Why are Koreans so much better than white people at video games?

Why are Koreans so much better than white people at video games?

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They are good at a grand total of 2 games.

>koreans get all that plastic surgery and look better than the japs
>they don't do porn

So shooped it looks like graphics

Who wears a bra under a swimsuit? That's so retarded.

Koreans are literally worse at their own games.

Best PIU players -> Spics.

i want her to sit on my face

maybe she has super nips

It's illegal

>only good at 1 (one) ASSFAGGOTS
>not even the more mechanically intensive one
>SC:BW league turned out to be pro wrasslin' levels of scripted

Korea has literally god-tier internet

They get to practice in a 1 to 3 ping environment

the USA has an average of 60 ping to US-based game servers, for comparison

It's somewhere around 30 for EU, but it can wildly differ depending on EU country.

*at starcraft

Does anyone even play starcraft anymore?

porn is haram af in korea

probably, people still fucking play melee lol

All the more reason not to wear one.

They live in a country that's the size of a lot of states, that's kind of to be expected.

Atleast melee is fun to watch

maybe if you're a toddler or a manchild

Koreans don't do things for fun. They do things because they want to compete and be good at it.

if you're autistic maybe

but koreans are white people

>tfw no corean gf

And fighting games.


They aren't. They hyperfocus on a very limited set of genres, and within those they are notorious for hacking.

if I had no life perspective I would be pro at video games too

Because Korean culture has always embraced technology, and gaming is part of that

Koreans didn't have a dumb "macho" culture where they considered gaming for "nerds" No, they are smarter than stupid westerners, They embraced technology and they had huge E-Sports in korea way back in the year 2000 and it took 10 extra years and far more simplistic, dumbed down games for the west to finally embrace esports.

This. East Asians are honorary whites

I think you are talking about russians

Whatever games they choose to focus on they excel.

I wish Russians hyperfocused on a limited set of genres, unfortunately they infest just about everything.

Why is porn banned in Korea?
Why is pussy censored in Japan?
What are gooks problem with porn?

Too much rape happened

tiny asian penis

But Broadcast Jockeys are okay?

more like 10-20 for eu unless u life in some shithole country like poland

colonized mindset. its europeans fault.

Not in Dota

Westerners are to blame for pussycensors

Because in order to reverse it, you have to go down in history as the guy who did it.

>porn isn't censored in the west
>somehow it's the west's fault
Tiny penis logic

>Real men
>Physically Fit
>Play actual sports like football
>Girly men
>Durr starcraft is a real sport

They've seen what degeneracy has done to the West and try to contain it

puritanism is inherently a western idea.

Haha no, the routing in EU is all fucked up

>Physically fit

It's true

because they are retarded?

their trains have to be exactly on time (seconds)

theres way more media censorship in the west.

>Koreans are smart
>online porn is illegal and the government has been known to track down and arrest people who draw/film non-pedophilic porn

Koreans are fucking retarded.

That and kpop are their porn substitute.

That sounds awesome. I wanna be a porn revolutionary.

you'd be bringing a fucking megaton of dishonurr upon your famiree if you do it

because whites have small dicks. they imposed it on the east because they felt emasculated by asian men.

Koreans still download porn, you moron.
Just because something is illegal does not mean it isn't popular

>Physically Fit

The times when you guys fought hitler and everyone was fit are over. The army even said they struggle to get new recruits because everyone is fat.

>SC:BW league turned out to be pro wrasslin' levels of scripted

no it didn't, it was literally like 3 matches that were fixed which were C-list players not even in a high end tourney.


>mechanically intensive

kill yourself

That's why they dominate Counter-Strike oh wait, well I guess other Asians.... wait no...

just because pedophilia is illegal doesnt stop white people from watching it.

>americans ACTUALLY watch handegg

Russians beat Hitler, not Americans lol.

and Japs

God, we should just exterminate all white and Japanese men

>The times when you guys fought hitler and everyone was fit are over.

But there were almost no fitness standards during WW2 and everyone was a malnourished skinnyfat

lol nobody actually plays that game.

They arent. In MMOs they are pure shit on servers that allow for NA/EU to be mixed with them

560k players today according to steam

>560k 3rd worlders
they don't count as humans

this is richboy town

But Koreans are one of the low tier races in aoe2 and that game is clearly based on reality.

Good luck with your shitty war waggons lmao

Do Koreans get jailed if they ERP?

>i have no reading comprehension

Man, seriously dont go telling other people to kill themselves when you're this stupid, you're just embarrassing yourself.

How can their internet be god-tier if porn is illegal? That is some deal with the devil shit right there.

They're only good at like three games and they play those 16 hours a day because they have nothing better to do.

Throw the first punch, nigger.

Aren't Koreans more physically fit than Americans on average due to conscription?

Her ass parts perfectly for anal.

Aren't Korean girls the third place on percentage of population that regularly does anal?
After Russians and Brazilians

No there isn't.


Anal here has an eclipse regularity with an average girl.

Hey guys, where would u b able 2 find nude korean pictures, like modeling and stuff, almost like playboy (not 4 me, my friend asking, porno is nasty i think lol)?

Pornhub stats show that Russian girls search for anal porn the most

I came here for more pictures like OP's and all I get is nothing, disappointing.

How does pornhub recognise users sex?


>The army even said they struggle to get new recruits because no one wants to die for this country


And in the past people were too skinny and not exactly bodybuilders or strong. Are you retarded?


At least 50% of America are obese. How is that fit?

where are the koreans