This is Geralt of Rivia
Say something nice to him
This is Geralt of Rivia
Say something nice to him
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Well I never played any of the games there is a possibility however slim that his games are not totally shit.
He sticks by his principals, unlike the dregs that inhabit this cesspool.
all Witcher games are great, ignoe the contrarians in Sup Forums
He has long white hair just like an actually well written character, Sephiroth.
he's a small guy
This is William
Say something nice to him
>Sephiroth "maximum edge"
o am i laffin
he's as badly written as Eredin.
But the combat system sucks massive nigger dick
so is dark souls yet we keep playing them
something nice to him
Who is this and why isn't he inside me.
Wikileaks is pretty based.
youre cooler than vilgefortz geraldo
That's a feat considering Vilgefortz is stone cold dead.
>playing games for combat
save your energy for actual work, not vidya
Fuck you
Nice delts breh.
You're muther sucks dworf cock
Sorry your character idea is poorly executed in average games devoid of any remarkable qualities.
Hi gearld of river :^)
Your mother sucks dwarf cock!
have you read the books?
he has plenty of character
Read in Geralt's voice.
Shame most of the books are horseshit. only the first two is good
Crawl back under your rock!
im on the third right now and I am enjoying it alot
SOD hit me right in the feels near the end
By that do you mean only Sword of Destiny and Last Wish are good?
>Not liking the saga
No matter what he meant, even the saga goes to absolute shit after Times of Contempt.
That's alright, we have different tastes
also, have a better version of the image
Ahh a witcher,hide your wimen.
I'm sorry you can never have kids of your own mr witcher. But I hope you find your sense of calm and happiness with triss regardless.
vlodomir geralt > vanilla geraldo
Why does he carry two swords? Does he lose them often?
one is silver for monstas
the other....humans
one for killing one for slaying pussy
It's in case the first one breaks
He has a small penis, 2 swords make him feel manly to compensate.
It's in case the first one breaks. Pretty smart if you ask me. :^)
I took his Zoltan card and he didn't kill me.
Why are you so smug?
I really liked his relationships with kurwas (they are pretty good as well). It's like Japanese romancing routes but in Western game. (Or Eastern European). Western games are so fucking cliche and retarded now when it comes to mature sexual relationships like it's a taboo for some weird reason. How can that be a taboo I honestly don't know, are we sharia law now?
Japan is way more open about sex and is not ashamed of it which is perfectly healthy behavior especially when it happens in games for adults. How can be murdering people, torturing them and stuff like that allowed while sex scenes are no-no-no?
And because TW3 is totally okay with that and you can romance different girls I give it not-SJWshit award / 10
In western europe, sex, sexual inuendos and sex references are considered childish. Really makes you think, doesn't it?
Are these CGI shots? They look way better than in-game model on ULTRA rendered in Ansel at 15k
>In western europe, sex, sexual inuendos and sex references are considered childish. Really makes you think, doesn't it?
[citation needed]
i can post better screenshots from my meme card 970
Post them
>he got that redheaded lying kurwa in the end
>instead of loving and caring woman that died for him
shit taste
Do you have stable 60fps on ultras? I have about 50-60 fps with my rig.
I could never get interested in any of your games
I have 72-80 but mosly 80 on 1070 GTX
Did you disable the Hairworks? They gimp performance even on GXT 1080 down to 50-60 fps
Disable it. Great tech but too demanding.
>talking shit about Triss
Say shit - get hit. Too bad I can't hit you IRL nigga.
You're a handsome bastard that gets to fuck far too many perfect women. Also you get to kill badass monsters and shit.
I will be jealous for eternity.
>these CPU temps
jesus christ you live in Arctica?
I did disable it. But 1070 is like 980Ti and even better so I guess my FPS is correct with 980 then.
No I just have Noctua :^)
I have FrioOCK Snow and it still hot as fuck. But may be I need to scalp it probably shit manufacturing
>play Witcher because why not
>it's pretty cool
>realize all 3 games are one big story
>got 2 to run smoothly, everything is on low, don't even know what the resolution is
>there's no way this toaster will run Wild Hunt
What now?
>I did disable it. But 1070 is like 980Ti and even better so I guess my FPS is correct with 980 then.
Did you disable it completely? There are few modes, one is for Geralt + animals and one just for GEralt and then OFF
Also, what resolution?
save up on PC and upgrade?
>Only the first two books are good
Is the same person saying this or did you not read the books and just formed this opinion based on what you here. Not saying they are amazing pieces of literature just curious.
But I'm a greasy neet
You need to dish out 300€ for gpu alone and another 300€ for cpu unless you want to bottleneck that gpu you just bought.
idk, take a loan and make a pc
So am I
also 3rd world country
I disabled it completely.
He's the protag from Nioh and he's too shy to ask you out. Why don't you talk to him?.
How did geralt get to japan bros?
pic related
You have a very nice haircut.
Did you do it yourself?
What now you piece of filth!
we aren't even being contrarian