Discuss so I may profit from your experiences.
Which is the BEST 3DS SMT?
The one that isn't boring.
DeSu OC.
persona q
Soul Hackers or IV.
Soul Hackers
Soul Hackers
Call me a picky faggot, I'll probably try to get back into it one day, but presentation wise I hated SMTIV, it just looked ugly to me and getting started was annoying, and I thought Nocturne was bad. So far the only SMT games I actually like are the SNES entries, Strange Journey, and as mentioned, Soul Hackers.
The presentation is what carried SMT IV for me. The combat was weak compared to other SMT games and the plot/characters were weak, but I can't get enough of that Tokyo and that music.
My favorite is DeSo OC.
I just beat my tenth game last night. I just another bitch ass messiah now.
How does it differ from the main series?
desu it's more like SMT 1 & 2 than 3 or 4 are.
Not much really. First person dungeon crawling, fusion/negotiation and the plot/characters/setting are taken out of a 90s cyberpunk OVA.
So the SMT gameplay is not like persona?
Depends what you mean.
Persona Q
Should I get IV if I really liked Strange Journey? Outside of DDS and Persona I haven't played that much SMT.
What are the aspects of SJ you liked the most?
I liked Digital Devil Saga and Strange Journey but I have shit taste most of the time.
This. Haru and Yoohoo a cuties and Minori is Trash VA tier.
my favourite is Soul Hackers. i liked both the Devil Summoner remakes, liking the second one a bit more.
SMT4 is breddy good, too. looking forward to SMT4 Apocalypse. i got pretty far in Persona Q, but i lost interest in it.
Should I get DeSu1:O or DeSu2 (don't know the sub title) for 3DS?
i prefer 2, but you should get both
>TFW I beat my first SMT game before I knew what SMT was
>it says "RPG" on the box
well, shit, i thought it was a soccer simulator
I just like collecting and fusing monsters, dungeons are a bonus.
Yes, it says RPG, but it says nothing about it being an SMT game. I didn't know until years later when I looked up the game, trying to find a rom, when I found out that it had a name change when it got localized but it was an SMT game.
It's hardly SMT desu.
I'm playing Devil Survivor 2: Record breaker at the moment
It's pretty cool but I hate multiple savestates so I got someone killed and couldn't reverse it because of the time system.
Combat is engaging and balanced just the writing is amazingly bad as usual and the english VAs suck ass once again
Finished Tokyo Mirage Sessions last week, it's a great title and has some of the best SMT gameplay
Isn't Persona more focused on each character having a single demon by their side while you build relationships with your teammates to increase the power of your demons/acquire new ones? I've only played a little bit of 3 on the PSP and didn't really like the battle stuff or the presentation, granted ive been told that's the wirse version the game so I might have to check out the PS2 version or try the other entries. Regular SMT has you fighting and talking to demons to join you, give you items, calling a truce and not fight, or scaring them off.
Nocturne and 4 are in third person while 1, 2, Strange Journey, and Soul Hackers are old school grid based, first person dungeon crawlers like Wizardry or Etrian Odyssey, except with a sort of Pokemon like incentive to collect shit loads of demons and fusing them to create better demons, also SJ and SH are more polished as exploring dungeons is very convenient with mapping out where you've been, telling you when the next fight will occur, using modifications to change how the game plays like reducing encounters, getting more money if you win fights, etc. While Strange Journey gets lots of love here, I love Soul Hackers aesthetic, music, and characters even if the gameplay mechanics are cumbersome like a currency system to summon and manage demons currently in your team, but I sort of like that since theres always something to pay attention to and do while in dungeons, only real pain in the ass in SH is the post game stuff like optional bosses and grinding if you want specific demons with specific attributes and attacks, still a fantastic game.
>last year of high school
>persona q releases
>weebs and nerds more prevalent in school
>meet a freshman niggaboo who ays his 3DS during lunch
>talk to him on occasions because he was cool and didn't talk to many people in the beginning of the year
>playing Persona Q
>"Oh so you like the SMT franchise?"
>he looks at me strangely and replies "I just bought it because of the Persona anime, I've never even played these games before until now"