Wish me happy birthday, Sup Forums

wish me happy birthday, Sup Forums

pic unrelated except that I like kirby

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Happy birthday user?
planning on playing some cool games today?

Happy birthday, user. Today's my birthday too.

Hey, it's my birthday too.

Happy Birthday, user.

thank you user

new phoenix wright and kentucky route zero

happy birthday fellow 9/9 anons!

Happy birthday user.

How many more years 'till Wizardhood?

Happy birthday, now you have 1 less year of life!

how old are you user?

Happy birthday user
~ user

Fuck off with your off topic nonsense you shit poster.

thank you user

i destroyed my chance for that a while ago

you don't know that


Happy birthday user.

Here, I got you this picture of a chocolate cake.

I hope you like it.

Happy birthday, user. May your next years be full of orc hunks for you to enjoy.


Happy birthday user! hope you have a great day

Yeah user, happy birthday! Hope you make the most of it.

What games do you play, birthday boy?

ur a faget

happy birthday

Sup Forums, you guys are pretty nice. I was expecting everyone to tell OP to fuck off. Happy birthday.

Damn user. You're old. You're 10 years older than me. What are you doing here?

And on top of that, you like Kirby. What 34 year old still plays kirby?

You're a pretty cool old man

kill yourself today


Happy birthday user, keep doing you.

boredom is the answer to both questions - nothing to do and new games suck

thank you user!


thank you user!

my man

thank you user!

thank you user!


I'm surprised too, and thank you


thank you user!

thank you user!