(not really night yet but w/e)

Other urls found in this thread:


First for PTSD when playing shooters

OP a huge faggot
he even says how much of a faggot he is

nothing. there's nothing fun to play anymore. will probably check out the terraria update if it comes out today
GoT, it's the only thing mildly interesting
I won't anymore, I cry every time I finish
Like shit
I'm just waiting for time to pass, doing nothing

It's Saturday

its so fucking early its probably still thursday somewhere

in what world?

Stranger Things
Renai Circulation (Payload Parody)
This thread
What am I, a fat cuck ?
CD, Trap,etc

Full Normie Tier

Maybe some Second Sight
Planning on Children of men
Shitty kickstarters
Chips and cold gravy
Pineapple juice
Like shit

> can confirm sadly

Everyone have a nice Friday, my dudes.

Witcher 3 and Spelunky.
Instructor currently. Don't Breathe hopefully soon. Gonna watch new Jojo with my buddies tomorrow.
Sustainability notes
Hopefully something. There's a cute grandma on campus that sells soups.
Okay. I think I have a new waifu, but I'm not super optimistic.

im so sorry ausbro

Attack on Titan. The grind for the epilogue missions is fucking retarded. If I wasn't a fan of this series already I would have dropped this shit a while ago but as it is I'm having fun
Podcasts n shit
I keep trying to read Thief in the Night and later Ready Player One but shit keeps getting in the way
Leftover fried chicken
Struggling to get into a routine. My current schedule of classes means I have shit due every day and if I only do stuff due tomorrow this semester is going to be fucking miserable

Random weeb music
Book: "Foundation" series by Isaac Asimov
VN: Labyrinth of Grisaia
Salted Peanuts
Nah, tomorrow maybe
It's Friday and I just got home from work, yet I still feel down and not excited at all. The weekend will pointlessly pass by, once again, and then it's Monday again. I guess it's just that I have nothing to look forward to.

> dont breathe
Online it downloaded?

Ive been looking for a dl but fucked if I could find a good one.

Shit happens. Its neally (sunday) here.


Grim Dawn
Space stuff
Bit tired. Trying to decide if i should get something in the HB sale.


Trails of Cold Steel 2 here in a few minutes
JoJo later
Nothing unless a video game counts
I've been masturbating to Wicke almost exclusively these past couple of days
Like I'm coming down with something and a little upset because my great grandfather just passed a few days ago and I won't be able to make it to his funeral

Valkyria Chronicles. On the second half of Chapter 15 and not super looking forward to it because I know what happens and Selvaria is my favourite character.

God Eater Resurrection. Had my Vita with me constantly doing missions whenever I feel like it. Feels good.

I Am Setsuna. Just got the airship finally. Feels nice to be able to explore the whole world without going specific paths.

And of course some Overwatch later tonight.

Amanchu ep 10 when it comes out in the next few hours.


Still need to read Spice and Wolf v5 and 6 which I bought like three years ago.

Getting myself a pizza tonight since I just got my neetbux.

Pepsi Max.

Later. Probably femdom.

Pretty good. Had an interview yesterday that went well so all I gotta do is wait to hear back. Either way I don't gotta do shit until next week. Also TGS hype.

Beat Soul Hackers, going to play resident evil
Nothing right now
To early right now
Good, I'm just going to relax today.

Thief 1 and Minecraft
To Be Kind and Gamewank podcast
Count of Monte Cristo
Vegetarian patty things and chips
Water and Stella
Nothing yet

Overwatch and WoW

Indie films on netflix

New Highly Suspect single

The code on the machine at work

Raspberry coffee cake


Elsa Jean tonight

I really wish I wasn't at work right now. I just want to be in my bed with a warm blanket, hot cocoa, and animal crossing.

>it's Friday again
life pls

Peanut butter toast & an apple

nothing atm, might play some Warband or maybe Witcher 3 later though

Mad Men, gonna finish the first season today

Scottish Folk

Gerry Adams: Before the Dawn
breddy gud



trying to abstain, day one after relapse

could be worse, nice comfy rain outside
few more days until I go back to college, taking a course with people twice my age and foreigners looking for education bennies

Any place I can download don't breathe?

lol,rayman origins(its fun), mgs5
The Night of
flute music
some shity book
ice cream
no fap
dead inside after hear about paid patches.

Titan Quest Anniversary, World of Warships
Gotham, whatever anime is out
Music on shuffle
Sup Forums, Sup Forums
Chinese curry and egg fried rice
Gin & tonic
Fucking shattered. Got lots of normie shit on this weekend too.

>paid patches
For what?

Silent Hill 1 on NG+
Steven Universe
System of a Down
Grimoire Nier if I feel like it after beating SH
Egg sandwhich earlier
Maybe later
I'm feeling alright.

and the "setup your homelab" game
My playlist
ice tea
pretty good


Mobas to distract myself
Twitch streams
Rap even though i don't care about rap
I quit readan
Mini Pizza
Gin to distract myself
Furshit maybe
awful. death in the family

I've finished the Attack on Titan campaign last night. It was decent but I've had enough. Not sure what to play next. I could go for some challenges in HITMAN, I guess. I also still have No Man's Sky installed for some reason but fuck that.

Giant Bomb, mostly Vinny stuff. I feel like watching some Top Gear.

Constantly listening to my own music over and over again, asking myself "Is this good? Can I make this better? Does anyone even care except me?". I wish I could enjoy music again like I used to.


Got some coupon burgers from BK earlier

I've got some craft beers and a bottle of Jamson.

THICC camwhores mostly

Anxious, insecure and buzzed.

titan quest anniversary edition with xmax
mission hill or undergrads
pork roast with stuffing and green beans
whiskey and ginger ale

I'm considering trying Overwatch today for the free weekend thing.
YouTube videos.
A podcast, most likely.
Manga and fanfics.
Berry punch
Either shota or Milfs. Maybe both

i wanna play Overwatch with my boys but they're all playing WoW or Path of Exile.
Nothing much. Cartoons and shit
Leftovers. Meats and salad.
Female ejeculation.
Got my hair cut so that feels nice.

exactly like this user, except instead of watchan something i gonna playan wow when dark sets (2 mere hours ):

Trying to decide between Bully or Resident Evil 4. I have never played a Resident Evil game
Big Brother, The Knick
Waiting for the internet guy to come fix his mistake
This thread
Pizza Rolls
Whatever I find on /gif/
Pretty comfy.

Pretty early day today. Even if I just pulled an all nighter.
FF7 with some mods or .Hack emulatan
New JoJo later today when subs get out. Also been getting into Gintama and loving it.
The Pillows is always great.
Just started Helck, shit is great and a fucking trip of a manga. Love how it slaps tropes in the face.
Just had a bowl of some fuckin WHEATIES NIGGER
Water and the milk in my cereal
Just fapped to some good ole' KEN.
breddy good just covering a short 4 hour shit for someone then I'm free for the rest of the day to do nothing.
My necks been fucking killing me for the pass week or so.


Sword Art Online
this thread
döner kebab

Maybe the trial of NHL 17 with my roommate
BvS. I've started putting on bad movies on Thursday Friday Saturday as background and also for my roommates to enjoy
Nothing. Cat chewed the cord for my headphones
I got Darth Plageius but I have had reading for school so I haven't got to it
Well I just had eggs but tonight I'm not sure. Maybe something in the crock pot
If I didn't run out of kahlua it'd be White Russians, so most likely dirty Mexicans instead
Did this morning after working up from it being fucking 100% humidity out
Pretty good. Pitt Penn State game tomorrow. I go to pitt and I played youth football with Tommy Stevens on penn state so I'm really hoping their starting qb gets hurt so I can see Stevens play

And now I'm pissed because I know pitt isn't using their throwbacks tomorrow

What the fuck is even the point of you posting?

I am trying to see about emulating Dark Alliance 2 if I can get it to work but if not then Titan Quest or Witcher. Been in the mood for some RPG
The Jinx
See watchan
Brave New World
Sausage biscuit
Not today
Tired as fuck and wired as fuck

WoW more than likely, me and my buddies just got geared up for heroics.

Dunno yet give me some recommendations, I could use a cult film

Dan Carlin's Hardcore History

Basic Economics-Thomas Sowell

Smoothie right now, but I'll have some chicken and rice later tonight

Smoothie and juice

No fap

Like shit, I've had the flu all week.

Maxed out on Nioh beta and felt the post beta blues so decided to start Bloodborne again.

Watching QI before series N comes out.

Currently listening to wildflower album by the avalanches.

Just finished Shadow Over Innsmouth.

Had a lazy day so cooked some noodles and kidney beans for dinner.

Water 'cuz I'm boring haha.

Not for a while

Chilled out.

It's only 11:00 AM, dude.

I'm taking the cat to the vet but then I'm:
One of my 300 unplayed Steam games. Probably an indie game from a bundle. I was playing GALAK-Z last night and it's pretty nice, but I don't like the character designs and the controls can be frustrating.
Whatever my girlfriend is watching.
Probably nothing. I started using Pandora again recently, but the music it plays is (in my opinion) absolutely nothing like what I put in. I have a feeling that their algorithm is far less sophisticated than they pretend it is. I can start a station with a particular song, but it seems like it just looks at the artist who performs that song and then plays random songs by any artists tagged with the same broad genre. My taste in music is too specific to appreciate a random rock song every time I give Pandora very a specific song by a rock band.
This board.
Jim Beam, maple-flavored bourbon whiskey, it's pretty great.
Probably nothing, because /gif/ is all homos, cucks, scat, feet, and other degeneracy these days.
Glad I'm not at work today.

wow is shit kill yourself faggot

>Another month of the same bullshit day to day.
>Still smoking weed.
>Still doing the same old while nearly all my old highschool friends make something of themselves.
>Here I am just working a shitty food service job and smoking the weed.
>Should just fucking enlist but actually making the change itself takes so much effort why even bother.
>Even though I know I'll excel in that shit.
Just fucking put a slug through my brain please.

>every country is america

Nothing. May fire up some Squad so I can get a round in before work.
Nothing. Just woke up and don't feel like music.
Currently trying to get through "A Wise Man's Fear"
Toast with peanut butter
Morning coffee
Pretty good. I just got out of a shitty job and into a good one. It's cushy and everyone is nice. On top of that, rather than straight afternoons, it's swing shift. That means I can see my girlfriend who works steady days.

Some manga
Something grilled
Not tonight

>the east coast of the united states isn't the official time zone of earth

Thanks man!

Resident Evil Operation Raccoon city

Penny Dreadful

Nothing lately

Sup Forums

Last thing I ate was doritos and a honey bun

Brisk Tea

SHIEEET boi I usually have sex desu


>east coast america exists

Downwell, fucking addicting
a doom let's play
The Martian
Water and coke
that one silent hill doujin
triumphant, was kind of lost and depressed lately, suddenly just found my purpose back in my dream somehow.

>im american so i dont know what Greenwich is

Nice, bro I finished all of ORC with a friend and that shit was fun when you play it co-op.

>Brave New World
I actually met someone at my work who's never read it I don't want to think that most likely all of them haven't. Told him to fucking pick that shit up and 1984 cause I guess he was reading some random shit and he's read The Giver too.
>Tfw the common mans lit-level is that of around a highschool sophomores if not lower.
Am I the only one to think our forefathers were a little more well-read than we were?

I had a pilondial Cyst removal 3 days ago, so two tubes are hanging out from my asscheeks, draining out my blood. Anyway
X-men apocalypse

Black keys

Le four chains



Like hammered is, but it will get better.

I really wanted to get into BB.
The hitboxes are tight and so is the setting.
But I can't be fucking assed to learn the 'parry timing' for blunderbuss shots for huge damage.

Enlist, do it.
My brother has been in for 10 years and his life outside of PT is EZ-mode...
Saw combat once, for a month.
Lived in California, Australia, Germany, and Okinawa, all on Papa Gov's dime.

Just got future tone
Samurai Champloo
Kof 14 ost

Neverwinter. I'm about to make a Dwarf Great Weapon Fighter or a Guardian Fighter to play today.
I'm probably going to get into some Smite later too. I've been tying to git gud with Janus lately.
The Twilight Zone
Hmm. I haven't got much right now, just hotdogs, ramen, tuna, & popcorn.
A&W Root Beer. Picked up 6 bottles for $1 at save-a-lot.
Good. I'm going to buy the Borderlands collection on Monday cuz it's on sale. No reason to say that really I'm just excited about it. I'm broke but content. It's raining here and pretty dark out. Pretty comfy day so far.

Just resubbed to ffxiv so playing the 8 months of content I missed, also beating randals monday
Nothing right now
Some shit on the radio
Lightbringer series by Brent weeks
About to make an egg sandwich
Probably not today
Pretty good, just got my sleep schedule back on track after starting class this semester

Fallout 1, Dark Souls Prepare to Die Edition
Nothing, i dont watch TV series or anime
FF OST, game music
Sup Forums threads
Nothing right now, i dont snack all day
Tired, i haven't been awake past 1am for a long time

Idk man, I wish I had an obvious choice. Stalker CoC isn't launching, CK2 is too complicated for me to learn today, FFTA has gotten stale, Dota 2 is also starting to feel stale, I'm also too tired to setup Deadly Premonition, Yume Nikki got a bit boring.. I dunno!
the first track is garbage but after that I promise it's better than you'd expect
PG Woodehouse, Archie does this or that. Good fun.
Probably tortellini
probably milk
I'm starting to have trouble getting off without porn so I've scaled down my porn watching to one in every two faps. it takes forever cumming without it and I find I fall back on imagery I remember from porn anyways, but it might be something. I just want to be able to get hard if somehow I end up in front of a naked qt
tired, a little bit too tired for real comfort but at least I have nothing to do today so I have time to just lie in bed and shitpost

I have played all the DS games and Bloodborne before but after maxing out on Nioh, the controls felt mega fucky with me coming back to them haha

The parry timing isn't that hard but the hit boxes with the threaded cane reminded me why I had so much trouble early game.

>Am I the only one to think our forefathers were a little more well-read than we were?
only because there was nothing else to do

Dungeon Fighter Online, and some board games
About to start watching GamecenterCX, Saint Seiya episode
Linear Algebra stuff for an assignment
Pizza, and had a terrible burger earlier
Coffee with milk no sugar
Extremely tired. Spent most of the day working on a maths assignment.

Yea I'm thinking on it.
Navy, but I'm a little shady on the ASVAB and whether I'll do well on it. Would a practice-ASVAB book from the library help? I live pretty close to one that I'm thinking of walking there to grab a book before I go into work today.
I kinda wanna be a corpsman for a shot at some action while also having that 'safe zone' with just working in hospitals and shit. I've also heard as corpsman you can choose a 'green side' that lets you work with marines. If not that I was thinking Electrician or another tradeskill.

Modded Mount & Blade
/wsg/ groove shit
Wicke. She makes my dick diamons.
Jack shit.

And we had shit like Mutha Fuckin Franklin handing out yearly almanacs to people.

Fire Emblem Awakening, maybe.
Just shuffling through some nostalgic crap
Mozzarella pizza
Something by this guy probably.
Feels good, man.

Dude. Every time I get an A&W I get the cream soda one. How good's the root beer? Also, if you're on PS4 we should play sometime.

Borderlands, doing a shotgun build on Roland. Plus probably Invisible, Inc.
Maybe starting Space Patrol Luluco. Maybe watching some more Breaking Bad.
K-pop and funk rock.
The fourth Wotcher book. It's mediocre.
I dunno, might do pasta later. Can't decide what type though.
Orange juice
Nothing because I don't masturbate and never have.
Pretty okay I guess? Nothing bad is going on but I feel strangely empty for some reason. I'm seeing friends tomorrow to see a flick and play D&D though, so hopefully I'll pick up by then.

probably some Fallout (1), then Silent Hill 2 later tonight, maybe some FE Fates
shit man I don't know. Might jump back into the Jojo anime, I haven't watched much of part 4 because I read the manga recently
Devo - New Traditionalists
shitposts on Sup Forums because I have lost control of my life
water now, coffee later
to my imagination
like I would have a happy life if my parents had made better decisions during my childhood, but instead I have to work hard to actually earn happiness. I'm trying to work towards the good times now.

Titan Quest and racettear
nothing special
lime tea
maybe later. Kurea Hasumi.
ok I guess.

>gets to work an easy job to afford cost of life
>enjoys a safe pleasurable drug
>no drama
You're worrying too much what others expect of you. If you're enjoying your life then enjoy it while it lasts. You will look back on these days and wonder when they will come back after you go for some stupid shit like career, house, and family. Those are just traps to get you in debt so you have to wageslave your life away.

If you're genuinely unhappy with your easy life then def ruin it by putting yourself through mindless mediocrity under bullshit authoritarians.

Walk your path, user. You can't walk anyone elses, so just do you.

Playing the new English release of the Attack on TItan game on PS3 as well as Tokyo Mirage Sessions (with Reincarnation patch of course). But this evening I plan to celebrate Crash Bandicoot's 20th anniversary and play some Cortex Strikes Back on my Vita.

Just finished Kingsglaive. Nyx is cool. No homo. Probably gonna make the same haircut without braids. And yeah, while it didn't leave my extremely hyped for FFXV, it still is pretty impressive CG-movie.

I, Monster and Blood Blockade Battlefront OST. Neat stuff.

Probably gonna start Gaiman's short stories anthology I've got recently. But probably not today.

Chocolate covered peanuts.

Black tea for today.

Erogos gifs on Sankaku. Footjobs, tomboys, everything I like.

Eh. Could've been better but still pretty good. I mean, it's good to feel there's gonna be three free days ahead but then again, I'm better off working and getting more cash for... er, I dunno. Something.

Ace Attorney SoJ
Don't know yet
New Danganronpa episodes
Fluffy abuse
Persona 4 ost
Nude beaches and women urinating at them
Bored, I'm sitting bedside for a paper eating nigger for 8.5 hours

But I'm so excited to go home and play the new AA

Nobunaga's Ambition. I started the first scenario and accidentally picked Kiyosu Oda instead of regular Oda. After taking control of central Japan I'm now about to get into a war with Hojo while my western provinces conquer Western Japan in my name.

Matthew Bourne's Swan Lake, 1996. My family got me into ballet and its pretty amazing.

See above.

Bierki by Marcin Szczygielski. Gay romance novel because I'm a huge Slav fag.

Steak with garlic sauce and potatoes.

Red wine.


Pretty goddamn decadent.

Fire Emblem Fates
Hoarders. People be gross.
See above
Day by Day Armageddon. Alright zombie book but I heard the author is a douche
Triple Pepperoni pizza rolls because I'm fat
Lemon Lime flavored water
Pic related
50/50. Bipolar shit is kicking my ass. Depressed but horny. Happy but restless.

>Nothing because I don't masturbate and never have.


Cream soda is so bomb, I don't blame ya. It's pretty good. Like, hmm.. maybe if anything bad, a bit diluted tasting but still a solid cheap sip.

I am on PS4 and that does sound like fun but I'm a bit weary of posting my name here and stuff.

A roguelike called Demon.
It's pretty great and unlike many other roguelikes I've played. Has a bit of a pokemon/SMT flavour - you gather a team of vaguely demonic entities from various mythologies/folklore by negotiating, chasing, beating them into submission and so on. You can also fuse demons together, absorb their powers and manipulate their essences in various ways.
Definitely needs more exposure.
I might also play Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup later.
Amaama to Inazuma
Gomennasai's doujins

I have a micro penis

>Nothing because I don't masturbate and never have.
>Pretty okay I guess? Nothing bad is going on but I feel strangely empty for some reason

Hey user I have an idea for how you could make yourself feel better. Wanna guess what it is?

What the fuck.


>like I would have a happy life if my parents had made better decisions during my childhood
plz explain

Never felt the urge, likely never will.
Is it your boipussy?

Crusader Kings 2.
Lets hope Legacy Magic fires tonight.
House of Cards
Stoner Metal
Lord of Light.
Hard boiled eggs
Headache, toothache, and tired.

it's 9:39 AM

work in a few hours

Next time I get a slice I think I'll try it. I don't have any qualms about posting mine. Add me if you want. LouTheDude.

It's not as strange as you might be thinking. I had always been very shy, and they just thought "oh how cute" instead of actually trying to get help for me so I could actually make friends. Now I'm stuck with a shitty boring life because I still can't make friends.


Finishing Working!!!

Rice and some meat. Maybe pizza later.


Not sure yet. Probably something to do with tentacles/monsters or traps.

Tired. I want to do nothing all day but I have chores and studying to do.

Black Sails
To my retarded friends
Lemon Fanta
Something from my folders