>Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Delayed, Aiming For A Release In First Half Of 2018
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Delayed, Aiming For A Release In First Half Of 2018
>delay station 4
>we promise games next year station 4
>MN9 constantly delayed
>shantae delayed
>FFXV delayed
>valkyrie drive delayed
>NMS delayed and ended up like shit
the fuck is up with 2016?
Good thing Mighty Number 9 taught me a lesson, never support kickstart projects.
Eh, I'm fine with it.
I honestly thought it was coming out in 2018 in the first place.
At least they didn't spring the delay on us right before release date 8 times.
Games get delayed all the damn time. People just pay special attention to Kickstarter projects because they want another shitstorm.
Kickstarters give them too much money and they hit too many stretch goals. It ends up being a curse. Instead of them going "okay, let's keep it simple" they bite off too much than they can chew. And the stretch goals make them port it to too many consoles, and add too much content.
Bloodstained happened after MN9, so they avoided some of it, but they still suffered from it a bit.
why was shantae delayed again?
>Delays are bad
its only bad if they turn around and ask for more money, like jewafune did
Iga has a history of working with lower and lower budgets.
How much do you bet that the reason he is delaying the game is because you has so much more money and needs to find a use for it. So he is hiring more people and shit.
I believe in Iga.
Inafune is just a moron.
Iga's experience is with low budget PS1 and handheld games. This is his first really big budget game, comparitively. And they've mentioned handling the money is their biggest issue so far.
Just post the main characters armpits.
Think of all the unfinished rushed games that come out. I'd much rather wait a little longer for a game that doesn't suck ass
>Think of all the unfinished rushed games that come out.
That's all budget reasons. From Software for instance has modest budget games. They can't go over those budgets, which means they are often rushed for the 2nd half of the games.
This game seems to be more about them having the money to spend, but not having the time or the people.
I's funny that the "Big Story" here is that the game is delayed and not that the game is switching development teams. One of those should be more important to people who dislike MN9 and it isn't the game delay.
why is anyone surprised? the work that they've shown us so far is still fairly early in development
>not that the game is switching development teams.
They are?
Yeah, the demo was said to be something like 10% of the work done (not 10% of the map). It sounds like they rushed to get the demo out by E3, rather than the Demo being done for ages.
it doesn't say that he's switching development teams though, it says he's just adding another team on top of the main one
Because fuck you that's why
didnt school start for you kiddo?
>knew the initial date was 2017, but not what month
>see this now
>it was supposed to be march 2017
How can you miss the mark so fucking hard ? Inb4 Igadrones, he a goodo director, he dindu nuffin wrongo.
@351273026 [you]
Bug fixing, publishers stuff
If the nigga says the game is not up to his quality standards. Then it's not up to standards.
Iga says the Saturn version of Symphony is not up to his standards too vs. the Playstation version.
>Ben "It's better than nothing" Judd is Iga and Inafune's agent
>Whispers like Wormtongue in their ears about kickstarters
>also re-uses Inti-Creates, a horribly mediocre developer who are only good for grunt work
>Somehow people thought that using the exact same teams, with the exact same people would not result in another Mighty Blunder 9
>12 years old falls for his first PR talk: the post
Not trying to forced the next NM9 meme, but this really raises a big red flag
Didn't Saturn version have more content ? So how come the PS version is the superior ?
I played the demo and liked it annon. If that wasn't up to his quality then it can only get better from there.
Saturn has some good new content, and some sloppy new content. The new areas are short, and filled with ugly poorly drawn enemies whose art style horribly clashes with the rest of the game. Some of the new items and abilities are neat, like the "third hand" for items, and true running. However, it also technically has a ton of problems, like slow downs, lack of transparancies, longer loading times and more loading rooms.
At least Yooka Laylee hasn't been delayed yet.
I remain optimistic, but it's a definite possibility.
>Yooka Laylee still scheduled for early next year
Why do Jap devs suck so much compared to Western devs.
Also, why are British devs and Polish devs so god tier?
Delayed = better game basically got disproven after the abortion known as Mighty No. 9 got delayed 3 or 4 times and still turned out to be shit anyway.
I'm cool with it because the demo looked really good. The first time MN9 footage came out you could tell that there was gonna be trouble. No such feeling this time.
This is probably the last time I kickstart a game by a former AAA developer though. Just doesn't really feel like it's a thing that needs to happen anymore. For a team like Iga's it is stealth pre-orders and nothing more.
Everyone knew it was going to be shit the moment they showed the trailer and it was nothing like the concepts. Quit trying to insert that abortion into everything.
I have to wonder how shit it would have been WITHOUT those delays.
Probably equally.
MN9 was due to the ports. They had the model of creating 11 versions of the game at the same time, on different platforms that vary wildly. Most of the dev team spent time working on the ports, the bugesting, additional features no one wanted like online, while the actual core of the game was rushed. Plus, they lacked ANYONE who had any directoral experience with 2D platformers. Most of the directors for the games were "literally whos" types.
I'm not saying Bloodstained is the same but "delay makes it better!" is not a bulletproof thing. It's a meme.
IGA is an actual game designer/director though.
Inafune was just a businessman.
The game could very well be shit, but I'm hopeful that it won't be. Same couldn't be said about MN9 though.
>Demo already better than any showing of Conman's game
>'It's gonna be another MN9 guys! Boy I hope everything fails!'
Tortanic was a mistake
I would argue that since there was pretty much no one who thought it was going to be good after the first gameplay alpha right?
I still feel alright because the beta of Bloodstained was solid, same with FF15.
"hell is filled with people that had good intentions"
Even if he has good intention, bad management and decisions can really fuck your shit up.
t. fag who is watching this same movie for La Mulana 2, but the devs there are confirmed legit, unlike Iga that has yet to prove being good when not working under a big company.
British devs just have an insane work ethic. A team of 15 Brits can easily outdo a team of 60. It's insane.
Polish devs are hit and miss. You either get games that are insanely well optimized that are also deep and rich in every aspect, or you get piles of shit.
I'd rather a good game than Might No. 9. This is actually good news in a way. He could have rushed something shitty out but it looks like his heart is really into this game and he truly wants to make something good.
Looking forward to it 2bh
Polish line is also true of Russians and Ukrainians.
Iga is a desginer AND a business man. It's so obvious he's using a nostalgia bait game so that he can go out on his own and create his own studio. Konami was having Iga work on mobile games, and he hated it. He saw that he wasn't needed at Konami anymore so he left after he saw Inafune get big with his kickstarter.
Iga will create his own game studio, where he's CEO, and his company has full rights to the characters and series they create.
It's a mirror to Con-man Inafune. He gets to give himself a big promotion. At their companies, they could be the best producers ever, but they would never rise past that, and they would never get that much of a pay rise, and they would never get a real promotion.
The only difference is taht I think Conno-manno has no clue about gaming. In 2012 he said his Game of the year is Angry Birds, which STRONGLY implies he never plays games outside of mobile shit. Inafune is utterly clueless about what makes a fun game. Iga in contrast has experiene with programming, scenario writing, and directing.
implying that bullshit XV delay announcement was just a copout so he can remake the game for the playstation pro patch
>both coming november
square is so full of shit
With Russians, you usually get a mix of the two.
The underlying tech is usually terrible, and the game may be janky as fuck, but there's always something under its surface that is extremely compelling.
Delayed = good got disproved long before that with duke nukem forever.
Maybe keep you biased hatred for all things kickstarter out of your uneducated opinion.
Was there any release stated previously? I've always expected this game to be finished in 2018.
DNF was bad simply because it was shit from the beginning, not because it was delayed.
However, being delayed for a decade obviously isn't a good thing. Being delayed for a few months is understandable, a year is questionable, and anything more is concerning.
After 2 years, you may as well not even bother anymore.
DNF was not one single game in development for 10+ years, but rather a series of games. They should have just finished and then released the first or second incarnations of the game instead of squandering it.
Additional polish and all that other stuff
Yep. Agreed.
But they kept wanting to add more and more "innovative" tech to the game, which only made the shitty old references even shittier and older, which only delayed the game more and more.
Basically, feature/scope creep got to them, and it didn't end until 3D Realms practically went out of business, and Randy Shitford decided to make a quick buck off of their dated efforts.
People fell for the kikestarter meme
>Tortanic boogeyman
It's funny how you believe that
Does there exist a Kickstarter game that wasn't delayed?
He's not saying what they have is shit, he's projecting that if they were to finsih by 2017, with the dev team they had, they would ahve to severely rush. He doesn't want to do that.
Iga is "our guy".
Kickstarter is a bubble and it will eventually burst.
There isn't even a proper game that wasn't delayed.
Game delays always happen, even if there isn't a release date announced for the public.
It's just the nature of game development. Hell, even software development in general.
Based on the demo, and the KS goals. Its not small project at all.
>Game has the same shitty indie Jap devs working on it that worked on MN9
It's already doomed to fail, which is a shame. IGA at least has some passion, but I'm sure he's realized that the team he has for the job simply isn't experienced enough.
Basically, if you're backing a Kickstarter for a game, make sure the guy pitching it at least has his own studio at first, instead of hiring a studio after the fact.
>It's funny how you believe that
>'Everyone's lying all the time, a small two month delay is definitely because the game is heavily behind schedule'
The demo for Bloodstained is already loads better than MN9 ever was. There's more to creating a game than just the grunts you hire. Design leads can heavily influnce a game and MN9 trying to be on every platform under the sun takes resources, time and influences the game you can make
It's not even a delay, there was never a strict estimate in the first place.
In the early pitching stages they repeatedly stated that people shouldn't get too attached to any early release windows because there was a lot more work to be done in comparison to development of earlier Castlevania games.
They're also not switching development teams, they're adding more people to the project.
Pay attention, Sup Forums, goddamn it.
Those "shitty indie Jap devs" made Megaman Zero.
MN9 was jewnafune's fault, don't blame Inti for it, they have a stellar track record.
>Pay attention, Sup Forums, goddamn it.
A majority of Sup Forums is underage, what did you expect?
>It's funny how you believe that
It's a delay of around a month, it can't be more than that
Don't know. Tortanicfags are fucking cancer.
>Tortanicfags are fucking cancer.
Amen to that
>I believe in IGA
game is shit by default by being that awful 2.5D
>large budget
>no sprite art
Indie metroidvania games should not take years to make, people used to put out great GBA games every year. Two years at most for first games in a series because the time went into making sprite art.
>indie metroidvania
IGA is not an indie dev, this is not an indie game, they have a publisher.
>people used to put out great GBA games every year. Two years at most for first games in a series because the time went into making sprite art.
Sprite art that was reused since Rondo of Blood all the way through Harmony of Despair.
This game is IGA's biggest project yet, he's not making sprites for a shorter game like Rondo of Blood, he doesn't have the benefit of existing sprites, he doesn't have the freedom to even adapt designs since that would infringe Konami's IP, and he doesn't have the Castlevania universe to work with any longer.
Pay fucking attention.
i mean its a godamn platformer its not like its a square enix game why the hell does it need to take an extra year to finish?
I can't tell if you're impatient or retarded. I really want to believe the former but your trying to hard to prove the latter.
>2018 for a 2.5D sidescroller