Sony is THE most anti-consumer console maker on the face of the earth

I've been saying it here since 2006, it was true then, and it's true now. Let's just look at some blatantly anti-consumer practices, annoyances, and where they've lagged behind in tech.

1. Horrible PSN security policies, constant hack, downtime, and slow adoption of things like 2 factor auth.

2. The "Welcome Back" server fiasco

3. No username edits on PSN

4. No option to buy games that are currently a part of your PS+ Rentals (don't you dare call them free games, they are rentals for the length of your membership as are Xbox One games with Gold (and not like 360 games with gold which are actually games you own and keep)) and no way of cancelling early (you must instead let the membership run out), meaning if a game is a rental and it's gonna be pulled and you want to own it, too fucking bad, you'll have to keep renting for life to play it.

5. No system-wide scaling on PS3 to always feed your panel its native res (unlit every other single HD console on the planet, like 360, Xbox One, and even Wii U), meaning the tv had to do the scaling work for some games inducing lag.

6. No fucking stereo out option on PS4 for audio. If you don't have surround sound and just use the TV's speakers, too fucking bad, enjoy your shitty simulated surround.

7. No option to add storage to the console, you can merely replace it.

8. No mods for fallout.

9.Adding arbritary rules to what vita games can and cannot play on Vita TV.

Other urls found in this thread: patches&prmd=sivn&source=lnms&tbm=nws&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiWruC84ILPAhUGjywKHUWdBzsQ_AUICigE&biw=1280&bih=800

10. Horrible quality control with DS4.

11. No UHD BD playback on a console that's supposed to be all about 4K, when its competitor does it at 100 USD less.

12. Horrible, horrible NIC on PS4, using that as a selling point on PS4 Pro by making it passable.

That's just off the top of my head. I still don't understand how they remain so popular. Yes, the systems do have a few nice exclusives going for the, no one is saying otherwise, but what a shit, shit company. I hope they don't remain in the top for long, already the competition has beaten them for 2 months, and Nintendo stole the hunger 2 days prior. If they slip then they will have to do a good job, which can only benefit everyone. Look at what Microsoft did with the One. They outlined some plans (didn't actually do anything mind you, just outlined their vision), it wasn't taken well, and they did something about it. That needs to happen to Sony.

I don't know what's worse, the company or its blind Sonygger fanboys. We all deserve better, you deserve better, so demand better. I'd like to see a pro-consumer Sony.


Rule number 1: don't assume Sony ponies have brains. Most of them think they are getting free games after all.

I was fucked over too. Had to get castle of illusion on steam.

I agree with all of these but I hate the xbox too much to get anything else. Never ever forgetting that always online shit they tried to pull.


Not as long as Nintendo exists

I hope you realize that out of the big 3, sony is the most developer friendly.

Sure, they are getting close to microsoft level of cancer, but its still the best place for a developer to make game for.
Lets not even start about nintendo and the "if you arent first party dev, fuck you" mentality.

>4. No option to buy games that are currently a part of your PS+ Rentals

Go to the store and buy the game. Iamsosmrt

It's all true, but it has the weeb games I need.

I recently took my PS4 home to my parent's place and was too lazy to configure Internet. Literally couldn't find out how to take a screenshot without that.

Been a sony fan growing up and still am. I like their products but they really need to get their shit together. I mean, the playstation meeting had only one passing mention of higher framerate. They need to get their heads out of their asses and know that performance is better than graphics. PC will kill the brand if it continues this way desu.

You do know the reason that 3DS and WiiU had such abysmal launches was because Nintendo tried to bend over backwards for third parties and they DIDN'T step up aside from a handful of exceptions, right?

>Rule number 1: don't assume Sony ponies have brains.

I'm kinda glad a bit of console war shit is still going on but it's just meh.

meanwhile Xbox introduced paid online to consoles, popularized console shooters, paid map packs, pretty much wanted to spy you with Kinect (still do with W10), wanted to make physical copies useless, 360s broke down all the time, and raped Rare

You forget digital exclusives. I got lucky and was able to buy a gamestop license code for Scott Pilgrim and Simpsons Arcade once they were pulled. Not being able to buy what is rented is anti-consumer. On the competitor side, on Xbox you can buy anything you can rent, any time, even when it is on sale.
You don't have to get anything you don't like. If you aren't felling the Xbox, you could always get a Nintendo system or a PCC if you don't want a playstation. Xbox One S is looking really good right now for a lot of people though.
Well, can you still say that? Microsoft's development process has opened up a lot, and with the advent of UWP, it is opening up even more. Microsoft sees the value of working with devs now. As for Nintendo, they have become more friendly and open to dev with a new site even.

And now, anyone can make Nintendo games, from small indie studios, to behemoth publishing groups. Sony clearly doesn't have a developer friendly edge anymore if they had one to begin with.

and sony made it worse and did other shit

both are cancer, sony is worse.

nah, Xbox pretty much created/popularized everything people hate about modern gaming.

Sony would never have had the guts to pull that shit on their own.
Its microsoft who open pandora's box of the current jew gaming industry.
Microsoft is trully the cancer that spreads and infects others.

>this somehow makes Sony the good goys

Can I be real for a second?

This community is fucking atrocious right now. You're all acting like a bunch of whiny, entitled little babies.

A large team of people made an entire new console for you to enjoy. They made it for YOU, and they're going to wake up tomorrow morning and see that instead of enjoying it, this community of "fans" picked out the 3 or 4 things that weren't perfect and are using that to fucking riot.

Guess what? The PS4 PRO was never going to be perfect. It was never going to live up to your hype. It was never going to be everything you'd ever want in a console.

What it WAS going to be was an impossibly near 4K resolution filled with HDR colors, I just played it for 2 hours and it was exactly that.What more do you want?

Is it not true 4K? Sure. Is it still 30fps? Maybe. Is the design imperfect and the BluRay 4K feature absent and the purpose unclear? Sure, fine.

But holy shit what do these people OWE YOU?

How fucking entitled do you have to be to enjoy a 4K experience in a $399 console and then say "yeah but..."

We should all be fucking weeping in our chairs right now at the sheer size and scale of the achievement. We should be showering the people behind this thing with the praise they deserve for pulling off one of the most inspiring consoles in recent memory.

Sony doesn't owe you a new console. Yet they gave you a 2 of them.

If you have the fucking audacity to complain about it then you don't deserve it and you were never fans in the first place.

>underageb& thinks consoles have only been around since Xbox 360

Nice pasta lad

Critizism is good. Just because people complain doesn't mean they don't appreciate a product.

>mfw lik sang

these kids dont even know about the first vidoe game crash

>it's a 'tripfag thinks his opinions matter' episode

I'll keep playing my weebs games while you go on a one-man crusade against a company

More pasta than a Garfield comic.

I was a Nintendofag from 1995-2012. When the Wii U was announced I thought it was a horrible mistake on Nintendo's part and I gave up on vidya for a few years. Last year I bought a PS3 and 4 so I could finally get around to playing all the games I never did. So while you're definitely correct I still think that PS4 is the lesser evil when compared to the Xbone or the failure that is the Wii U.

They're all 15 and their yearly allowance is $400 what so you expect
Anyone with an actual job that cant stand pcuckoldry and primarily games Sony exclusives on a ps4 is going to upgrade, but don't expect anything but shitposting here until they all have to cram for Algebra I finals

Nothing wrong with pointing out flaws

Well my dad works at Nintendo and he says you're gay.

Your mom also works at the strip club and she says I can come back anytime.

I know, I miss them too.
There is nothing wrong with pointing out the bullshit is something that shouldn't get praise. Sony owes it to their loyalist fans, some blind by fandom to see faults, to do better, and make more pro-consumer choices.

And no, no 4K UHD BD playback is complete bullshit. IF their competitor can do it for 100 USD less, it's a conscious matter of choice and nothing more.

Put your trip back on so you can stay filtered

True but you dont have to post pasta after pasta

Yea but can you play Bloodborne™?

Pure exclusives/console exclusives for PS4

Gravity Rush 2
Yakuza 6
God of War 4
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age
The Idolmaster
The King of Fighters XIV
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8: Final Chapter Prologue
The Last Guardian
New Hot Shots Golf
Ratchet & Clank
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End
Dead or Alive Xtreme 3: Fortune
Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance
Everybody's Gone to the Rapture
Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force
Horizon Zero Dawn
Inferno Climber
Song of Memories
Killzone: Shadow Fall
inFAMOUS: Second Son
Omega Quintet
Onechanbara Z2: Chaos
The Order: 1886
Tearaway Unfolded
Detroit: Become Human
Until Dawn
Deep Down
Valkyria: Azure Revolution
Robinson: The Journey
Dragon Quest XI
Combo Steel
Diao Bao
Kill Strain
Without Memory
A Few Days Left
Anger Force
Fanta Blade
The Castle Game
Celestial Sword
The Witch and the Hundred Knight 2
The Tomorrow Children
Fat Princess Adventures
3on3 Free Style
Sword of Heaven
Guns Up!
Super Hypercube
Prismatic Solid
Never Gone
Gran Turismo Sport
Hardware: Rivals
What Remains of Edith Finch
Summer Lesson
Stories: The Hidden Path
Ready to Run
One Upon Light
The Lost
Drawn to Death
Inferno Climber
Shadow of the Beast
Code: 12
Kido: Ride on Time
Mobile Suit Gundam
Let it Die
Ace Combat 7
Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom
Modern Zombie
Disaster Report 4
Little Nightmares
Wild Guns Reloaded
Days Gone
Here They Lie
VEV: Viva Ex Vivo
Death Stranding
Crash Bandicoot remaster

And many, many more

Yes, I can actually.

And I have.

And I still think Sony is being a little shit and has been for some time.

>I've been saying it here since 2006, it was true then, and it's true now
It wasn't true in 2006 but it is arguable today

>No option to buy games that are currently a part of your PS+ Rentals
This shit sucks, essentially when the game you want to buy is on sale. I believe that this hurts Sony (loss of money through marketplace) more than it helps them (encouragement to keep paying for PS+).

>No username edits on PSN
Again this must be hard for Sony to do because they would charge for name change. They are leaving money on the table.

>No mods for fallout.
Sony has a bad history of their consoles getting hacked, I'm assuming they are just attempting to prevent that. Still really shitty though.

>I don't know what's worse, the company or its blind Sonygger fanboys.
I can tell already that you're going to respond favorably to my comment.

if you couldnt tell by the picture I was fucking around

a lot of those are ports
a lot aren't even out


>Dead or Alive Xtreme 3: Fortune

1 game that's worth it

MODS please stick this thread

Oh, hi Sean!

>y.yeah but all those games suck! Yeah, they all suck! 'cause I said so!

Am I doing it right ?

Sony no longer own majority of stake on UHD BD development, Microsoft does. This is different from the BDA which Sony is a co owner.

>No mods for fallout
Besthesda can't really promise quality of the mods on their disclaimer so why would Sony approve and host them?

Tell it to someone who gives a fuck, Tripfag.

>7. No option to add storage to the console, you can merely replace it.

Did Nintendo start shipping their consoles with a HDD rack? Did Microsoft stop selling HDDs for their consoles with a 50% markup?

You know it's bad when even neogaf shits on Sony.

oh boy

Many existing PlayStation 4 games will be patched to add support for the PlayStation 4 Pro’s increased power and high dynamic range (HDR) color features. But the publishers of those games may charge players for those patches, reports Game Impress Watch.

When asked if the 4K or HDR patches for PS4 games would be free, Masayasu Ito, an executive vice president at Sony Interactive Entertainment, told the Japanese website Game Impress Watch (translated by Kotaku) that "it will be different for each title," depending on "the thinking of each licensee."

At that point, Ito was referring to third-party publishers. But when Game Impress Watch asked him to clarify whether the same would be true for games published by Sony, Ito said so, telling the site, "I think it will vary for each one of our titles."



Can't believe i forgot.

Yeah because they fucked them over raw with no lube, in the ass, then pumped them full of HIV when they tried to develop for the wii. I don't blame them, it was fucking impossible to get ANYTHING as an indie dev during the height of the wii's popularity, then I got an email when the wii u was being launched offering me a special offer on a dev kit and license, FUCK THEM.

>up to the publishers
so bethesda is gonna charge extra for it, what else is new?


WOW patches&prmd=sivn&source=lnms&tbm=nws&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiWruC84ILPAhUGjywKHUWdBzsQ_AUICigE&biw=1280&bih=800

>Filtering a tripfriend who posts killer deals every fall.



>console exclusives for PS4
Delete that line, and you only get 4 or 5 titles.

>Mona Fan
Says the faggot who appears in Smash autism threads

>Put 3 cards of 20$ in Nintendo eShop
>"the account was suspended due to suspicious activity"

Fuck Nintendo, I call them and they told me that they can only refund 20% of the wallet. It was literally my worst experience with a vidya company, since then I moved to PC and I pirated my Nintendo consoles. Fuck the NX, 3DS will be my last console

>Close Club Nintendo
>"We promise that our new service will be better for our consumers!"
>Nintendo Rewards is beyond bad practises like having to buy a fuckton of games to get a single VC game or coins has an expire date. Others things include no phsycal rewards and give small and shitty discounts via Nintendo coins meanwhile Sony and Microsoft give deals all the week

Literally Sony Rewards (which was a thing since about ten years) is a better service

So your telling me that Microsoft called up Activision and Bethesda and told the to start making dlc?

Honestly I think Nintendo is worse. Sony is scummy yes but at least they manage to be more modern and up to date than Nintendo has ever managed to be with their archaic shit design philosophies.

>Honestly I think Nintendo is worse.

No option to trade and upgrade to newer hardware.

PSN price increases because muh inflation

Ps3 store and psn interface is a laggy mess while the ps4 version is as smooth as a whistle.

No backwards compatibility not even an attempt like Microsoft does which is better than nothing.

FUCK SONY. After the news of this bullshit hardware upgrade I'm not buying shit from them again.

Oh I almost forgot.

PSNow subscription. They will t offer backwards compatibility but they let you rent and buy older games through their shitty streaming service.

Ps2 games and psp games cost between $14 - $39.00 still in 2016.

Shit even psone games for the vita still cost $9.00 - $15

That's another thing. Doesnt support the vita. They develop one of the sexiest handheld ever and just let it die. FUCK SONY.

No one tops Nintendo in anti-consumer

They are

Try Hard Xbot

Scott Pilgrim was removed by the publisher themselves. Sony had little to do with that

>no mods for Fallout 4


It's a shit game anyway, why be bothered? You'd have to be a normie or a pleb to enjoy that repetitive trash.

Why do you care? Just don't buy it. When you see a shitty car that you are never going to buy, do you spend all day shitting on the car on /n/?

Why be angry against a company? Why be a fanboy of a company? All I care about is my weeb games. Since I got a ps3 and some are coming to PC, I don't have to worry too much about the new consoles yet. Anyways, no Dark Cloud 3, No Buy ps4!!!!

Microsoft is lying. The Xbone S can't play UHD Blurays.
You're talking about brand new hardware here that costs at the minimum 500 bucks ALONE.
They'll probably put one in The Scorpio, but that is a year from now when the UHD playback hardware is much cheaper.

Not sure why people are angry, sure ps4p sucks and is not worth it, but who is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to buy it? I got a used ps4 for 170 and it was worth it for the couple of weeb games.

Wanna hurt them?
Don't buy their shit.
I thought we went through this.

I think they are angry people that already bought ps4/vita and got burned. Sadly PS4P is going to sell on price point and release date alone. It's pretty much the only console worth buying this holiday, xbox1s still has no games and is not as powerful as the ps4p.

>Steam workshop junk
>Not playing PC version with all the trimmings and unique mods
>Depending on a company to allow mods

While Vegas was fine on my PS3, id rather play on PC since I can make it more better.

>still slightly better than Nintendo and Microsoft
How the hell did this happen? Why is everything so shit?

At least we don't have to pay for online and the last time Nintendo gave out a bunch of free games, it was with no strings attached.

people refuse to go pc + console + handheld. The complainers are console only peasants, if you own a pc, you don't care if fallout/skyrim gets mods on ps4.

>console exclusives

Console exclusives being advertised as such is one of the dumbest things of the current gen.

Reminder that if you act now you can purchase a 3.60 Vita from a third-party, henkaku it, and either sink six gorillion dollars into a 16/32 gb card (from a third-party) or wait for the cheap chink alternative.
The only thing holding you back is brand loyalty.

I could care less about which console is which just give me good games. I got ps4, Laptop made to play worthwhile PC games on it, Wii-u and a 3ds, that all I need.

You stop giving a shit about caring about 'company loyalty' once you get a full time job.

You honestly think Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo or Steam could give a rat's ass about you're loyalty? All they want is the cash you have. It's business not a family.
Just common sense.

But it was Sony that decided you cannot buy a PS + Rental while membership is active, meaning a lot of people didn't even have a choice TO buy the game before being pulled.

>You stop giving a shit about caring about 'company loyalty' once you get a full time job.

This, once you go PC+Console+Handheld you stop caring what x or y company is doing.

>b-but MS

Its worse when someone sees how shit something is and instead of leaning away they start doping it

Sony is objectively more shit for following suit. meanwhile MS saw the backlash and stopped most of what they planned on and got rid of the kinetic meanwhile sony is raising the price of their online when its worse and security is shit

they are the ones sucking CODS dick and talks more about movies than games and now they plan on charging for basic updates

>Xbox One S Can't play UHD Blu Rays.

It can, and for 300 USD.

You can contact customer suppport to get the game removed from your library, it takes 10 minutes. I did it with a few games.

And this is not broken how?!?!?!?

keep digging deeper sonypony.

Why don't you just buy an xbox1s then?

Man like chill. It's just video games. Vote with your wallet.

I have an Xbox One, I have no reason to get an Xbox One S as I don't have an HDR panel. I'll probably never own one, and buy whatever project Scorpio ends up being called, should the games I really care about perform significantly better framerate-wise at least, to be worth the price.

Not native 4K, who cares

So this thread is just to shit on sony for issues you have never experienced personally?

>It's all true, but it has the weeb games I need.
Pretty much this, I use my PC for multiplats and anything else.

Isn't that what most of the platform war threads are about?

We re talking about video here. video playback wise, the One S kicks the shit out of the PS4 Pro.

Microsoft was also upfront advising that all content would be scaled to 4K and that current games wouldn't be rendered at a higher resolution, but future games, such as Gears 4, can take advantage of such things like higher rendering and HDR.

That being said, it has been proven that Xbox One S actually plays some games SLIGHTLY better than on Xbox ONe.

I don't buy consoles to watch movies. I have a PC for that.

Point is a console that is nowhere near what they are promoting it as should not be lacking UHD BD playback if the competitor does it for 100 bucks less.

Welcome to every Sup Forums thread, and then they'll retaliate with "I don't need to play/use it to know it's shit"

>games are not important
>username edit is more