Okay. So when's the last time a PC won an award for gaming?

this year

If PC is so great why is there no PC 2?

I didn't say "when's the last time a PC game won an award". I said "When's the last time a PC won an award".

>I can only enjoy something if it wins an award.

Well obviously if a platform is better, than it should have some merits to back it up, right?

Because it's already great that PC 2 is unnecessary

If PC is so great why havent they made PC pro yet?

>Made up awards by shitty gaming websites now count as merit.




>"T-Those don't count! Actual gaming experts giving awards to platforms I don't use don't count!"

just wait for PC2

>Actual gaming experts

How does a console get an award? That doesn't make any sense, aren't you suppose to choose a console for its games?

I hereby award PC the Lifetime Achievement award

I'm a gaming expert, so I'm qualified

>wins an award
That is a stupid question, kid.

Post your credentials then xD

Its like giving an award to an oven instead of a dish.


witcher 3 won every award this year and is best played on pc even tho i dont like the game, not a fanboy

SO funnny!

The only award PC is going to win is the Special Award for Autism.

Does a certificate in liberal arts count?

Except it was made for consoles first and even then is a multiplat. Try again, broseph

>Actual gaming experts

Daily reminder.

You don't give something an award if it wine due to lack of competition.

Your average PCuck, everyone

Yeah but bro them graphics bro

I mean come on look at that shit bro it's sick

PC is constantly evolving, open sources most games, has an excellent modding community, the best frames per second, controller support, it literaly cannot ever fucking fail ever. Piracy actually keeps PC alive because people spend more money on pcs to pirate new game for free. Either way microsoft is winning, because what OS runs on PC? Windows baby. Microsoft gives zero fucks if games are pirated because they make it back 10 fold in pc sales. You can already see evidence of this with how many free games are on the windows 10 store. They give 0 fucks, that's why microsoft and PC's in general will always be better. Open source, ever evolving, ever improving.

>Not to mention pic related owns shares in microsoft

Ok, I'm pretty retarded but how do I get my ps3 controller working on my PC? What dongle do I need? I tried searching but for the life of me I can't find any answers.

No dongle, just a program called motioninjoy newfriend.

>PC user: "hmmm what game should I play today?" *looks at steam library* "oh yeah that's right all the games"

>Concuck: *farts* "duhhh what AAA sponsored game should i play i have like three i think...*PRRRRFFFT* "oh yeah...alright I guess I'll play call of halo: 2012...hmmm looks like ill need dlc to play with my friends. MAWM I NEED UR CREDIT CAAAAAAAAAARD"

All depends on what you care about. Personally I don't understand playing multiplats on PC. I get that the graphics settings are higher but I don't care.

user... they're taking the piss.

More like:
>plays game for 15 minutes
>shitposts on Sup Forums for three hours

I know I'm not alone in doing this. I blew $1200 on a new build and can't bring myself to play anything for more than an hour. And yet I keep buying more games during Steam sales.

>be me
>see discusting and immature behavior of PC gamers and especially PCMRetards
>don't want to suppport platform with such a shitty, immature and hypocrytical audience
>literally stopped buying games on PC
>havent bought a game on PC for like 2 years
>pirate and play everything on PC though because I want to play the best version
>buy console version instead so I have a legal copy and devs get my money

this is modern art

With PC already being a mandatory requirement for the normal household why would I need to buy a separate gadget to play games?

>im a retard so everyone else is too

Whatever. I guarantee plenty of people here spend more time shitposting than actually playing games on their expensive rigs.

Yeah but when you say PC, what you mean is laptops. Desktops are not the norm anymore.

Yeah. Because Microsoft gets all it's funding from people buying graphics cards, ram, processors and motherboards.
Not their OS and programs everyone pirates instead of buying.