If I ever come by to pick you guys up on an airship so we can fight the bad guys together, you won't make me go on a boring fetch quest first, right?
Trails of Cold Steel II thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Is this game really this good like you guys says or is just otaku pandering like Neptunia and Atelier?
Also, I heard that it take almost 80 hours to finish, is this true? Is this the actual length of the game or just stupid and repetitive quests like "kill 5 of this monster", "get 10 of this rare item with 0,000000001% chance of drop".
I'm really interested in this game, please respond.
it's not really pandering, it has a cohesive story that deals with power structures and politics inside an empire.
However it has its share of "anime" tropes, like how most of the main party are pretty stereotyped characters (glasses class rep, tsundere ojou-sama, silent loli, etc)
It's a good game despite these flaws.
>game came out a few days ago
>thread is dead as fuck
Probably just bad timing. There was a pretty active one just last night.
>otaku pandering
it has harem tropes and what could be considered an affection system but it's not really pandering
As much as the Sen haters like to always spout the meme of Falcom going down the drain and pandering to otaku, the Sora trilogy actually has even worse pandering.
There's a giant-mech riding loli in Sora SC who used to be a prostitute pleasing old men, so yeah compared to that I'd say Sen is less pandering.
Crossbell is still a possibility though... R-Right...?
>Sora thread and Sen thread at the same time
Goddammit, they can't both live.
>That Crow S-Break in CS I
The true "teleports behind you and starts spinning around with dual shotguns, killing everyone"
That is the worse reasoning I've ever heard as to how Sora trilogy is more pandeirng to sen. I hope you're just pretending to be retarded.
>Game forces you to return to the courageous whenever you want to quick travel across the country
I wish they had just put in a quick travel option without making you actually travel back to the bridge of the airship first
Ymir is comfy as fuck.
>Lewd Loli that appeals to literal in-game lolicons
>Not pandering
Did you notice the random footbath at the center? I just found out last night you can interact with it.
Oh so you're a shitposter, makes sense.
>tfw not buying these games because they're intentionally left unfinished with sequelbait
>tfw won't get my money and the games won't get the financial support needed for future translations
>tfw will never experience a full, entire Trails trilogy
Dunno what to feel man
>renne even remotely lewd
>Making an entire long series of full-length games telling an expansive storyline is "sequelbait"
>This is what retards actually believe
Trails is the series that RPG fans have been looking for, and now modern-day retards don't even recognize it.
The first Sora FC and the first Cold Steel game end on massive cliffhangers, you're fucking with me to tell me otherwise
And the fact that there's going to be Part 3 in both series already tells me the story for those games isn't done, so I'm waiting
>Tempts old men
>Not Lewd
>have to wait until november
Fuck NISA.
It's not "sequelbait", you retard. It's called telling a long story that can't be fit into one game with the kind of attention to detail that the series is known for.
God you're so dumb. Fine, don't enjoy the games. You're the only one missing out.
Sora's main story ends at SC. The 3rd isn't necessary to feel like you're done, so go ahead and do that if you want. Cold Steel II on the other hand doesn't resolve everything, but it resolves a bit at the very least. Enough to feel satisfied while waiting for the third game I feel.
Do you think you'll explode or something if you beat a game that has a cliff hanger?
Sora FC wrapped up its own story fairly well; it would've included SC if it wasn't for the fact that it got too big for its own good. Same thing happened with Cold Steel, though the difference is SC wrapped up Joshua and Estelle's story very nicely, while Cold Steel II leaves a lot of questions unanswered.
The 3rd is the point of no return for Crossbell; it doesn't finish Sora like you think it does.
Be thankful you don't have to wait longer like people had to do with Rune Factory 4.
No but I always lose interest in a story if I have to wait a long time.
A lot of shit happens in a couple years.
I beat the first Sora FC and then I had to wait 2 years for Sora SC to come out, when it did I played it for 3 hours and dropped it because I didn't give a shit about the story anymore. The hype died a long time ago.
I'm not making the same mistake with Cold Steel.
Then at least make the ending somewhat satisfiable instead of making you go "OMG HOLY SHIT" and then blueballs you for a couple years, that excitement will be gone by then.
If Sora ends in SC then what's TC all about?
>If Sora ends in SC then what's TC all about?
It's a side story that includes the same characters, but has a different main character. The MC of the 3rd is a character that was introduced in the second game.
3rd's a sidestory that massively broadens the horizons of the world, setting up both the Crossbell and Erebonia arcs.
Protect the Sen thread, that's the newer game.
>is my monstrous power deep inside me part of being an awakener?
>lol dunno, maybe?
Why is CS noticeably worse than Sora, but still so much more fun than anything else I've played this year?
If that was true, then wouldn't Crow also have a demon mode? Would McBurn be able to pilot a Divine Knight?
Might be an old fashioned case of a solid franchise where even the least impressive games are still alright.
Also nothing good has come out this year, 2016 was terrible for video games.
Dark Fukt did nothing wrong
>Easily wrecking the shit out of the boss in the basement of lohengrin castle
>He's down to like 6k HP
>Suddenly he turns it around by killing most of my team with deathblows in like one turn
>End up having to use a zeram powder to finish him off
Well who knows user, who knows.
Nobody else makes the kind of rpg that we've come to expect during the ps2 era (or at the frequency we've come to expect). Tales has been a rollarcoaster ride with far more dips then hits, FF has been in the dumpster for a while (SE in general is pure cancer), Atlus has been doing a terrible job in large part due to their stupid fixation on P4, NIS is shit, and compile heart continues to flood the market with 9 piles of manure for every 1 passable game.
CS just feels like a time capsule to the better days.
They really amped up the number of deathblows for CS2, huh?
>S-Craft Xeno and Leo to the brink of 30% HP
>Xeno deathblows Rean
>takes burning damage
>Rean gets revived with 100 CP after the mech battles
>want to import my save from the ps3 to the vita for Cold Steel 2
Where should my save be at again? I have a save file that straight brings me to the mech battles, but apparently i cant upload that one. "Before going out to defend Trista" is kinda vague.
>Letting your guard down
>Not using accessories that prevent deathblows
It's like you were asking to get killed
I think I'm in love.
It needs to be a cleared save.
The enemies in that dungeon used sleep and faint, not deathblow, so I had those accessories on.
So i load a cleared save, hit the main menu, upload the crossave and im good?
I just got Laura and Emma back. I imagine the real trails of cold steel 2 starts now.
Maybe in Sen IV we will resolve half the questions
intermission chapter is when it starts to get real 2bh
Not the same user. Im at the same point where he is please tell me its soon.
This feels like field studies 2.0 ft. Valimar right now.
>Sen IV
Please no
>When Valimar finally picks up a sword
Nah, the real cold steel starts at the end of the game, just like the first game
If you just got emma and laura then you still need to get jusis, but you're close to the intermission chapter. That should be the next one.
It hasn't been released in EU yet so I can't play. I don't want to do an US import.
>tfw there's no "push party member out of the line of fire" command
>[mecha combat intensifies]
Whyyyy couldn't they just make the mecha combat into upscaled ordinary combat?
Let's be honest about Jusis for a moment
>literal best boy
>came from Duke Alberea's ballsack
Let's be honest about Osborne for a moment
>will make Erebonia great again
>incredibly gifted in politics and warfare
>not a cute girl
Who cares, if Jusis had been a female, everyone would have lover her and demanded she be the main heroine. The fact that his father is an asshole makes him even more lovable.
Let's be honest about Estelle for a moment
>average fighter at best
>spouts bullshit about friendship and working together
>isn't even remotely useful
Who /teamlevel100/ here?
I heard you talking shit about the Bracer Guild's rising cheerleading star
>See this one girl at the Inn in Legram
>Sharon seems to know who she is
>isn't even good enough to break Sara's record of fastest bracer to reach A rank
She'll always be the inferior bracer, user.
What difference would that make? The mecha combat is the same thing but with part targeting instead of positioning/movement.
>MFW I realize I've been fighting late-game bosses with no quartz equipped on instructor sara
> Alfin's event in the Dorm
>Implying Sara can match the speed of the speed demon of Calvard
Were you honestly expecting something?
>>thread is dead as fuck
Everyone who's not already been spoiled, is likely trying to avoid being spoiled. These threads will pick up in a few weeks once more people have finished the game. Also thank god CS3 isn't out yet. No spoilering future events, just theories.
We'll get some discussion on it when they show it off at TGS
When's that?
What the fuck is here problem?
>speed demon can't even fight a jaeger properly
She ain't gonna last against a jaeger turned bracer, I'll guarantee that.
In other words not at all the same thing.
Next week Tuesday
Tuesday probably.
>960x544 screenshots
itt: Vitacucks
May our lord and savior Towa have mercy on your lost souls.
She can hug the emo out of edgelords.
>Scares off Arios
>Gets acknowledgement from Shirley
>Gets acknowledgement from Arianrhod
>Able to endure and evade the fastest speed character currently known (Arianrhod)
>Literally kills/knocks out Jaegars at the end of Ao without even trying
In your dreams buddy, you know sara wouldn't even compare
Most of the userbase is on Vita. You're the black sheep here.
Us ps3 fags will be eating shit once theres no ways to transfer saves to sen III
That's the face of a man that failed to save anything.
>Find Criminal Master Quartz
>Jizz myself in anticipation of slapping that shit on Emma
I want to bully Dubarry with my dick
At least Vitacucks have a chance of getting Sen 3, PS3 friends have to upgrade to continue
Here have some Towa
Look on the bright side, user; at least your screenshots look loads better.
why is it the forbidden fruit that tastes most sweet?
So how do Lloyd and Rixia sound ln english? I'm bracing myself for the worst
>Missed Criminal
>Won't be joining the Emma nuke club this playthrough
Such is life.
May he rest in peace.
>Us ps3 fags will be eating shit once theres no ways to transfer saves to sen III
Given the transfer "rewards" from the first game to the second, I don't think I'll be losing any sleep over it.
That made me laugh harder than i shouldve
Im pissed
I though they were going to the shrine during that part in the highlands
Now I gotta wait
Normal or Hard?
I found Normal mobs too ez and and some bosses too much of a snooze, but I'm afraid of locking myself into an extremely difficult boss fight and not winning because I'm too shit at this game
She's gay for her boss, but her boss fucking loves Laura and her family. So basically think of what's going on with Laura in her town when it comes to the girls.