Post your pet together with your favorite game Sup Forums

A cat. Are you a faggot or a single woman?


It makes me sad that these threads always get deleted, I know it's fairly off topic but they're fun and it's one of the only times Sup Forums tends to come together and get along

he's infected by the brain parasite, be nice

For some reason, weeaboos love cats. Any normal human with a dick and balls would choose a dog over a cat.

She is super fluffy but with a bad temper although

You've gotta brush her more though.

lol i got 3 cats and last time i remember i was still fucking woman

I want a black kitty... would probably get a short hair though.

Couldnt decide on a single game

>dirge of cerberus
Was it good? Always wanted to try it

Nice cat.

Where da dog-bros at?

dumb fat american detected

>tfw pet cat died in 2004
F-fuck you OP, I came here to laugh, not to feel.

Look at his favorite game. You already know the answer.


I thought you guys were memeing with the gay shit, but you really are homosexuals.

Cats are ok too

yeah cats are gay but this shit is perfectly fine for a man to own

>le i'm on Sup Forums, laffin at u, virgins
Go ahead, post your manly pet and vidya.

Unless you're innawoods or on a farm, only a faggot would pick a dog.


Literally the most selfish creature on the face of Earth.

what are you a twink

its interesting. TPS mixed with RPG set in the FF 7 universe. If you can find it or emulate it, give it a try. More cats incoming.


if you were living on a farm, a cat would be a lot more useful than a dog
cats kill mice and rats
dogs just bark and shit everywhere


All of you fags or something?

Cats are even more selfish than human.

No. I'm a weeb Mexican


Do your cats ever show affection or any kind of personality? What can you even do with cats? They can't protect you or learn tricks. What's the point

What's wrong with Valkyria Chronicles?

>most selfish creature
Humans are by far the most selfish.
The rich profit off of the exploitation of the poor and weak. Businesses are raping the planet and are pushing us to the brink of a mass extinction event.
The worst part is that very successful people are often very selfish, so a reward for being selfish is implied. Much of this is probably the result of capitalism.
But what we need is a moral and spiritual renaissance. We've gotten complacent and strayed from the right path.

you are all plebs

I'm too lazy to find my cat so I'll just use the same picture I took for the last time we had this thread.

They have lots of personality. Cats are a bit like houseplants that can walk around, and most of the time its like having a roommate. Honestly, getting cats came down to two factors: wanting something other than myself and the gf in the house, and getting a pet thats a good balance between interactivity vs time consumption. I dont live a lifestyle that lends me to having a dog.

>dog looks like it's crying blood
>THE BEST of edition of Vesperia PS3

Life has not treated you well, user-kun.

Original was way better

>inb4 console pleb

I think there's something wrong with your cat
So basically you're lazy as shit

Can you even pick up a cat and hold it in your arms without it jumping off? I mean, yeah you can look at cats. But there's not much interaction between owner and pet. That's why I'm doubting cats as pets. They don't really do much.

But it includes all the dlc, a free poster and it's better upscaled, I do also own it on the ps3 so it hardly is any different.

>all these dog fags who wont even post a picture of their mutt

>Can you even pick up a cat and hold it in your arms without it jumping off?
Uh, yeah? Depending on the cat, they may even like to be held.
The most interaction you'll really get out of a cat is cuddling, but "doubting cats as pets" is kind of stupid. You might as well doubt snakes or fish or birds or pretty much anything that isn't a dog.

In a sense, yes. Outside of work, I have absolutely no time for anything. If i do, i'm too exhausted to really do much. Regardless, my cats are cuddly as hell, so no issues on companionship.

One of my cats loves being held and sleeping in my lap. The other hates being held, but will sleep above my head on my chair or on my pillow. One of the reasons i have two is because they keep each other company whenever I have to go out of town

The cat is only a good as the owner. While there are some cats who are simply antisocial by nature and prefer solitude, most cats will be very friendly and outgoing if they're treated and raised correctly. My own cat greets me when I get home, prefers to be around me when possible, sleeps close to me, enjoys playing with me for extended periods of time and being held by me, though not for longer than a few minutes. She's very sweet with me but is very untrustworthy of other people until they've spent some time with her. It's kind of like a kid that doesn't entirely take over your life and can be independent without much work, but if you want a quality relationship you have to put in the time. A cat won't love you unconditionally like a dog would, which is why their affection is much more valuable and sought after.

That cat looks like a badass

Their bodies look really fat in this image

If they like you they'll usually show it. I rescued a cat a few years ago and she's very affectionate. I like them because they're less work than a dog to keep, you just feed them and change their litter box every once and a while.

>he has a favourite game

shit taste confirmed

One of them is a bit chubby around her hind legs (closest to the camera) but her sister is a bit on the thin side. They have a lot more fur than it first appears.

I can't put my ferret on my hard drive.

Not him but
It depends on the cat. Most will be lazy as cats naturally tend to sleep alot, however many do have periods where they want attention or play. My cat usually sits on my lap when I play vidya or just sits on top of my chair. When I'm sitting down on my phone or whatever she will want to either play or be petted. She is pretty active for a cat.

>tldr; cats are like dogs; some are lazy and others like attention.
>pic related

That tends to happen when cats lie on their side.

this pic makes it a little more obvious one of them is overweight.

what's that wallpaper?


Are they siblings?

Yeah she's a cross breed between a tabby and ginger and gives less fucks than I ever could

here you go, user.

Yes, they are. last two of the same litter when i adopted them from the humane society

comfy cat


>tfw no cat


>have an expensive PC and monitor in my room

I don't want a cat to wreck my shit

Because of this thread, I'm looking at kittens to adopt. Fuck getting an old hag, I want them young. So I can watch them evolve over time and maybe they'll even outlive me.

Getting them both to be in the frame and look at me was a hefty challenge.
And this is the best I got.

Also I loathe the Gamestop employee who put fucking 7 price tags on my copy.

little pupper

>and maybe they'll even outlive me

>and maybe they'll even outlive me

care to elaborate?

Your favorite game is Monster Hunter 1?
Of all MH games, you actually like 1 the most?

>moved out
>miss doggo

It's not the same. I would play games with doggo sitting on my lap. ;_;

Not 1, the series really.

But I prefer the 1 cover to the others personally.
Less clutter.

So many newfags here. Do they not realize that Sup Forums has loved cats ever since it was created?

Where the fuck do you think the Caturday meme came from?

Ah, fair enough.

this cat isnt having any of anyone's shit
holy shit i want to pet him

bird owners are the worst.

always invading threads with birds


She's female bruh

But they haven't?
Mostly weeb cat owners in this thread.

post your bird faggot, i know you have one

Not video games.

Reminder to report off topic threads.

Is it not possible?

cats live 15-20 years

>not a single western game posted

Fuck catfags

i'm still gonna pat the fuck out of that cat, sassy cats are best, she a cute
then there's this fuck who lays on everything

user, that birb isnt real.


he's pretty clever

snek posters best posters

prove me wrong


That's a weird dog you have there user


I have an even weirder one that changes color

I know that Chinese cartoon but it's on the tip of my brain driving me crazy.


Your penis can change colours?

Since cats clean themselves by licking themselves, aren't you touching their drool?







ankha cat Minus8

Ankha Villager Cat Minus8

>price tags on my copy.

Try smearing peanut butter on those areas. Let that sit overnight, then you should be able to wipe it all off.

No, my other ferret user.