>"We've got a dead body over here!"
>"Get this body out of here he's gone"
So THIS is next gen?
>"We've got a dead body over here!"
>"Get this body out of here he's gone"
So THIS is next gen?
>Implying I fucking give a shit about a game that forces me to play as a black dude with Mafia in the title.
>handsome harry
>isn't even handsome
classic italian comedy
Diversity was a mistake
>tfw actual mobster games will never make a comeback
>nigger doesn't immediately get killed on the spot for knocking over that beautiful white woman in the beginning
shit game
Guys we already have a racists angry about mafia 3 thread
jesus fucking kek
I decided to watch the video but after 6 seconds tabbed out, dying of laughter. The fucking OOOWPF by the women the guy runs past. Dude she fucking falls to the ground ragdoll mode and he didnt even touch her
im done this game is seriously shit
>Game will get bad reviews
Fuckin' moulinyan's
After MGSV, the stealth looks pretty bad in this. I hope these sections don't take a big part of the game.
not wanting to play as a mulignan in an Italian mafia series doesn't make you a racist
they will do anything to put the blame on a bunch of teenagers in the internet
>9 minute video
>doesnt post time of the context
>bamham vision
>press b to instakill take down
>civilians don't give a fuck that you're murdering people
>went almost the entire level without having to shoot anyone because the AI is so disorganized
Stopped watching there
There you go, prick.
Yeah, in MGSV you run inside the mansion and a guard two floors above can hear the footsteps, truly the epitome of stealth mechanics.
Wasn't saying it was perfect, but in comparison to OP's video, it is a hell of a lot better.
Better protag than Marcus "Dindu" Holloway from Watch_Dogs 2.
>if you dont like this shitty game you're a racist!
When the fuck did EVERYONE become Batman? How the fuck does he have x ray vision and map view with all the enemies highlighted? Why don't enemies do nothing, and just stand there starting at the walls, waiting to be slaughtered? This is fucking absurd
Yeah, the game looks pretty generic and subpar.
>Sneak up to the door
>Stand up, slam open the door, then resume sneak mode
>Slams himself against the wall
>Guy collapses when someone else is attacked
>Doesn't shout for help instantly, just sits there and says fuck
>Pulls back his fist for a powerful punch
>His other arm is used to stab the enemy instead of connecting the punch
>Sneaks through a crowded room
>No one cares unless you bump into someone
>He shouts when speaking on the radio(?) despite trying to keep a low profile
>Makes a ton of noise just switching weapons
>Tackles a guy who is mid sentence, the guy finishes his sentence before getting hurt
>Get where he can't see you!
>Proceeds to stand up out of cover and run towards him
>Kill or Recruit with no context or conversation
>No, "Please don't kill me, I could join you and help"
>Just silence as you decide whether this guy is worth recruiting or not.
Are they purposely making a bad game?
Why is he so loud despite trying to be sneaky?
Stand still to see through walls
Why does every game have Witcher sense now?
The Alpha BBC Black Race (The Original Race) takes down another white inferior racist male, and also breeds 4-5 white women.
The white birthrate is declining, and games reflect this.
We are witnessing the new age of black protaganist wheter you like it or not, gaming is no longer a secret white racist cis boy club, but reflects on reality now.
Mafia 3 is just the beginning.
Shut the fuck up you goon.
why does it looks like watch_dogs
everything is a reskinned part from it
>sneaking around trying to be stealthfully
>character slams cabinets open casually
>prostitute can't put 1+1 together to figure out somethings not right when some guy is standing over a dead body holding out guns
>loudly slams body against wall when there are 2 people five feet away from him
no challenges allowed which might frustrate players and an emphasis on constant gratification
Looks great, finally a black man giving whitey back what they deserve! We need equality and its finally here.
Mafia 3 uses the latest graphical advances of the industry, this ultra realistic game will immerse you like nothing you ever experienced before. Features x-ray so you can see where the enemy is located, all modern games want this function, but only a few studios are capable of this function.
For all true gamers, Mafia 3 is day 1 purchase, and also buy the dlcs.
>It's another Sup Forums gets racist about Mafia III thread.
Game looks fine to me.
>Oj Simpson Simulator
>general atmosphere
i thought it looked kinda ok from the previews but after seeing the real gameplay, this looks like just another fucking dog turd of a "AAA" game
why have modern devs forgotten how to make good fucking games jesus christ
Shit bait.
This guy looks like a bad ass but that voice took it all away. It just doesn't suit him. Something more gruff would be way better.
Also all that wall and model clipping.
Why can the character see where all the enemies are through walls? Is he like Superman or something?
>runs around till he finds an open pathway because no non-essential homes are entering.
>weird assassin/predator vision
>nothing personnel takedowns
>nigger protag
>nigger protag exclusively kills all white men
>can see all enemies ever in real time including items of interest and objectives.
>on screen "sentry alerted" prompts.
>bunch of white people in a lounge
>nobody concerned with nigger scuttling around
>pulls full length shotgun out of jacket
>knife attacks sound like fisting a bowl of pudding
>AI waits for you to finish your epic takedown instead of shooting you while you do it.
Look at any thread about this game, from now until even after it is released. Countless anons mad about so much as seeing a black guy, enough to just shitpost racial slurs. There legitimately are people that will dislike this game just for the black protag. And they'll try to rationalize it too.
The only thing that I don't hate is the M14 actually has a sling. That's awesome.
Otherwise it looks like a huge piece of shit.
He is black.
Nigger. This game looks like shit and would look like shit with a real human protag or a nigger.
Stop it, the game is shit.
That doesn't make sense. If blacks could see people through walls I'm sure they'd be able to avoid being constantly arrested for the crimes they're committing.
Not bait, m8. Half of the posts in these threads are about the protagonist's skin color and "HURRR DURR MUH BLM GAME BLACKS AREN'T IN THE MAFIA DUUURRR."
The Mafia was active in New Orleans in the 60s and so was the Black Mafia (yes, that's a real historical thing). The late 60s marked the decline of Italian-American organized crime, and this game is just a narrative set in that timeframe. No one said that the protagonist is even a good guy, hell, half the story is him becoming what he hates. Also, if you even bothered to watch the gameplay videos, you would know that Lincoln has whites in his crime organization; two of his lieutenants are Irish and Italian for fucks sake. You all just want to bitch and moan because you can't self insert as a white Mafioso gunning down "shitskins."
Go back to Sup Forums
this 2bh just preorder the game you racist.
ya know how I know you're a filthy nigger? Because people not subbing to blacked.com the video game pisses you off.
This game is going to flop so fucking hard
I want to see more "Donald Trump" scenes.
This is like spitting on the grave of the original Mafia games. They took out everything that made them unique and turned it into generic Ubisoft title. And when it will have poor sales, they will just say that gamers are too racist to buy a game with a black character.
Gameplay looks like a fucking Manhunt. Absolutely no chalenge. Just wait until enemies come to you and then press X
>time-based crowbar minigame as if there is a a certain moment in time when you can just unlock doors with a crowbar somehow by sticking the crowbar into the keylock
>dying guy screams as loud as he can, but he can't be heard, even though there are no doors nowhere
>mobile phones, operator, WHAT?
>ak47, a popular italian mafia weapon
it's a joke
Has the system requirements been posted yet?
>Nigger vision
This. The nigger character is by far not the most offensive thing, it's the maphack, Mafia used to be somehow of a hard game. You had to follow rules, cop shootouts meant something, there was recoil, etc, now it's a fucking mediocre "aaa" shit game.
Mafia 2 already looked like a generic ubisoft title, good riddance
>those framerates
mafia 2 isn't hard
1 had some somewhat hard missions, but wasn't too bad
This. I hate the racist teenagers here to be quite honest.
>Black man
the worst part about this game is the setting though. 70-80s mobster shit is boring
>Woman walks in on the dindu standing over a dead person
>Just walks around as if nothing happened
so this is the power of the BBC
Watch me swooce right in!
are you new here? why do you even bother explaining anything to these people?
this board is filled with underage weebshits, most of them only play muh jrpg waifoo shit or muh nintendo suproo mariuuooo therefore hating everything else, or they're just poorfags therefore hating on everything they cant afford
out of all the boards on this site, Sup Forums is the worst shitfest
>can see through walls
I hope you get to kill some kkk in this game. It would be really neat if somebody did a re4 horror style game set in the deep south set in the 1950s or something.
How are they going to justify detective vision?
Is it his inbuilt loot vision?
Can he smell the crackas?
What the fuck did they done to my Mafia. Becames a fucking Hitman wannabe with naruto sensors and stupid assassinations from assassins creed. God damn it, Mafia 2 was perfect, why didn't they gave us something like that again?
Vito is in this game i think
>Back then Mafia 3 was announced
>Decide to play Mafia 1 and Mafia 2 to prepare while not looking at anything Mafia 3 related
>See this now
Sequels are so fucking hard for Western developers. I don't understand.
why can you see through walls? why?
Too violent and silly.
It comes off as a game about Black Rage, something like Django Unchained, instead of just a tale of revenge centering around crime.
Also, the charcter design is awful, look at the hole in the MC's head. He seems like a brain-damaged psycho more than an anti-hero, and the game seems like Manhunt but killing white people.
The stripper doesn't seem to care about the violent murdering slashing throats right in front of her.
Yucky game, f a m
>I hope these sections don't take a big part of the game.
The game is centered around these "takEdowns".
Black man vision developed through spending years in the NAM.
Shitty italian sissies don't stand a chance against a war veteran who survived jungles and real combat.
see what? the same question?
just because he asked the same question as you did, doesnt mean yours is more important you fucking fag
He's Egyptian.
thats what i was thinking. this fucker can see through walls. weak shit
I have no stake in the Mafia series, never played them and am not really interested in them at all. From what I saw in the gameplay video, which is all I know about the game, it is a generic 3rd person vidya with terrible sound design and an arcade-y weapon inventory, with bad clipping and AI to boot.
It just doesn't look good fampai
>shhhhhh no more gabagool just watermelon now
What did he mean by this?
>Sup Forums hates on a generic as fuck looking game which is a sequel to actual innovative and fun games
seriously get your head out of your ass, if you spout this unironically and kill yourself if you do it ironically
Looks better than GTA5 already
Just because it is not the best game ever it doesn't mean it is not worth playing. With your line of thinking you might as well stop playing games for the rest of your life.
Holy fuck the character handling looks so bad. It is like Witcher 3 bad but somehow even worse cause the animation isn't smooth.
when does it come out? I'm not gonna have a ps4 until next month.
GTA V looks better though, gameplay and graphics-wise
>looks better than GTA5
>there are people this contrary
I'm sure Mafia III will sell 60+ Million copies just like it deserves!!!
>Mafia 3
>Shadow Warrior 2
>Gears 4
>Battlefield 1
>Titanfall 2
>Skyrim Remastered
>The Last Guardian
All in the same month, I wonder which one of these is going to flop the hardest
probably shadow warrior or titanfall
Gears 4, Battlefield 1, Titanfall 2, Skyrim and TLG all will coast into profit based on brand name and recognition alone. Mafia 3 and SW2 need to be actually good games.
>x-ray vision meme mechanic
Jesus fuck. Lazy ass game design.
Shadow Warrior is low budget so they should be alright, but it will sell the least copies.
>being this butthurt
Gameplay in GTA5 was boring as fuck, also rockstar made walking the default movement speed. Think about that.
Shadow Warrior 2 will sell the least because it's PC exclusive, but it might sell more than Mafia 3 on PC, who knows.
The game doesn't look fine though, you're just race baiting.
The AI is broken, the graphics are shit and bat vision in a mafia game is stupid.
>Hurr go back to Sup Forums
Please have sex.