What's the most retarded plot twist in vidya?
What's the most retarded plot twist in vidya?
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JC in Invisible War becomes cyber jesus.
Lulu looks like her jaw is dislocated.
That nigga can't draw mouths at all actually.
>It was all just a dream
Two right feet
You are big boss... just kidding....EXCEPT YOU ARE... but you're not
>Was trying to find a guy that would sacrifice himself for the sake of his child
>Finds one
>Decides to kill him anyway because lol
dick dont care
Akane is Zero.
Motives are complex.
Two from the same series, both equally retarded and both made their games complete shit.
The "America is the real bad guy" stuff in MW2 was pretty dumb too, but you could still enjoy the game despite that.
No, the dumbest thing in MW2 is Russia instantaneously teleporting and invading the USA through the fucking east coast and bypassing all Atlantic naval forces and all of Europe
And that shockwave that travels through space and destroying the ISS was just pure silly
I honestly thought it made more sense when it was magic.
Granted, it's more because it was a cliffhanger, but fuck that ending.
>It was Venom all along
>I was pretending to be hypnotized/retarded!
Frankly the whole MGS saga.
Newcomer with high hacking promise for the future:
>Complex Snails
Dude it's just a game
What was the twist?
Thank you.
>Game starts
>Lettuce twins give you a box that says "WOUNDED KNEE"
>get to columbia
>They must know each other.
fuck that game
The worst kind of plot twist is the one that's obvious 5 hours before it's "revealed".
completely unnesecary
I still love the game though
>Far Cry 2
>Your buddies aren't actually dead
>Also they all want to kill you
that time Bionic Commando tried to take itself seriously and made Super Joe a villain for no reason
Oh and Spencer's wife is his arm.
You're not in a magic land, you're in a giant social experiment with people who have been hypnotised into acting like fantasy characters. All the magic is accomplished by machines literally everywhere that everyone is hypnotized to ignore because they're painted a specific colour.
Dropped the series at this point. Never touched it again. Going from historical fantasy to Dan-Brown-tier global warming hystericism is one of the biggest disappointments in gaming.
The fact that the final boss was a punching match with the Pope didn't help either.
Good twist Tbh, just needs follow up
oh fuck I remember that
it's so fucking stupid
sad thing is that the game was actually kinda fun. It just ruined itself by trying to be deadly serious at every turn.
Came here to post this.
Yeah, I'm just mad about the cliffhanger.
Modern Warfare 2
no one even care, despite the warnings, nothing happens
they tried to make the story interesting by making the templars the good guys
I can't tell if you are talking about Yakuza 4 or 5. They both pull that retarded shit
Fist Fighting the pope is one of the series highlights desu
And amazingly still not as stupid as North Korean taking over the USA in Homefront.
Not a plot twist, but it's still so fucking stupid it mystifies me.
You don't fap to Sona for her feet
man that series had so much promise.
I was kinda into the pope fight though. It was alright. The real kick to the balls was that - despite ezio;'s story being blatantly finished - they dragged him out for another 2 games rather than bothering to put some effort into a bit of originality.
>Lies to himself in his own thoughts
>That retarded part where he murders a guy off screen while you're playing as him.
say no more senpai
When Sovereign said that their motivations and actions were incomprehensible to organics i never expected it to be "incomprehensively retarded".
AC Rogue honestly has one of the better stories of the AC franchise, though I guess that's not saying much.
Got hurt covered buddy
Thanks u for image
I would say Layton games in general have some of the worst endings in all of fiction.
There is so much bullshit you have to put up with if you play those games. It's absurd.
>the best twist ever in a game is utter shit
incinerate yourself user
>LOL MAGIC the end.
Sasuga Japan. Way to go hard on the whole could be solved with logic just to cuck people at the end. And before the next nigga tells me that it was planned all along, just stop. They fucked the series up so badly that they had to release a follow up book explaining how everything went down in reality because, "LOL MAGIC" was an unacceptable answer.
Dan Brown conspiracies are fun though. I wish there were more occult and mystic illuminati is real type settings.
Seriously, 5 does the same thing?
I agree I did not give two shits about these people and it straight up made no sense right up until the end
All the townspeople signed their lives away to be hypnotized into roleplaying. Also, something in the town's water knocks people unconscious when their hear pure silver ringing. "Magic" is performed by special "shades" ringing a silver bell, then setting up a bunch of shit while everyone's out. No one can see the shades, or various other things around town because everyone was also hypnotized to "not see pure black".
It's a Layton tradition to have the plot seem magical and it's actually just advanced technology. Time travel? No, just an elevator. People obsessed with puzzles? Nope, robots. Town that shouldn't exist? Everyone is tripping balls because there's a gas leak. I'd hate it, but it means they have crazy mechs all the time, so I'm not complaining.
Taiga has the same shitty twist that "oh no! my apprentice was evil all along!" again
That wasn't a plot twist, and it happens at the end of the first one.
I don't remember rubber bullets in 5.
Would have been better if they stuck with the original concept that Templars were remnants of the Roman Empire
>follow up book explaining how everything went down
Are you talking about Chiru?
Because it was meant to have the same structure as Higurashi from the very begginging
First half lays the mystery and the second half explains it
Also magic wasn't real
I agree the twist was terrible though
Akane being Zero made a lot of sense though.
Especially the part where Aoi has Akane as his "hostage"
>the game was a moba the entire time
Yea, this one really was retarded. I played 3 only a couple years ago, with a open mind. It really was dumb, and was essentially a retarded version of TTGL. At least with TTGL it was cool that Genome was trying to supress and not let the event happen, but in this nothing like that happens. Might have been cool if Sovreign or whatever the baddy of the first game had instead tried to act on their behalf to halt the evolution of all space life somehow. I dunno, third game is just a mess.
me on the left
Can I grope your tits
They failed so hard by demystifying all this shit. I remember feeling awe by uncovering every hidden conspiracy puzzle, all those apples in paintings, Adam and Eve running for their lives. This crazy bitch looking right into the camera. Seeing the red foot marks leading into the shelter. Killing the waifu. All this endless conflict. All of this for the sake of stopping the sun going high-wire.
A thousand times this.
I liked the Layton games, but yeah, they pull some fucking pantsu on head retarded shit.
You thought you were going to the future, but you were actually going to an exact underground replica of London! Oh, and there's also a Metal Gear.
I'm and I agree completely. It was a copout to such great buildup.
Was it too much to ask that it all turned out to be straight-up supernatural?
I would have loved that so much more.
>No James, YOU are the monster
>3 games later
> No Travis, YOU are the monster
I fucking love both of those Silent Hills, but when SH0 tried to throw that at me...sheeeet
It was a plot twist for me because I stopped playing after 5 minutes, and secondly no.
As bad as B:I was, that's not a good argument against it. Throughout the game you're meant to believe that Comstock is a fraud and unfairly credited himself the victory in the "battle". In fact, late game you can find a somewhat hidden audio tape where Comstock complaints that his fellow troops treated him with distrust for his native heritage and only accepted him when he killed Native Americans with them. The voice acting is pretty chilling and the contains make you doubt whether what you know about that character is true - overall it was one of the best moments of the game.
The mystery of the druids is that there are no druids
>he doesn't like feet
how would that make things better?
Literally the worst part of a girl.
>not personality
Girls are perfect on the outside.
That story was just underwhelming in particular.
Here's the tape I'm talking about.
Xenoblade X is one of the worst for sure
It at least would make the Templar's motives better.
>Had an Empire
>Lost it to disorder
>Saw what the world was like without order
>Determined to prevent that from happening again
lick em
No Russian
>BANG I knew you you were a spy the whole time and now I killed you making this whole level a waste of time
I will never not be mad.
Even my MGSV mad went away a few weeks after. But I will never be stop being mad about this.
He said worst, not best
The point was meant to be that it didn't matter if magic was real or not.
Or to put it another way, everyone was so busy trying to solve the myster that they didn't pay attention to what mattered.
I'll say Mass effect of Biocuck.
>I played 999 as a teen and though it was the best story ever because I was, and still am, and ignorant faggot
VN fags in a nutshell. Please go read some nice books and watch good movies (no, Nolan Movies aren't good, sorry), then read that DS shit again and have the balls to say is anything but pure bullshit, like the vast majority of weeaboo trash.
The entirety of Final Fantasy X.