>Sony won the last three gens and is already primed to win the next
Feels fucking good to be a Sonybro
>Sony won the last three gens and is already primed to win the next
Feels fucking good to be a Sonybro
>The sega saturn won the last three gens and is already primed to win the next
It runs at 64 fps with two sticks of action.
>he has loyalty to a brand
Oh vey!
hmm a bunny you say
>bunny posting
Does it really feel good being an idiot?
6th gen is the only one they definitively won, and even that is debatable if you preferred multiplayer games. as for the 7th gen, i can't even begin to imagine the fucked up thought process that would lead someone to believe the PS3 won.
Give sauce
>Paid Patches
>Paid Online
Yeah you kids sure are winners
>tfw he died for our sins
>tfw we'll never have a mascot as good as Sanshiro ever again
What generation did they won? What is your definition of winning?
Don't forget mod support getting dropped.
In what way did Sony win last gen? They shot themselves in the foot by having the audacity to launch at fucking $600 and paid dearly for it.
you dont want it
>Winning this gen is like getting gold in the tard olympics
mfw I'm just now discovering saturn games I want to play. Hopefully Tryrush deppy is as good as it looks
>corporate shilling for free
lol why
I was not expecting this
>I dont' want to read the rest of Sup Forums let's circlejrk together one last time sonybros.
fucking Sonykeks
not even a furry porn dump will cover this atrocity
i pray to god sonyggers don't fall for the ps4.5 meme
it's their one job
I was expecting a lot of things, but not this.
Is this a rubyquest reference? I barely remember it but I remember Ruby going crazy sometimes.