Should I get this now or wait for a sale?

Should I get this now or wait for a sale?

>buying video games

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Just get it. You're gonna 50 hours into it anyway


Literally just got done playing through FC again after playing it like 10 years ago.

Dem feels.

Buy it now you asshat.

TC when?

I pirated them sorry.


I remember starting this.
It was really fun for the two or so hours I put into it so far.
Should I finish it?
The main girl is really awful, though.

Estelle is great. You're really awful.

Estelle is an annoying shit

There's tons of content if you're into JRPGs. The world building alone is second to none if you're into that stuff, the music is killer and the characters are delightful. Gameplay is fun in that sort of break the system sort of way like Disgaea or ff10.

It's definitely worth the price tag currently, but if you're really on the fence it'll get another sale probably by christmas.

Wait for a sale. It's a hit or a miss for people for the most part; if you've got the patience, then enjoy getting trapped in Kiseki hell.

She actually goes through character development, don't worry.

its on sale

It's actually already on sale on the Humble store.


Wait for a sale.

Get Nayuta out of that picture, he's not a real Kiseki. He's really a Zwei.

Fine. :^(

I wonder which Kiseki thread will survive this battle.

You can always pirate it first and then buy it on sale for whatever reason.

Behold, the outcome of the battle.

I bought it on sale and regret doing that
it's so good, I loved it so much I bought SC full price without hesitation

I feel the same actually. Wish my hard drive wasn't shitting the bed so hard so I could continue playing.

Do it for best boy.

Yeah, I don't know why Falcom decided to brand Zwei III as a Kiseki game.

Now I can put him where he should be.

But best boy is the one that is also best girl.

>buy TitS
>play TitS
Just don't user. Don't make the same mistake I did. If I could go back in time to March 2011, I'd slap the controller out of my past selfs hands before she could select "buy". TitS is a bad game and rpg on many levels.

Care to explain yourself, user?

Objectively incorrect.

Looks like someone here has ADD.



Does anyone have that picture of Estelle looking confused? I lost it.

Actually I do know why. Because Zwei II sold like shit while Kiseki sells pretty well in Japan.

>bad game and rpg on many levels
I know this is just bait, but I'm honestly curious what reasoning you'll say for saying it's bad.

Zwei II is a great game and I hate that it didn't' sell well. I'll play Falcom games wherever they are but I still wish they didn't get pushed out of the PC market.

He's a dumb Erebonia poster shitposting on Orbalchan, just ignore him.

Go fuck yourself. You have no soul.

>refer to past self as she
>hates Kiseki

Trannies confirmed for shit taste

I want to stuff Renne into a box for timeout.


The menus are laggy. Now I'm not talking Xenogears level lag, thank god, but compared to other rpgs both on and off the PSP it's very noticeable. They're also cramped for space, especially the Quartz setting ones. Battles are slow in every regard from animations to the post-battle transition.

Character development is almost non-existant. Obviously, FC is only half a game (though SC doesn't make up for it anyway) and I'm not talking Golden Sun 1 non-existant, but if you're expecting anything more than winks and nudges about backstories you're out of luck. The story itself is by the books. And that person you'll see and think "yeah this person is totally endgame boss evil" well, you know what? You'd be right. If you can't see every plot twist and turn coming from a mile away, then perhaps you haven't played very many rpgs.

Oh and if you do play this, don't force yourself to talk to each and every townsperson after every event. It's absolutely not worth it. It's just like meaningless dialogue like in any other rpg which updates its NPC text. "oh did you feel that earthquake? my what a shock that was." - genero-rpg granny

Bought and downloaded on PS3 then transfarred to PSP.


PC version's pretty well optimized, so it was enjoyable on that front for me. As for everything else, just sounds like it wasn't your type of game. Sorry user, things like that happen.

Where can I buy Falcom merch like this, not just Kiseki but Ys as well?

if you don't buy it now xseed won't localize zero and ao

Yes. One of the best JRPG series of the last 10+ years and the best game in the series.

You will enjoy it if you enjoyed old school JRPG back in the days. It's 100% legit.

>m-muh masterpiece games!!!!
They'll turn out to be shit like the rest of them, just watch.

You know people can already play those games right?

>not my type of game
Its a jrpg. With a pretty simplistic battle system. That shit is always my type of game. The Cold Steel games thus far have been a thousand times better.

For what its worth, I'd replay FC over SC any day. FC may have had a predictable gameplay/story loop but it had those behind exploring a new land and meeting new people. SC was just a straight up rehash. It also dropped the down to earth feel and went full over the top to the point of having a boss rival for each party member.

Oh, and Chapter 9. Fuck Chapter 9.

>And that person you'll see and think "yeah this person is totally endgame boss evil" well, you know what? You'd be right. If you can't see every plot twist and turn coming from a mile away, then perhaps you haven't played very many rpgs.

>Got to chapter 5 of SC
>Stopped playing it for some reason and jumped to Cold Steel and playing Cold Steel II now

It's going to be hard going back to the slow combat

Well-liked pretty boy commander of a newly formed largely independant 'elite' military unit? Clearly he won't be the final boss. - user, 2016

Just used the speedhack function of Cheat Engine.

He's not strictly speaking the final boss though.

>It's going to be hard going back to the slow combat
>slow combat

He is small time desu.

>The crossbell and Evo games will never be on pc
Why does Falcom hate money?
I even wanna play the last 2 Sora Evo games but get discouraged when I think I have to dig my Vita out.

I don't want to see the slow ass arts hundreds of times. I wish there was a skip function but I'll just use the CE.

The Evo games are largely the same experience except the gameplay is piss ez so you can immediately get back to the story.

Maybe if you're playing on babby difficulty.
I just wanna revisit the games I played years ago, now with proper voice acting.

I mean I dont think they would stop xseed from doing it. But xseed refuses to make big investments on the series anymore since that Carpe Faggot tried to kill himself during localization and stalled the whole release into irrelevancy. They've done the bulk of the localization for cold steel 1+2 with just one translator, one editor, and one programmer I believe.

EVO makes the games pretty piss ez man but okay

Who said anything about localisation?

Alright then faggot, you have two nice pc ports of the crossbell arc on pc already. I hope you enjoy chinese.

The Crossbell games will never be localized. They're going to base it entirely on how well 3rd does and it needs to do better than FC and SC did for Xseed to consider bringing them over and PC gamers won't buy anything unless it's 75% off and also the first in a series, since sequels have diminishing returns as PC gamers don't actually play through their backlog and just let it build up.

>Caring about voice acting
Voice acting is what killed the WRPG genre for years and it could easily do the same thing to Trails given the size of their scripts compared to their budgets.

Programming is handed by falcom themselves actually. Only PC stuff does Xseed have a programmer.

At least there's the fan patch for Zero.

Last I checked, that patch was a mess and the guy leading the project was a massive faggot who hadn't played the previous games and wanted to change the terminology for stupid reasons. That was a while ago though, have things changed?

You're comparing Japan's VA industry to the west's.

>buying Estelle's game

Xseed is using SC and Cold Steel to determine if a foray into Crossbell is worth it. SC probably turned out really mediocre considering the huge pain in the ass it was to localize, but Cold Steel sold pretty well from what I've seen.

Either way we will never, ever ever get the EVO remakes unless falcom personally wanted them to do it.

Is SC still completely busted on PPSSPP?

I played through all of FC on that emulator last year and had zero issues, up until the final chapter in which some wonkiness occured, but the game could still be played.

SC on the other hand, I was able to play a little of the start though the music would cutout after each battle. But up to a certain point it went into endless loading screen zone, forcing me to play it on my PSP.

The lead dev is still a massive faggot but he's not the translator, just the organizer. People are only calling it a mess because the lead dev is a dick. The "proof" they have of it being terrible is proof of concept videos from months ago with unedited, unchecked, raw translations.

It might turn out to be garbage but the people who've already dismissed it are just Xseed fanboys who can't stand to see the company slandered by the retard in charge of the translation.

Just get it, who even cares about anything anymore

You're right, Jap VA's are even more expensive, they'll drive the budget up way faster than VAs in the West did, for absolutely no benefit.

Why would you play a game with a superior PC port on an emulator? The only reason to play the psp version is if you actually want to play it on psp or vita.

Aren't the ports pretty shit actually? Also Zero got a Japanese release but it sold poorly so they didn't bring Ao over.

Nah, only the really prodigious are really paid anything notable. West has way more expensive actors overall cuz of unions. Only non-union are cheap, and thats' why you only see the same 8 actors in western dubs of games.

>we will never get such a great female protagonist as Estelle ever again

time to kms

>time to kill your my

Because I bought the first one on PSP and didn't wish to rebuy on PC. And as I said the first one runs just fine on the emulator. Was really surprised when the second turned out a mess.

I've mostly played wRPGs but I ran out of my backlog, so I tried TitS FC & SC and loved them. What are some other jRPGs that are
>preferably turn-based
>not too grindy
>have a good pc port or is easily emulated

So far I've played Dark Cloud 2 (great but grindy), Valkyria Chronicles (loved it), Xenoblade Chronicles (okay but far too much filler) and TitS FC&SC (I loved them). What should I try next?

Hard to go wrong with Final Fantasy Tactics, Tactics Ogre LUCT, and Vagrant Story.

>we'll never see an alternate universe with Enforcer Estelle

Any love for the Gagharv trilogy?

The baddies already have more than enough dumb brute dudes on their side. Estelle has literally nothing outstanding to offer them.

Falcom really needs to do a re-release which isn't completely shitty like the PSP remakes and also doesn't have a fucked translation.

Her character would have to be entirely rewritten, wouldn't make any sense.

I'd love to play some new turn-based JRPG, but the games are so, so, so extremely ugly.
I hate this type of chibi shit artstyle so fucking much.

It's worth it. You can skip to Cold Steel if you really want, but you'll be missing out.

The translation really didn't piss me off too much, but that was before I was a nitpicky sperg.

Playing the PSP remakes in Japanese is the best way to play these games. The PC releases are insanely dated even with a real-time battle system.

The game itself plays much better than on PC, but the translation is really weak. I remember being told once that significant plot points are translated completely wrong.

>I remember being told once that significant plot points are translated completely wrong.
Pretty much everything is translated completely wrong. I still can't fathom how could that machine translation was released officially. Some parts of the story were pretty touching in Japanese whereas they completely fell flat for me in "English".

Why should I buy Estelle's game?

Well Keseki is their most successful series these days so maybe you'll get a what-if scenario eventually.

I wanna protect Renne.

How long until Ys is renamed to a Kiseki spinoff?