How do we """fix""" Widowmaker?

How do we """fix""" Widowmaker?

You can't fix something that is already balanced

Remove her ovaries?

Restore her glorious ass.

Remove charging.

Bigger breasts.

She can no longer kill Zen with a charged bodyshot. She's balanced.

what's wrong with her back

Gang rape

Get this guy out of here.


Bring back her inflatable ass, move her up a cup size.

Revert the ass nerf.
It was honestly too much and made her completely unplayable.

Bring back the animation cancelling when looking down scope, but keep the damage nerf.

She has lordosis forgive Widowmaker

take her out before the game is dead.

Something able to pierce shields something

Make her a cowboy and have her wear a poncho and nothing else.


Give her a weapon, simular to tf2 snipers jarrate. Extra points for giving it the ability to destroy Mei ice.

Remove her and hanzo
Snipers are cancer in every Shooter because they're either dead weight on the team or one shoting everyone.

Make her ass get bigger when she ults again
Shorter cooldown on the venom mine and grapple hook
Reduce her scoping speed
Bring back the animation cancel
Wider hips

I'm sorry for you being forced to live in a country with shit taste, which has molded your mind to a shitty view.

they nerfed her ass?

>no "hips"

Shit statistic.

Correct her spine


Something has gone horribly wrong

Bunda is the best, as expected

She needs a bigger penis

Bring her husband back


Can we just make the animation faster to make it as good as it was with the cancel?


Ana kinda has that already with her E ability though. Not quite the same as jarate but close enough that they wouldn't add something else equally as similar to another sniper.

Why would you even make a suggestion like that, her dick is already huge enough. Why would you want to make it even bigger?

>pornhub and youporn
don't tell me anyone here actually uses so sites

>if you don't like huge ones you're no tits guy

They match her body perfectly. She's sexy but still looks dangerous. With cow udders characters become less serious and fearsome and more comical.

>North Korea
>South Korea

Every time.

Also how did they even get these stats when only a small group of privileged people have access to the internet in Best Korea? Is this proof that butts are for patricians only?

What if I told you widowmaker herself is fine.

Its just snipers are rarely viable full time in 6v6.

Its a specialist pick in a game that has no room for specialists.

Reduce cooldown on grapple hook

Venom mine traps or blinds victim so she can escape, but can only be placed instead of launched.

Rifle charges to 200. Everything stays the same but at 200 it pierces shields.

Someone post the lumbar lordosis picture

The expanding ass glitch from one of the trailers.
Her ass would expand when she put on the visor.

you can see the seam on her balls where they fused the skin of two people to make her

EVERY FUCKING DAY i see theese threads. its allways some fucking faggot complaining about some Op character in Cuckerwatch.

And the best part is that its ALWAYS a different character, you cant fucking be serious you fucking inbred niggers, its YOU that is the problem not the gameplay balance.


Maybe OP meant how do we fix her inability to feel emotions?

Clearly you've never played Overwatch if you honestly don't have a problem with a single character in the game.


Marriage and tender loving.

Oh, nothing we can do about.

We don't. Let her and Hanzo be my ult batteries.


>48 replies 4 images
so, where are the lewds?

Make her male
Get rid of the sniper rifle turns into an assault rifle that makes no sense
Instead have a separate sniper rifle and a close quarters smg
Make him Australian New Zealand

>Skin is blue because hurr slow heartbeat

Fucking no Blizzard. She would be dead from having a cardiac output low enough to make her skin blue.

Should have been something silver related, because it will permanently discolor the skin blue while also not killing the fuck out of you


Silver is less sexy.

reduce the cooldown of her grappling hook

> boobs
If they are big, the owner is fat.

> ass
If they work out, it's nice, firm, round. Perfect.

Having big boobs is literally the sign of being a lazy faggot.

Restore her damage to how it was, remove the tracer effect from her shots.

Bam, she's viable.

there's no seam, everyone has this line along their balls/taint

>the smile while waving
Go on...

Make her scope as fast as Ana. I hate this clunky hardscoping. June 14th was the worst patch.

>being able to ohk a mile away, without any form for actual combat engagement
nope, just delete her from the game

It's not fucking Street Fighter.

Why does it feel like she always dies in this position?

Remodel her shithole

no shes made up of two people