It's another "Nintendo hasn't fired their Tumblr translators yet" episode

>it's another "Nintendo hasn't fired their Tumblr translators yet" episode

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Pretty sure this is Konami's fault.


shut up Sup Forums shitlord scum, I'll have you know I wrote that and you have no right to criticize my fee fee's this way.

That's pretty bad.

Seriously who the fuck thinks something like 'microagressions' has any legitimacy whatsoever? It's utterly narcissistic to think other people cannot express themselves in ways that you find offensive when it isn't explicitly harmful to you.

>buying anything Nintendo anymore
Just pirate it all, god damn.

I can't find a good use for any of the DLC outfits this time.

Microaggression is a term coined by psychiatrist and Harvard University professor Chester M. Pierce in 1970 to describe insults and dismissals he regularly witnessed non-black Americans inflict on African Americans.[1][2][3][4] In 1973, MIT economist Mary Rowe extended the term to include similar aggressions directed at women, and those of different abilities, religions, and other socially marginalized groups.[citation needed] Eventually, the term came to encompass the casual degradation of any socially marginalized group, such as the poor and the disabled.[5]

>New AA writers continually failing to make good games, instead resorting to shallow fanservice to distract people

And this is why I'm not buying AA6.

yeah yeah whitey is evil.

get fucked, we're done hearing about it.


I wouldn't past them because of a history of questionable translation decisions, but considering the series' long-time love of memes and pop culture references (at least in the NA release), are we absolutely sure it isn't some translator making a PC Principal joke? Do we know the full context of this line?

I now no longer feel bad for pirating this

>Microaggression is a term coined by psychiatrist and Harvard University professor Chester M. Pierce in 1970 to describe insults and dismissals he regularly witnessed non-black Americans inflict on African Americans
What the fuck is this doing in my Ace Attorney game.
Fuck it, japan can keep them.

You're stupid if you think that.

So in other words
>Harvard University professor Chester M. Pierce was a racist piece of shit that somehow concluded that being an asshole to someone somehow magically became something different if it was between people of different skin colors

>Athena dressed up like a maid
Not even a good character, but Athena. Fanservice is bad enough, but this is beyond bad.

>It's Nintendo's fault for Capcom's translation

You fucks act like the AA games didn't always have this kind of writing.

Fuck off

Considering Athena earlier on complains Apollo is "snot-shaming" her I'm guessing it's a joke.

That's Capcom you fucking retard, not Nintendo.

Also Athena is fucking obnoxious, that's not even out of character. Of course I'm sure no one in this thread has even played an Ace Attorney game so they wouldn't know that.

I know most of these niche Japanese localizers hate SJWs but they need to just leave this garbage out of games completely.

Get fucked, it's in your games now and forever.

Go ahead and show me any dialogue where she fucking talks like this in Dual Destinies.

>blacks weren't actually treated second class cititens in 70s america

*tips kkk cap*

>playing Nintendo games past 2006

>Missing the point and spouting memes
Yea nice talking to you too user.

>People are getting mad that an Ace Attorney game has changed dialogue

AA has been heavily localized since the first goddamn game in the series, where the fuck have you idiots been

>eat your hamburgers apollo

>Playing video games past 2006

>People complain that the localization is retarded
>"Why are you complaining about localization, it's always been there?"

The point is somewhere the complete opposite direction of where you ran off to during your retarded rambling, user.

yeah but Red Dead Redemption

>excalibur face

pls no

How is it retarded? Athena's whole gimmick is sensing minor changes in people's psychology and how they project themselves.

But Yakuza...

You're completely missing the point user.

>Holy jesus fuck a psychologist made a reference to a psychological term even though Apollo probably blows her off like he does throughout the entire game FUCKING SJWS

It's a DLC costume.


Who are you quoting?

>it's another "I want to ____ Athena" episode

Then what's the point user, that you don't want to hear it?

Do we know that マイクロアグレッション or something like that wasn't in the original script?

Are you really that triggered by a single word?

A single word

I love how people retroactively hate AA's localization now because of their culture war against SJWs

>getting upset at microaggressions

are you a literal child

gamers have gone to shit. everyone gets upset at the tiniest fucking jokes.

Clearly OP for one, since there's other obvious changes that he didn't feel the need to whine about on Sup Forums

Dammit. What the fuck is wrong with Nintendo nowadays? They censor all their games, change dialogue to SJW shit, and now I heard they blackwashed Proffesor Oak. Has the left won?

>since there's other obvious changes that he didn't feel the need to whine about on Sup Forums


I want to fill Athena's womb with my thick semen, then shake her hips around and hear it slosh around inside


>Game was made by Sony
>Localized on west by microsoft
>it's somehow a nintendo fault
Explain this to me

The point is there's already a term for that, and it's racism.

Micro-aggression have nothing to do with racism, the behavior it describes happens between everyone of every race and is a totally irrelevant aspect of human daily life, stapling racism to that concept and naming it something else is ridiculous.

Now, take down that ridiculous strawman you've attempted to create in my likeness, you rambling at it is completely absurd.

Right-wing cucks were never welcome

I hope this is a false flag. Knowing someone this stupid legitimately exists would severely harm my perception of humanity.

>they blackwashed Proffesor Oak.
That's his cousin dipshit.
Quit listening to shitposters for a couple seconds.

I miss when problems were handled just by talking to a person about how it hurt you instead of just crying about it on the internet.

Honesty > bitching erryday

This thread is cringe.

It's like the reverse sjws, getting triggered over the most basic things.

First of all, that's Capcom not Nintendo

Second, micro aggressions is a psychology term, which Athena is

Third, because you fucking retards always take things out of context, Athena was calling out Apollo for randomly using that word because the cynical fuck loves to spew random words in retailiation to something he finds retarded

>yfw microaggresions is a real term coined before the rise of sjw
>Sup Forums manbabbys are still bootyblasted




Stop ruining my hugbox!

> tfw blocked in the insight of case 3
I feel like an idiot going BONE ON THE MEAT again and again. But part of me at the same time tells me the answer's actually bullshit.

>When there's nothing to complain about it's a hugbox! I must find reasons to throw shit at things!

>censoring literally every game
>blackwashing white characters
>locking everything behind physical dlc
>still not offering a superior paid online service to fix their server issues

Why has Nintendo gone so downhill?

That look of disgust really turns me on.

I've been looking for this doujin for a while. I recognize that artist but I found nothing under the Rin tag

No matter who's fault this is, the fact that their translation team thinks "microaggressions" is a valid term needs to be addressed.

So what your saying is, Athena is an SJW character?
I always hated her but now i know why, thanks.

It's scat, are you sure you want it?

Who cares, you can pirate everything on Wii-U and 3DS now anyway. Hope the NX flops.

Nope. Thanks, at least now I can continue without a worry

I want it

Don't you see user it is YOU who is triggered!!

This is hilarious. They're straight up trolling y'all at this point.

I think the only company I might like more than Nintendo is Nintendo of America.

>Ace Attoreny makes a joke
Every single time.

Sorry, I can't seem to find it. You can probably find it with the english and scat tags.

Bill Trinen says "Fuck yo waifu."


People love to shitpost

It's bad enough they still pretend they "black washed" Oak


I haven't heard this term in months. What the actual fuck.

What would be better?
1. Oak is not black
2. Oak now wears blackface
2a. Oak wears blackface because he identifies as black
2b. Oak wears black face because he does charity work at the pantomime funhouse.

>1. Oak is not black
Should be NOW black

>it's another "Sup Forums gets triggered over nothing" episode

Worst girl just gets worse. Works for me.

>Talking about microaggressions
>Passes the bar exam at an extremely young age and becomes a successful lawyer working for a legend almost immediately after
>Thinking she's part of a "marginalized group"
I wish people knew definitions.

>I wish people knew definitions.

Jesus Christ, relax. It's a joke.

Ace Attorney is a cute, charming, and playful game. No need to get triggered.

It might be a joke, but it's unconvincing when Athena is supposed to be some wiz with psychology.

>it's another "Sup Forums blames everything on le SJW boogeyman" episode

You're literally getting triggered by microaggressions re: you don't like a joke.

I'm mad because it's being used wrong causing the joke to fall flat.

It's also a bit "unconvincing" that she dresses in high fashion and has gravity defying bangs.

Wanna start a thread about that too?

>it's another "Sup Forums gets mad because Nintendo is getting between them and their fantasy anime waifus" episode
>it's another "but let's just ignore all other forms of censorship for a while" episode

>Can't have believable writing just because there are other bizarre elements present
lol ok

Its a fucking joke

She made another one about "X-shaming" before.

I guess it's another Sup Forums is retarded episode

Ace Attorney is Capcom.

Is it actually a joke though?
No really, I don't know. I haven't played the game yet and wouldn't mind knowing the context which makes it a joke.

He basically says it and the girl says "you don't even know what that means"

>Can't have believable writing because

Because it is a video game where a fucking orca whale gets called to the stand to testify.

I'm not sure anything can be worse than the fucking clown doing the Fresh Prince intro.
God why was Justice for All so fucking shit?