is this why the Neo reveal was so miserable and quiet?
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Because they're fucking greedy and everyone hates their shit company
They had to push something out because the Xbox One S and NX
I'll buy it if it's guranteed to have 60fps on all games
*with paid patches for some games.
They got super cocky when they realised they were winning the current race. Xbox have done it right, admitted they fucked up, and have gone back to the drawing board. Nintendo are just inexplicably bad at making decisions now.
Sony should have poured all the Pro resources into more first party games in the next 2/3 years, and then brought out the PS5 with full 4K support and better specs than Scorpio. It would be such an easy win.
Because it's basically just a glorified die shrink to 14nm
>paid patches
This is just a meme right?
Up to the publisher.
Guess what that means?
>because they are fucking greedy and nintendrones hate their superior company
FTFY (fixed that for you)
They said themselves that they have no clue why the PS4 was selling that much.
They are still clueless.
Because they are and were a corporation that exists to make profit
Sup Forums enjoys to bandwagon them despite them being made of the same cloth as Microsoft.
>B-but Nintendo
Fuck off Sonygger, no one likes being nickeled and dimed.
Except I hate nintendo too, im a pc boy. Fucking mobile mario runner? Have fun running down the long steep rabbit hole of failure
This is too fucking great
>Have fun running down the long steep rabbit hole of failure
Nintendo's going to make fucking bank off of it whether we like it or not though
WHO CARES ABOUT PAID PATCHES??? patches don't make themselves for free they need to earn money too.....
also 4k for 400 bucks??? are you fucking kidding me pc gaming is done for
What happened to not having to pay $400 every two years for graphics card?
I guess pc won in the end like it always does.
Xbox is pumping out a lot of original and good IPs, and sequels to their pre-existing IPs.
Since launch (not all are amazing):
>Ryse: Son of Rome
>Crimson Dragon
>Forza 5
>Forza 6
>Halo: The Master Chef Diaries
>Halo 5: Guardians
>Rare Replay
>Sunset Overdrive
>Quantum Break
And then you have Recore and Gears of War 4 coming out within a month. Microsoft is giving us an assload of actual good, content-filled games that are quite master-crafted. Halo 5 being the best example thus far, but ReCore looks great as well.
Sony hasn't had as much luck here... nor do they really care. They bank off of multiplats.I guess that's fine if it works for them, as the reduction of normie cancer in the Xbox community has made Microsoft switch gears to PC inclusion to make up for the lost market.
Nintendo is just a braindead child feasting on glue in a dark, miserable corner of the room.
Sonyfans really are sad people, how could anyone defend this shit.
Pc is fucking dogshit bro.
won??? won what? being the fattest of all 3 gaming platforms?
sony has the best exclusives as always. no one wants to play halo 20 or forza 18
Because nobody cares. Nobody really wanted it either.
I actually hate Sony less since they revealed that thing because it really doesn't seem like it's going to be a big deal at all. The CPU is largely the same so they're really not going for significantly better framerates on that thing which would have pissed me off. Profags will just get a bit of a graphics boost and support for 4K, even though very few of the games will be native 4K.
I get what the box is now. It's just Sony future proofing the PS4 for the next decade as demand for 4KTVs increases as the technology becomes more affordable. I do think they jumped the gun though. Personally I don't see myself buying a 4KTV for at least six years.
Nice """argument"""
Yet it has a game library in the tens of thousands, emulation, true multitasking, free online, and once you buy a game, you don't have to rebuy it all over again just because the os updated or you got a new graphics card. It even has ps now if I wanted some ps3 games, so what am I really missing? Bloodbourne? okay.
>is this why the Neo reveal was so miserable and quiet?
Better price and release date than anyone could predict. For a 100 more bucks you get 2xGPU power. It's quiet because there is nothing to talk about, we will have it in like a month.
>They had to push something out because the Xbox One S and NX
The "neo" was sent to devs before the One S was revealed. Obviously it was strategically planned for a holiday release. The scorpio was the definition of a knee jerk reaction. "Holiday 2017" and buzzwords like 6 tflops without a mention of the actual tech.
>*with paid patches for some games.
Devs already said they are NOT allowed to charge money. Kotaku shit that neo Sup Forums willingly ate.
*Also available on PS3.
>exclusives in 2016
Sony already stated that some of their titles will be paid and other publishers may decide for their own games on their own.
So get ready for them PS4 titles remastered for 60bucks for PS4Neo
Was also reported on gamespot.
Should i wait for black friday to buy the 1st ps4?
Can I be real for a second?
This community is fucking atrocious right now. You're all acting like a bunch of whiny, entitled little babies.
A large team of people made an entire new console for you to enjoy. They made it for YOU, and they're going to wake up tomorrow morning and see that instead of enjoying it, this community of "fans" picked out the 3 or 4 things that weren't perfect and are using that to fucking riot.
Guess what? The PS4 PRO was never going to be perfect. It was never going to live up to your hype. It was never going to be everything you'd ever want in a console.
What it WAS going to be was an impossibly near 4K resolution filled with HDR colors, I just played it for 2 hours and it was exactly that.What more do you want?
Is it not true 4K? Sure. Is it still 30fps? Maybe. Is the design imperfect and the BluRay 4K feature absent and the purpose unclear? Sure, fine.
But holy shit what do these people OWE YOU?
How fucking entitled do you have to be to enjoy a 4K experience in a $399 console and then say "yeah but..."
We should all be fucking weeping in our chairs right now at the sheer size and scale of the achievement. We should be showering the people behind this thing with the praise they deserve for pulling off one of the most inspiring consoles in recent memory.
Sony doesn't owe you a new console. Yet they gave you a 2 of them.
If you have the fucking audacity to complain about it then you don't deserve it and you were never fans in the first place.
Absolute dudebro gutter trash
Can't wait for The Last of Us Remastered Remastered.
More like their entire strategy was making fun of other company's decisions before stealing their idea and claim they 'fixed' it. When the other two company decided to keep quiet, Sony had no one left to bully and started acting like the autistic child it actually was and inevitably made an ass out of itself.
>wanting volunteer shills to hoot and holler like chimps at conferences
>Sony already stated that some of their titles will be paid
that's a lie.
patches don't and will NEVER have a cost on the consumer. it's a dev thing.
>buy the same game twice in the form of a """""remaster""""" when it's just running at a (slightly) higher resolution
>now buy the console twice, and pay AGAIN to play in (fake) higher resolution
>pay for p2p online and discounts too
Hurr they're the good guys I tell you!
>he lives in a world where everything isn't being monetized
Where can I join this dreamland where publishers aren't a business?
I hate pro as much as the next guy but lets not try to justify $1000+ just for watered down console ports on a platform with literally 0 exclusives besides rts which are on consoles as well
get a job
>patches don't make themselves for free they need to earn money too.....
>here's the game that would be 60 dollars
>it's not complete
>it has bugs
>pay me to fix it
Terraria still gets FREE patches 5 years later and it has added more gameplay than every PS4 game combined.
If you bought a ps4 and plan to get a pro you effectively spent $850 for both consoles and the online play cost. That's not including the tv you are using either.
being rich =/= being stupid
bitch please. This is the only console war shit we've had in months, if not years.
>2xGPU, faster CPU, faster ram & 1tb for 399
>was not a knee jerk reaction unlike the imaginary "scoprio"
>launches right the fuck now unlike 1.5 years later
>upgrade patches are confirmed free (good job falling for kotaku shit)
>taking Nintendogaf this seriously
The majority of this board was never going to buy it to begin with.
The people who designed this console are waking up to it at #1 on Amazon in all regions.
>and buzzwords like 6 tflops
that was started by sonyggers with neo being 4 tflops when rumors started spreading then MS came along with scorpio having 6tflops, now because it's MS everyone doesn't give a fuck about TFLOPS
Gamespot reported it too, keep deflecting back on kotaku though.
nigga it's just $400.
You buy a new Iphone every year but you can't spend $400 every 3 years????
Get real.
They're milking their fanatical cultist. Can't really blame them when people are slurping it all up.
Just like that free Dark Souls 2 patch which upgraded the graphics, multiplayer connection and balance?
This is what Sonyggers actually believe
>you buy a new iphone every year
do you think im fucking stupid?
a fool and his money..
In NeoGAF it was pretty eventful
DVD's didn't have a plethora of content when the ps2 came out either.
It's future proofing.
Sony can't help themselves, as soon as they get a yard ahead they revert back to trying to fuck everyone over.
Hopefully your making sure you add up the cost for a decent monitor, Mouse and Keyboard then.
um, you will be able to stream 4K youtube!!!
ps2 could at least read dvds
PS4 Pro is actually the PS4 Neo?
You did at the $1000 mark.
>why the Neo reveal was so miserable and quiet?
I think it's because they don't want to fuck over regular PS4 sales. This is why they changed it from Neo, which implies a new wave, to Pro, which translates into different version of the same shit.
Why don't you post these alleged Gamespot articles and dev comments?
these are $600 sneakers. Hope you have them on right now, otherwise you must be a poorfag
Dude, the main point of patches are because a game is broken or buggy at release. The general idea is that the game didn't ship in a completely workable condition and needs some tweaks to fix it to a playable state
I don't want to have to pay extra for what should have been in the box originally. In most other industries if something is DOA then they recall it.
The ps4pro is a great deal, because it offers 1080p with 60fps and near4K 30fps.
I can afford $400 because I am a grown man.
Those shoes are ugly and serve no purpose.
Again, Get a job.
>No Horizion 3
Lol you done fucked up
i tried halo forge but it was too early to do anything with it the multiplayer was non existant but it ran and looked nice.
i expect to see halo 6 and some sort of Halo MCE PC release with halo 1-5 on pc at some point as its basically inevitable at this point because crossplay
>it offers 1080p with 60fps and near4K 30fps.
those are 2008 standards
>I can afford $400 because I am a grown man.
>Those shoes are ugly and serve no purpose.
lol poorfag
>Again, Get a job.
after you, poorfag
Fuck off youngfag DVD's where around since 1995 so the fucking ps2 had a 5+ year old library of dvds to choose from at that point
you sonyfags are astoundingly stupid.
t. multiplatform god with a ps3 and sony amp
actually 1080p 60hz is like 1999-2005 standards
we had 1440p and 100hz back then as well
Tell me a good exclusive Sony has besides bloodborne
Pretty funny post, although somebody can take it seriously.
This is delicious
Odin's Sphere.
> The ps4pro is a great deal, because it offers 1080p with 60fps and near4K 30fps.
I don't believe this one bit. Or at least the quality will be horrible.
doesn't count
>1080p with 60fps and near4K 30fps.
>those are 2008 standards
LOL the delusion is strong.
You remind me of an old post in the late 90s/early 00's where people joked about DLC/expansions someday costing money
well more like 2007. At least
Rrrridge Racer! ... Ridge Racer! ...
Nobody gives a fuck about that place.
>Subtly marketing their TV's to PlayStation market citing it as "optimal experience"
>Aggressively targeting mobile
>Increasing their PS+ fee to make sure you pay more for online twice
>Invalidating their own console half a generation in
>Still a library full of ports
This is worse than Don Mattricks vision but SonyGAF will tell you otherwise.
Game expansions always costed money you tryhard mid-'90s born idiot.
>Guys we've been too successful. We're making too much money. What can we do to turn consumers away?
>patches don't make themselves for free they need to earn money too.
That fucking sonydrone logic. Just because YOU have to pay twice for every fucking thing sony creates doesn't mean everyone has or ever had.