So, what do you expect out of 1.2? I mean 1.1 is already a great update

So, what do you expect out of 1.2? I mean 1.1 is already a great update.

Other urls found in this thread:

Oh yeah, Kerbal Space Program thread.

desu I only want unbroken wheels

Didn't they get into a bunch of shit for treating their employees badly? $3k a year pay or something like that, for American staff.

Turns out it was just a very unhappy ex employee and the story ended up in nothing, as is always the case with people making up shit to get their 15 minute fame

KSP is


There was some annoying guy in the reddit, criticism something, very unclear about everything and always made shit up.
>Implying Squad can do wrong with a game as based as KSP.

>making up shit
A bunch of former staff corroborated it on Reddit, apparently.

Can't wait for him to notice this thread and start taking credits for all kinds of development accomplishments

Ok Mirk/Catfucker

I finally would like to see some new moons and planets


>Design a small spaceship
>Crash it into the moon after not using the time warp wisely
heh, it was good that I found Mechjeb.

What's the point if you can't do anything on them?

Higher res textures and heightmaps on planets from orbit pls

>Broke all the mods
I don't want to install kerbal engineer again (and again, etc.), and playing without it is a fucking pain. Wish it wasn't as janky.

You can install science addons though :^)

"I've been informed by one of the current devs (I'd appreciate some more corroborations) that work conditions and wages have been improving considerably lately. If that's the case, and not just an exception, I'd like to congratulate Squad on improving on that. It would still be appreciated some sort of reward for those that didn't last this long, but I know this is crazy talk"

More cool and niche stuff basically.
Fuel system is being revised as well, looking forward to that.

More BDArmory and better EVA is all I want.

>In a single player game with no enemies

I just wish i could have my Kethane mod back
setting up a mining station, mine all that fuel, landing with container probes and then fucking off to space again

Can't you do that with the stock system or Karbonite, if that even exists anymore?

>Implying I give a shit

It's fun as fuck to make the target yourself, give them their own defence system and so on.
I'm particulary fond to make old WWII piece of shit and put them up against modern defence systems.

Is /kspg/ finally dead?

Also the game still doesn't have fucking clouds.

rip /kspg/
mods nuked the shit out of it.

>mods nuked the shit out of it.
why tho

Last time I checked it, I can assume it's because the general basically turned into a thread that almost played the game ironically.

They constantly shat on Squad, and constantly said that KSP was shit, yet still played it.

I have no idea what was wrong with them. Yeah, Squad aren't the best devs, but if the game is fun, who the fuck cares?

>Expecting a developer based in Mexico to have any money or ethics

I just want orbital assembly and better land bases.

3D printers to build or repair your bases on-site would be gread desu.

The less shit I have to bring all the way from Kerbin the better.

>I have no idea what was wrong with them. Yeah, Squad aren't the best devs, but if the game is fun, who the fuck cares?
As a former /kspg/er, seeing the potential for the game to be better than it was and the devs consistently failing to improve it was extremely frustrating. It's like being a fan of minecraft - it's kinda fun, but you know it could've been amazing.

There wasn't even discussion about the game at all. It was just /s4s/ tier shitposting and catfucking.

Nobody was actually talking about the game.

Last time I went there for gameplay advice, they unironically recommended me to go to the KSP subreddit because I had a better change of getting an actual answer there.

Unlike Minecraft KSP actually managed to get updates that improved on the core gameplay instead of useless crap.

>damion raype
I forgot about that fucker

Sure, but the updates that came out were later than intended and usually dumbed down to shit. With that said, 1.1 was one of the better updates that the game's had so hey.

But it's still fun though, right?

I mean, it's not like we're talking about No Man's Sky here.

The game could be better, yes, but that could be said about every game. And the game also has mods that can make the game better.

Am I the only one who played the free beta years ago, had some fun with exploding rockets then forgot about it?

Well, sometimes it's fun pretending to launch satellites using some addons like ScanSat or Tarsier Space Technologies.

Why is /ksg/ still up then?

No, I played it for an unhealthy amount of time, started a Youtube channel about it, got like 10K subscribers and then stopped playing forever

People still play this? I'm surprised, it's a decent game but there are only so many things to do. Hell No Mans Sky is more complex.


Well, it's challenging, which feels rewarding when you pull off a complex mission and your carefully crafted rocket/payload works like a charm.

No Man's Sky doesn't really have that rewarding challenge yet. The space pirates might whoop your ass the first time or two but then you realize you can fix your shields mid-fight and keep at 'em.

>Hell, No Man's Sky is more complex