zone in MoP where I had to eat after every mob. Shit was painful.
Is normal questing also that hard as a rogue now? I thought the heal would help but those mobs didn't give a shit.
Help me decide a new name please.
I'll fite u m8
>Wanted to be brewmaster
>It's low tier in comparison to other tanks
Prot warriors are insanely good right now.
Nikubenchi the retarded drone.