Bioware is back

Bioware is back

they sure are.

and worse than ever

only Sup Forums would judge an entire company based on a 3 second animation

Is that supposed to be like those old looney tunes cartoons where the character runs so fast when they turn they skid some on one foot?

To be completely honest, THIS IS BIOWARE.

Have you forgotten their last 10 odd years of trash?

OP cut the clip before she runs off a ledge and stands in mid air a few seconds before looking down and falling

>get one of the best engines on the market
>still produce a mediocre looking game

Fucking bioware.


we can judge the animation though
it's gonna be exactly like those 3 seconds

>Just spent the last 5 minutes trying to understand why they raised their left foot like that
>Realizing I just spent 5 minutes trying to understand a Bioware animation

what the fuck is it with Bioware and shitty animations? were they always like this?

its like they never left

DAO and ME until 2 was at least alright, But it looks like any good animation artist have already left the studio

It's fairly likely the mocap lady tripped and they left it in because it adds "character."



They were probably going for a cute sort of effect with that?

Yeah, I cringed too.

What the fuck happened to these guys...

dont say "lady"
its just a baseless constrictor put down by society

Asari are literally space whores. Milking any alien for semen to make more Asari.

Bioware is gonna make them the SJW girl power i bet you anything.

we need more bioware model with realistic tit positions

I completely forgot about this, holy shit.

There's a ledge, I assume she's supposed to be getting tripped up by it. Maybe they forgot to mocap the scene with a ledge.

I want to snuggle that otter.

i'd be okay with this


what the fuq

if he had a cock she could tittyfuck himself

>based on a 3 second animation

most of bioware's animation will be EXACTLY like this

so yeah, it's okay to judge an entire company for their absolutely horrendous mocapshit animation


They have the worst animators. Even I could do it better.

Someone post the TORTANIC one please.

make a webm of the next scene where shes just running at the camera with the fucking most ridiculous running animation I've ever seen


Bioware business as usual


Did... Did she intentionally aggro that sentinel? She waved in its face like "here I am!"

god are you kidding me? not only is the animation terrible, the people doing the mocap in Bioware games move like gayer versions of the putties from power rangers

>What the fuck happened to these guys...

EA, ,Feminism and SJWism. Mix those 3 and you can kill anything.

To this day, I could not make sense of that character at all. Her dialogue felt completely incoherent and like she was babbling the entire time. Combined with her troglodyte face, saggy tits and awful animation, I can only presume that she's some sort of demon.

>normies will buy this trash
>review sites will praise it as goty

red ending already?



Poor sad white male. If it was a guy instead, you would think he was fun.

How the fuck can they so consistently do shitty animations?

This man is employed by white people

>dat arm snapping
Did this game do anything right?

It's the nu-bioware team.
They fail at everything.

Everyone with talent left and they hired women to meet the quota

They're Canadians and Canada is a hell hole filled with SJWs that they export to every country they can utilizing the meme that Canadians are anything but a nation of spiteful, hateful, horrible people.

Rest assured behind every crazy American social liberal there is a Canadian.

What the fuck is going on. He literally hates white people.


Quick, I gotta go to Canada and do something.

DESU the animation wasn't the only bad thing in that trailer

>char models worse than ME2
>tacky star trek design of the alien base
>le u dont have le 4k monitor? then buy it you stupid pleb!!!11

>it's OK when CDPR does it

>tfw a brand new blunder to witness for the next year

They're off to strong start too.

Nice to know that animator is not only working at Bethesda. Must be raking in the moolah.

this is like some reverse hitler shit holy fuck
>white people: "all races are created equal"
>pajeet mc cuckistan: "nonononono, you white people are so much better than any other race"
>white people: "oh, uh, if you say so"
>pajeet mc cuckistan: "FUCK YOU YOU PRIVILEGED CIS WHITE SCUM KILL ALL WHITES" [sound of poo squeezing out from his ass angrily]

Does what? Witcher has top tier animations m8

>Games comes out in ~6 months

eeeeh, they're just okay

pure mocap will always be shit


is he a fucking alien villain? he wants to be a reaper but in fact he's just a pooper from the planet DSG-SHTSTR

When they do it, it's rare and funny. I'm more likely to forgive when the rest of the game is beautiful, but Bioware games get fuglier as time goes on.

They SPECIFICALLY CHOSE to show us this animation, they're fucking proud of it and you know it.

who are you quoting?

Oh look the CDPR defense force is already here.


>literally confirming the bias that it's OK when CDPR does it

Ok so
When has Bioware games had good animation to begin with?

Someone has this shani reaction webm?
I just love how real and funny it looks.

That's what really gets me. They think that this shit was good enough to show and get people hyped for their game. Fucking shameful.

it's shit as always

Canadian here, fuck you faggot don't blame us for nusa

>it was shit before so it's okay

>ps4bro débâcle
>mass effect 4
it looks great indeed

My fetishes are saggy tits and anal.

When will Yokkora do a Bioware doujin?

People are implying it was once better

Are otters the cutest animals alive?


Thank the Lord I didn't enjoy DA:O and stopped right there.

Bioware hasn't made a game I enjoyed big time since the first Mass Effect. 2 killed the series for me, so 3 twisting the knife did nothing to me at all. Dragon Age 1 was so fucking cliche and uninspired fantasy, I dropped it in the middle.

Beauty is a Eurocentric social construct

>literally confirming the bias that it's OK when CDPR does it
Well, yeah. That is what I said. The witcher usually has pretty nice animation, models, textures, etc.. Something egregiously bad is out of the norm.

whereas Bioware is known for being fuckups in regards to models and animations.

How is this difficult for you to grasp?

Hahahahahah what the fuck is that jump holy shit what is that what the actual fuck? Did they make some random interns do the animations for cutscenes?

>Shitposting on Sup Forums

I've never understood this, it's like feeling tough for taking a small shit on a pile of shit.

wtf is wrong with this faggot? Id fire this guy instantly. Companies and their members have to shut the fuck up.

>tfw like the witcher
>tfw hate ciri

How big of a role does she play in 3? I can't stand her she's like an anime character compared to everyone else

>Milking any alien for semen to make more Asari
I thought Asari just mind fucked you so their baby had the "father's" traits, no semen involved.

what shani webm

They're more implying that it never improves. Generally speaking, things should get better over time. People have complained about Bioware models/animations for years so they should have upped their game somehow.

They deserve the criticism they get about it even if they've always been shit.

Legit laughed out loud famalam.

Mind semen.

I could never finish DAO, the story is decent but the deep anal dungeons of grind are just the worst.

This is what happens when you employ women to work on video games.

All the animation artists that actually know about physics and anatomy left so all they have is liberal art majors who animate how the feel the body should move.

Nice ass though

Man I don't have it but it's cute. She is going like "what? pffttt"

They don't sell their games with their animations

>labeled pre-alpha gameplay
>it's not gameplay

Why is this allowed?

>All the animation artists
they use mocap, their animation director and actors suck simple as that

cute and dangerous

You're right, somehow they copy the dad's DNA with their brains and make a kid with it.

Ciri is literally Lara Croft in TW3, not enough suffering on her part.

She plays a bigger role that the sun does for us.