ITT: video game red flags
>open world
ITT: video game red flags
>open world
>early access
>ends up becoming a steam top seller
why does this happen everytime?
>controller recommended
>mfw I swallow all open world games like hot shit
As long as its open world, I am going to play it. I love it.
Its brainless as fuck but I just cant stop. I think it was either Morrowind or GTA3 that made me this way. Chasing the dragon forever.
>Mentioning another game in the description that "this game is like"
>Mentioning the engine the game is made in
>Rogue-like or Rogue-lite
>Uses procedural generation
That's like saying I'm too lazy for this.
>spiritual successor
>procedurally generated
>season pass available
>pre order bonuses
Do you actually like playing platforms on PC with the ArrowKeys + Z/X control scheme?
>Fighting game
>Beat em up
PC fans have garbage tier taste
Why are all survival games early access?
Why is the only not early access survival game No Man's Sky?
>Developed by Bioware/EA
>Multiplayer RPG
I am a long time Angband, ToME (The original ascii one) and Nethack player and seeing games call themselves roguelike makes me mad. Am i just elitist? Just call yourself roguelite so you dont set of my autism, just please.
>Not being a keyboard warrior with fighting games
Do you even MUGEN, bro?
>early access
There isn't a single game that does this.
>>early access
that one is enough
>Seamless multiplayer
>we want to bring new fans into the franchise while staying true to the originals
Early access doesnt mean what its supposed to mean anymore. Now its just a genre of video game that means its going to be buggy all the time. That shitty ARK game even got expansion packs and DLC while being early access
you can play all those amazingly with a KB. get good
>Not playing games the way the developer intended them
>anime style game by western dev
>Seanless multiplayer
Maybe if not made by Obsidian/InXile, but CRPGs have always been amazing.
>Tacked on mutliplayer
>Tacked on Singleplayer
>Iron sights/regenerating health
Open-world can be very good, even god-tier if he world is interesting to explore. Sure there are some boring ones but I've never understood the blanket hate for open-world games.
Morrowind didn't do shit
GTA 3 started this garbage
>if he world is interesting to explore
which it never is
Part of it is memeing, and part of it is because a lot of them are genuinely shitty and half assed.
Because they turn what should be fun into a check list.
I was just naming what started my addiction. I know GTA3 is responsible for the global phenomenon. However GTA3 is also responsible for many good things for video games. I'd make a list but I got the urge to masturbate suddenly, maybe traps or vanilla not sure.
because they're multiplayer, and so shallow and boring people end up buying the next one since the last one didn't get a patch in several months
GTA3 is a masterpiece.
Maybe if you're playing a Ubisoft open world game (why?).
Also, Bethesda's open world RPGs are shit not because of their open worlds, but because Bethesda's writers can't write for shit.
Bethesda's writers somehow make Bioware's writers look god tier.
>ranked multiplayer
>Trying to pass off shit you are supposed to have in a game as unique selling points.
This mostly happens with indie horror games and they say bullshit like.
>A gripping story!
>Terrifying game play!
>Can you survive?
> Defend yourself or use stealth to evade enemies!
And from an actual game i just found
>Ambient sounds to make you check behind you.
>Lustrous graphics, allowing you to see in bloody detail.
>Enemies that hound you, tracking your every movement.
>No tips: you need to explore and think for yourself.
GTA, red dead redemption
>Cinematic 24hz is a design choice
No, they aren't. No one outside of RPGCodex and Sup Forums likes them. It's disgusting that they seem to be shat out now at the same rate they were in the late 90's/early 2000's, all of them "spiritual successors" to some other low-budget shovelware tier, pretentious borefest.
Yet a lot of early access games are more fleshed out than NMS
Wtf is a pc fan? No one's a fan of a machine unless they're fucking autistic, I play games on pc cause I actually like video games
>2.5D Platformer
>race/gender of the main character being in the description
>description brags about the game not being a popular/FotM genre
I would really prefer if you'd be quiet
So, you're telling me that the brainless RPGs that Bethesda and Bioware make are any better?
You're a funny kid. I bet you also think that Battlefield 1 is the pinnacle of FPS games.
>Pre-order bonuses at Fuckwhereyoulive!
The only time I have ever been surprised by a game that has this garbage was GTA V, and it still turned out to be a bait and switch with their next-gen bullshit re-releases.
But literally every time I see a game with pre-order bonuses, it's a guaranteed shitfest of AAA cookie-cutter horseshit that plays like the last other 50 fucking games in it's genre.
>I'm shit at this so it's no good
>Game has a separate launcher when you start the game
>CRPG's are difficult
Considering the combat is turn-based and involving minimal player input, no. CRPG's are atrocious, admit it.
>published by EA, Activision Blizzard, or Ubisoft
>especially Ubisoft
I give other shit publishers and developers the benefit of a doubt, but I won't get hyped.
>it's just shitty pixels
I like how modern indie pixel art is ten times worse than what they did back then
Its a bad excuse for being a terribel artist
>rpg elements
>video game
>using graphics, resolution, and framerate as a selling point
Surefire indicator of a movie-game.
Pokemon GO
>wider audience
>it's an "experience"
>story rich
95% of the time 2artsy4me zero gameplay shit
Here's good pixel art...
... But this, instead, is what people are doing.
Any game Sup Forums talks about a lot.
platformers are the only place I've found this to be acceptable
>"online" is in the title
Yeah, thanks, I figured that part out.
>settings in a separate exe
>relase date
>"when its ready"
>buy Gauntlet
>"controller recommended"
>it's better with a keyboard and mouse
No, fuck you, that's a good thing. Don't buckle under twitter children screaming "hurry up." Deliver a quality fucking product.
>options are in-game
>every single one of them requires a restart to take affect
>minimal player input.
Play Underrail right now without looking up a build or strategy guide, then tell me how minimal input is working out for you.
When you can't hire an artist and have to use MS Paint
mfw I really like arrows and z/x when playing RPGs on emulators and don't like controllers
>Movie Licenses
>Implying the Riddick games aren't god tier
>talking shit about wolverine origins
Telltale """games""" or anything similar
Instantly discarded tbhsmhfam
Only Witcher 3 and Red Dead Redemption got Open World right
prove me wrong
If the devs have no anticipated release date you can bet the game is going to be broken shit.
what about fun games like prototype or hulk?
Nothing to explore, just create CAOS
those had flaws but overall good games
Witcher 3 literally just copied Ubisoft's "clutter the map with POIs" word design though.
Only difference is that Witcher 3 actually has a good story and superb writing, so it makes it tolerable.
steam greenlight
I like witcher 3 and all but it had probably the single shittiest implementation of monster levels in an open world that I've ever seen.
who is he?
>one mirrion throops
>giant enemy crab
gothic 2