Do you think germans are mad as fuck their comfy sims are getting taken over?

Do you think germans are mad as fuck their comfy sims are getting taken over?

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Why was feminism getting a pass for so long, when they have always ALWAYS been acting exactly like PETA.

God. Dammit.

Peta is powerless in Europe. The devs probably read that shit loud in the open space while ordering some currywurst and burst into laughter

Because PETA defends something that needs defending while feminism backs up those who only want extra privileges to live lives on even easier mode than before.

Peta still fucking exists? Those clowns must be around for decades now.

And then a group of refugees heard the laughter and proceeded to rape them.

No, they'll actually just fucking do it and the German audience for these games will actually love it, probably masturbate to it too.

and they still ordered kebab afterward.

>Taking over literally anything

Every so often they make retarded statements and demands like this and literally nobody gives a fuck because anyone with a mind to spend 5 minutes googling "PETA" on the internet will be well versed in the fact that it's a disgustingly corrupt and abusive organization that makes impossible demands from society.

Because people, especially the average male, have a natural inclination to "protect" women.
Its sickening.


End of story.

Oh god fucking damn it. I just want to play fucking videogames not to have to make a political statement out of every single fucking thing I do.

Fuck this if the developers actually put this shit I will just stop playing, yeah I know humans usually kill other animals in barbaric ways... but guess what I don't care, I don't do it nor I see it and for the love of god I don't even fucking eat pork or chicken because of how they are treated.

I fucking hate the current left, I share more of their views but with them is like if you aren't part of the "solution" you are part of the problem taking an even more absolutist views on the situation than fucking right wing extremist.

German here. More realism in sims is always welcome. It makes for a better experience.

Germans are cucked enough to actually listen.

Why bother with an existing game when you can commission a walking simulator in unity. I am sure they have the funds.

Just imagine:
>You are a PI sneaking into a pig farm, all those swollen pigs are oinking in their own shit. As you pass by one of the pigs turns to you in Gamebryo style NPC interaction and goes "SAVE US RANDY. OINK OINK" And a mandatory storage room with a labels that say "Trump Bacon. Make American Breakfast Great Again!"


The slaughter better be interactive

Germans would actually not do it because it is Haram to portrait pigs or something.

PETA kills the majority of the animals they "rescue"

That would be great. Just imagine a butcher sim, I'd get that in a heart beat: Schlachtermeister 2017.

>The report said 33,514 animals have died since 1998 at the hands of PETA. The kill numbers come from the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS), which requires annual disclosures.
>A 2010 inspection conducted by a VDACS revealed that 84 percent of the animals PETA took in were killed within 24 hours, the CCF said. Only 1.5 percent of dogs and cats reportedly found a permanent home outside of the shelter.

What do they mean by doing this?

so make it a kickstarter stretchgoal or something and rake in dosh from peta activists

> butcher sim
wew problematic

dur owning pets is evil humans are evil if animals like humans they need to be killed for their own good press f to pay respects lik if u crai evertim

I wouldn't have a problem with PETA if they would claim themselves as an animal control NGO, but instead they show themselves as white knights and saviours when they do shit like this.

PETA is against suffering and exploitation, not mercy killing.

Only an immoral, subhuman piece of shit will advocate horrible existence of a factory farm animal and treat it as better than death.

You would have to find the right seasoning for your Wurst and learn how to chop the meat correctly. They could even include a mini-game in which you have to fight off the Sharia police.

Imagine a butcher sim that let you run inhumane farms


shhhh no they 'euthenize' them

Most of the dogs and cats used for experimentation have to be sacrificed and the reality is that no one wants to give them home or adopt them so most of them will have to be sacrificed anyway. It is sad but also the reality of the situation, most animal right movements usually argue to sacrifice the animals without pain and without torturing them.


>because anyone with a mind to spend 5 minutes googling "PETA" on the internet will be well versed in the fact that it's a disgustingly corrupt and abusive organization that makes impossible demands from society.

It didn't kill feminism.


Minigame where you butcher pig and try to get the best cuts of meat.

Lose money by fucking up cutting the rump into chunks.

Fat content based on feed and exercise.

disease and shit

It is still a bad organization to advocate for, if you support better treatment for livestock and pet mills.

That sounds pretty good. We should make a butcher game for the German market.

Halal DLC
Kosher DLC
Trick A Vegetarian DLC

They aren't trying to "take over" anything as far as I can tell dude.

Why not have realistic animal slaughter in farming sims? At least as an option. That way people have to consciously tell the game "I don't want to see that" instead of the publisher making that decision for us.

The problem is they set their own standards for suffering and exploitation that most people do not agree with.

They practically considering existing in the vicinity of an animal to be tantamount to abuse.

>Violence in video games

>instead of the publisher making that decision for us.
why wouldn't the devs not be allowed to decide about the content of their products? They are literally working to create it, why would imaginary people decide what to put in it?

>watching peta videos
>it only makes me hungry

>I know nothing about publishers and their relation with developers; the post
user, publishers basically run the projects that developers create, there's a somewhat well known story of Larian Studio's who got so fed up with publisher fuckery that they now refuse to work with any kind of publisher, because they can and will make some of the most ridiculous and unreasonable demands of a product they're contracted to publish.

Way to throw darts at an easy target.

How public were you about your true feelings during Gamergate?

Why do I have a feeling you were quiet as a churchmouse, or worse yet, virtue signalling?

This may all be projecting. But I get a very lame vibe from you.

Edgier than Donte

No they don't. Don't play that whole "you just don't know" on an anonymous board where everybody is likely to know better than you.

Well, I'm German and I'm mad as fuck.
Doesn't have anything to do with simulation games, though.

t. retard who got BTFO

No, Germans are just angry in general.

PETA are the quintessential prototype for the modern SJW.

PETA is one part of the unholy SJW triforce.

The other two are Occupy Wallstreet, and the 9/11 Truthers.

If I was the developer I'd say Okay and put normal daily slaughter in and watch it backfire by showing the slaughtering as the painless non- horriffic process a correctly done one is.
Peta would want one like in their paid horror- fap movies where in that world skinning animals while they are still alive is somehow so much more easy and productive than killing them first so they hold still...

fucking this,
i don't get how people get sensitive about fucking animals being butchered, i really don't understand how can you empatize with a pig or a cow.

Senpai..... i...

nope german are cucks. They are used to lose shit and getting taken over.

in the name of what deity?

how is that edgy for fuck sake, that's like a normal person before the 2000s

But pigs are cute, why would we want this?

>You have to face the horrors of reality!

No fuck off, face your shitty reality yourself normalfags, I just want to play comfy games.

>he thinks he's not dependent on slaughter

alt right please

>the simulator gives you the option of running a big ass slaughterhouse, which is cheap as fuck
>or you can have pigs that are raised, fed and slaughtered in a humane manner, but this is more expensive

What's the problem here.

who gives a fuck?
make your own fucking game and enjoy no sales but get to sit on your on moral highground

>exploitation and torture is OK because LOOK AT WHAT WE CAN TO WITH IT
Literal subhuman

> exploitation and torture
Where are the gains, Moocowski. Where are they. We are running a business here.

It triggers altright manchildren


This. I'd have no problem if the developers did it of their own accord but when an outside factor demands to use their platform and they don't get it well then they should just fuck off and make their own game.


How does this look painful to you?

Meanwhile, let's look at how these muslims you leftards keep importing treat their animals:

No. We'll just laugh at them.

The only way the devs would listen to something like that if it were the Central Council of Jews or Muslims whining about some retarded shit. Then they'd get pressured into bending over backwards to appease those fuckers. If they didn't, they'd be labelled racist.


guess you'll have to protest against every government, business and group of co operating humans in the history of the earth then

>one very specific murder method that only happens at the end of horrifying life
>excuses everything

>muh slimes! muh slimes do something worse, so I should be allowed to rape and murder!
Literal subhuman

Leave it to germans to kill with gas

Do farming sims even have livestock? I thought they were all crop farming

How long until PETA ask Marvelous to depict cow slaughter or forcible impregnation?

They are. With some mechanics for cutting trees and getting lumber.

17 might be adding livestock, though.

Livestock is coming

Do as we say not as we do?

They literally are just like feminists
this faggot is right

>mudslimes hates pigs
>germany is filled with mudslimes
>all of a sudden pig slaughter is being pushed

These kikes not even trying anymore.

The only logical response in this whole fucking thread.


>hurr durr please ruin your game because all farms must do it this horrible way and we want your game to fail

>there are people in this thread who seriously, not in an ironic or shitposting or baiting sense - SERIOUSLY, believe people shouldn't be allowed to consume meat

Anyone who actively believes humans shouldn't eat meat is akin to a terrorist and should be monitored by the government.

Funny how all those manchildren who wanted ethics in videogames are now raw from butthurt when PETA suggests to

Anti-science retard

Then how come humans have hunted animals for millions of years? Are you telling me Instinct is anti-science? Fucking vegan retards

It was about ethics in gaming Press, m80.

If I wanted to play a game about ethical quandries, I'd play Undertale.

>Horrific reality
>Fully automated slaughter houses
>Made to look exactly like the farms and pens to avoid stressing the pigs
>Bleeding section fully segregated from arrivals so no smell of blood to worry pigs
>Softly gliding panels herd the pigs along
>Gas chambers replace oxygen with nitrogen, making the pigs painlessly lose consciousness
>Strung up and bled before they wake up

What the fuck is so horrific about this? I strongly doubt Germany has less modern slaughter houses than Canada.

Even cows hunt what they can catch when hungry enough, you anti-science retard.

My highschool had an elective where you raise a chicken from an egg, then at the end of the year everyone in the class kills their chicken and cooks it in a BBQ party.

at least they'll select themselves out eventually

Doesn't Germany have heavy censorship laws about violence in video games? Wouldn't something like this get banned?

Then how come humans have evolved all the way up until now eating meat?

You got a link to that story?

For a long time, quality food was hard to acquire so humans supplemented it with low quality shit like carcass.
Nowadays there is no reason to consume corpses. Meat eating is a degenerate, subhuman activity.

No. They've gotten a lot less retarded when it comes to censoring violence in games. It's nowhere near where it was 15 years ago.

Nowadays they pretty much only censor shit like Nazi symbols.

Post some actual source to that "evidence", vegtard
Oh here's one on how humans are OMNIVOROUS and not HERBIVOROUS


holy shit is this what pseudo intelectual vegetarians tell themselves?

Then why are chicken and fish some of the healthiest things someone can eat? (Of course when its not nigger deep-fried)

So why don't they do something more worth while with their time like stopping dog fights.

>the veggies he's shoving down his gullet aren't dead
