are there any good games ?
Yesterday was Star Treks 50th anniversary
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No. there were some threads about it, but most star trek games are shit. ]]I think the mystery of trabeling in space and running into shit at random is what we need, along with crew responses. But something like that doesn't exist yet.
25th anniversary game
You'd know if you would've been here for yesterdays thread.
yes there are games, check this out:
Imagine this as a UHD remake.
thanks couldn't make it yesterday
I remember an old PC game that was pretty good. you beam down with your party and explore mysteries and stuff.
cant think of the name
Friendly reminder that Dukat did nothing wrong.
Away Team
is that it ? its really old and was kind of like a point-n-click type game with the original crew.
and is it possible to get it now ?
>turning Bajor into his own personal whore house
>Kira's mother was his own personal toilet
So based.
Star Trek 25th Anniversary
The Next Generation: A Final Unity
Star Trek is best as an episodic point&click adventure game.
I gave star trek online a try yesterday and it's pretty good. Not totally marred with DLC packs, the ones that are there are mostly convenience shit and ships that aren't really useful, there's no like "quest packs" or anything, you have access to all the content.
All the quests you take on are basically like 15 minute long TNG episodes. Combat is really simple, both ground combat and space combat. I'd argue it's even too easy, but that makes it all the better for normies and shit and having a relaxing experience.
Plus nimoy did voiceovers for narration.
if you dont pay/grind for 3 years you will never have a ship and gear to do elite team missions effectively.
Nah, I got enough dilithium ore to buy a decent ship in just yesterday and today. Granted i'm still relatively low level but I mean, it doesn't seem like there's a big spike anywhere, I can't find anyone complaining about it ingame anyway.
Elite force
Because regular players cant do elite missions within the time limits.
Should I play if I want a timesink?
How is the Kobayashi Maru mod?
Well alright then, at high levels it'sn ot worth it. Doesn't c hange the storyline stuff is pretty fucking fun. And all the factions are different stories too.
You could definitely get like 20-30 hours out of it.
This is not the proper format for these threads.
Shit, where's the 50th anniversary game then?
is it for sale anywhere or is my only option to pirate it.
I remember a long time ago in whatever holodeck/instant action/non-story bit that game had I crashed my dad's computer trying to make a large fleet battle
>Birth Of The Federation
>Bridge Commander
>Armada 1
>Elite Force 1 + 2
>Starfleet Command 1
>Klingon Academy
Those were the games I lost hundreds of hours to when I was younger.
just watched this episode yesterday. it was sooooooo good.
That the hell is going on with all these non-Dukat-pasta Star Trek threads
Exploring strange, new threads
>Still no proper Star Trek MMO
Star Trek Online barely scratches the surface of what an MMO should be.
Ran out of kanar so we are onto the Romulan stuff
>all cardassian men want to bang bajoran women
How do cardassian females even compete?
Dukat was a fool. His weakness for pathetic Bajoran vermin clouded his judgement and prevented him from doing what should have been done. That is, sterilizing that shithole of a planet and strip mining it down to the core.
Also Bridge commander was a pretty sweet game.
Because there's not a lot of interest in the IP from consumers. That star trek online has lived this long is a fucking miracle.
They dont have to. Only true cardassian MEN stick with their own race.
What's going on in this thread, Hu-mons?
>being an asshole to women is considered flirting in Cardassia
What is their sex like?
If you play Star Trek Online, you have about 3.5 hours left to pick up your free TOS bundle in the Zen store.
It's not listed under promotions like most giveaways; you'll find it in the bundle packs section.
Grab it. Especially if you plan on flying one of the 23rd century ships, since their default interior is the shitty 26th century timeship from Enterprise, not the 23rd century interior.
still no idea how they did that
Thanks, gonna pick it up.
That episode...
Dude Masaka lmao
Isn't he just leaning into a body double with a boxy inside of it?
Boom boom motherfucker.
Is there a way to access the Zen store without installing the game?
You know. To save it for later.
Never know when/if I will care to come back to that.
>tfw too shit at sins to play that
I just can't learn how to play it.
Also, for those unfortunate souls who really like the game, you'll be able to buy physical models of your ships soon. All customization options taken into account, right down to the name and registry.
I plan on getting my Pioneer and Ranger-class done at least, since they'll likely never see an appearance in anything at all after STO and they're damn nice designs.
No, you have to claim it in-game.
If you start now, you might be able to reinstall before the giveaway ends.
Shut up and post more ships.
DS9 >>>>> All other Trek
The Romulan Warbird is the best ship in Star Trek. It is better than all Federation ships combined.
Dukat has a like dozen kids and illegitimate children of high ranking Cardassians appear multiple times. You work it out.
I like to think of that light right in the middle as its nipple.
So where exactly do I claim this in game? In the zen store? I don't see anything that's free there.
Sounds like Cardassia is full of whores, bastards, and broken families. Or is it just polygamy?
"laddy, don't you think you ought to rephrase that ? "
based scotty
Go to the discount packs section, its right at the top.
It's in the discount packs section.
Remember that time those warbirds got totally fucked by a few jem'hidar fighters? Good times.
It was a commandos style game but I do not recall it being that good.
Elite force 1 and 2 are bretty good even if they sort of miss the point of star trek
Star trek online even if the ground combat is typical mmo shit has a good story with lots of dialogue. And it's free
a Galaxy class got taken out by 3 the first time they went into Dominion controlled space, who also had 2 runabouts for support.
at least the Romulan/Cardassian task force fell into a trap and the battle was pretty long.
Thanks, looked there before but didn't see it.
>The alcoholic Cardassian sells wine IRL
What are the odds
Federation are bitch ass too.
Victory is life!
Obedience is victory.
No Miranda class?
Scotty is the ultimate definition of "Original and Best" who was it who clocked a fucking superhuman in the face to try and chase down Khan while being held hostage? Mongomery motherfucking Scott.
Jesus christ this is amazing. How did you even find this?
Literally just finished that episode
I am First user'iklan, and I am dead. As of this moment, we are all dead.
Babylon 5 had the better battles
As much as I like it, it already has model kits out there that are probably higher quality than what this 3d printing deal will spit out.
I simply see this as a way to preserve the ships that'll die with STO when the servers go offline.
Well that's because Babylon 5 is the better show by miles.
I fucking love Babylon 5. I can't even begin to count how many times I've seen it.
Londo did nothing wrong. I will never stop saying this
I am Chief Miles Edward O'Brien. I am very much alive, and I intend to stay that way.
You never succeed as long as you value your life more than victory.
Did you die and get replaced by yourself from 30 minutes in the future?
>side with the shadow
>not obviously going to be a massive fuck up
Man that was about as dumb as siding with the vorlon