>tfw dynamic IP and sometimes (You)s don't show up for my older posts
Tfw dynamic IP and sometimes (You)s don't show up for my older posts
>tfw 0 lease time and if your connection ever drops you cannot delete your posts anymore
wtf can you delete your posts on Sup Forums?? how?
>reset my IP and forget about a thread I posted in
>find thread again and reply to my own post, forgetting that I made it
Pretty sure those are cookie based.
>tfw banned 20+ times in the last week for posting anti Clinton shit
the mods really are #WithHer
>change IP and have a discussion with myself for 20 posts without anyone suspecting samefag
>thread picks up and I get 500 angry replies
Nope, once you change your IP posts cant be deleted anymore
What the fuck are those?
>doesn't use Sup Forums x
I've found that as long as you never make a thread, you never get banned.
Mods are too lazy to ban actual repliers so they just ban the thread creators
There is only 1 poster in all of Sup Forums
I am samefagging across all boards
Disregard that fag I am the only poster here
>post a qt girl in Sup Forums game thread
>instantly banned
>entire thread is just TSSSSSUU spamming
I don't get it
this happened to me.
I replied to my own post with "this"
>guy posting pizza near me gets me rangebanned every month
>cp poster range bans my entire country
lel, cool
dyanmic IPs doesn't reset by itself
if you are resetting your modem you'll need to log in again in a lot of things
Sup Forums is the most ban happy board
I remember in back in 2013, if you said one thing off topic you got banned.
>traveling around japan
>no phone data
>rural shithole train station has wifi
>IP banned for cp
ye but its not reasonable to ban my post only because it has a picture of a cute girl when 90% of the posts in the thread are off topic trash
janitors will scour page 10 and ban people that have made posts like 20 hours earlier, they probably got banned eventually