Literally why not? Not saying FO4 or Skyrim remastered is worth the purchase because of mods, but it is a cool action for the industry
Is it because Sony can't get their shit network secured?
Literally why not? Not saying FO4 or Skyrim remastered is worth the purchase because of mods, but it is a cool action for the industry
Is it because Sony can't get their shit network secured?
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw fell for the ps4 meme
Is it even worth it for 1 game? Might sell it and get a Scorpio.
Eh I have a bone, but honestly wait a bit to see specs.
The Pro reveal was very underwhelming, and if the Scorpio is not great, I am gonna just stick with my original Bone and start saving for a Sup Forums machine
>mod support
>backwards compatability
>4k blu ray player
>superior specs
>a server that isn't down every other week
>dont have to worry about your CC info getting haxxed
How is it not superior in every way shape and form to the poopee pro?
This is for the players!
What about games that I can't get on any other platform?
Mods could cause homebrew
homebrew causes piracy
That's the reason.
Sony and their "For The Gamer" stance:
>Only one peventing cross console/platform play in Rocket League
>Jack up PS+ price
>PS4 Pro but not include 4K Blu-Ray so they are forced to buy another Sony product to play 4K Blu-Ray
>Holding up Bethesda on implementing mods for Skyrim SE and Fallout 4
Sonyggers will defend this
Sonyggers BTFO
Not saying it isn't, I am just saying that I was pretty underwhelmed by the Pro, and I thought it was gonna be pretty powerful.
Of course we are over a year away from Scorpio, so I may be wrong.
Has there been any piracy on the Xbox platform?
Sony are just really controlling. They take longer to certify patches and shit too compared to MS.
Hire a ps4 out to play the ONE singe game then return it?
They know they can get away with a lot of bullshit since their competitors have been irrelevant this entire gen.
Sony is really losing any kind of "goodwill" they had from the PS4 launch
This and saying they want to compete with the PC crowd is so retarded
>Has there been any piracy on the Xbox platform?
360 piracy was pretty huge because it was fairly easy to softmod or hard mod your system.
im surprised you didnt know that. its not like it was a secret.
today is a good day!
I meant on the Xbox One because of mods from Bethesda
There are quite a few exclusive games coming out on PS4 that I want to play, renting it all the time seems a bit of a waste if it can run the same multiplatforms as the X1. I'll just use my pc for the 2 X1 "exclusives" that look good.
They're likely afraid of CFW being implemented through the mods. Same reason they locked down the USB drives.
I really don't know how someone would break the Xbox One DRM with papyrus scripting in a. Esp file for fallout, games are sandboxed already in both OS's and the creation engine doesn't allow plugins to access things outside of the game directories as far as I knoe
>Mod "Support" on consoles
>Is almost exclusively reskins, assets moved about, and cheats, nothing new
>Script extension literally cannot work on Consoles
>Locks them out of any mod with actual content
>And some Autismos actually hound Modders to "Port their mods to Console" irrelevant if it can even run on there, then just outright upload the mod to Bethesda's site and tell anyone to direct any complaints to (original creator's Nexus page)
>Take months to take down while these people act like they are "rescuing mods from the evil grip of PC Elitists"
>And Console Tards praise them while their consoles are getting literally bricked in some cases by them
The mods are pretty extensive, even I was surprised, but even if it was just simple reskins this is just Sony being douchebags about
Well, my point is, something like Enderal, Moonpath to Elswry, etc. could never exist on a Console, yet the day Skyrim modding on Console launches, those mods will be uploaded to and the original creators will drown in complaints because of Modder Robin Hoods.
>Modder Robin Hoods
So basically any kind of mod adding new areas, npcs, quests, etc can't happen?
I dropped FO4 long ago but I was considering picking it up again because of mods. But then I heard achievements are disabled when you do that and so I dropped it for good probably
New NPCs can be made, they just can't have custom voices, they'd have to use voice lines already in the game files, but can have whatever for readable dialogue.
No Quests.
No areas.
And yeah, F4 disables achievements if Mods are active on Console, PC too but it can be circumvented.
>New NPCs can be made, they just can't have custom voices
Why not?
Well Sony are greedy, their excecutives think mods same as DLC , to put a free of charge DLC is non existent in sony mind as the DLC itself being charge. so they dont want shit that doesnt make profit for them
>poopee pro
Because voice lines can't be put into the game's voice directories without alteration, which is what a Script Extender does.
It's because you're a sonypony.
Uh, I'm confused. NPCs with custom voices don't require SKSE in Skyrim. Neither do quests or areas, unless it's necessary for the scripts.
Wait what.
>Look at this
I'm really confused now, what the fuck? Excuse me while I go figure out what the fuck is wrong with me.
Granted it does take up about a quarter of the total space given to Xbox but it exists. They are still stuck with only 2GB total.
Yep, I'm literally retarded, disregard any statement I make.
And yeah, I genuinely feel sorry for Console F4 players (and Skyrim soon) because of that abysmal Mod cap.
I think its Bethdesa putting the blame on someone else. They've shown they are shit when it comes to sony platforms so they probably couldn't get any mods running decently and just gave up and asked sony if they'd take the fall.
They never had goodwill
They merely saw the reactions and wanted to capitalize on it
They also want to get rid of used games to make more money which is why there's no BC and they made streaming. Sony could easily put ps3 BC on the pro.
Note that they started the streaming meme
Bethesda might be shitty, but they still have a lot to learn to be as shitty as Sony.
The PS4 is practically a PC in regards to architecture, so I highly doubt this is an issue related to getting shit to work on the hardware.
This is probably Sony being overly-cautious about potential hacks.
Fallout 4 is the only game that actually has a long ass PS3-like install on PS4.
Every other game takes a maximum of 30 seconds from the time you put in the disc until you start the game.
This image needs an update now
Not a PC mustard, but to be fair, they bought it on console, and buying bethesda games on console is really fucking stupid
Of course, buying their games is stupid in general.
Good, mods should be PC only, consolecucks don't deserve it.
>MS has been playing nice with Sony for the last 3 years
>Slowly working on tying the Xbox brand together with PC
>PS4 Pro reveal widely viewed as underwhelming
>Scorpio rumored to be much more powerful than PS4P
>Xbone has been selling more than PS4 for the last couple months
>Now this Bethesda mods fiasco makes MS look like good guys compared to Sony
Phil Spencer's been playing the long game, and its starting to pay off.
Sony are using a bunch of proprietary overhead kits that are heavily locked down and only accessible to developers. Can't open that up to the community.
Who cares about mods for shit games?
Because of this Skyrim Remastered on PS4 will just be a $60 Skyrim with a piss filter.
They literally saw the failure of the Xbone reveal and backpedaled. They're conference was extremely bare bones as if they had just thought it up at last minute which is what they did. There was rumors of all the things that things everybody hated about the xbone was also on PS4, but then it didn't happen. Everybody guessed that they scrapped it all because of the reaction microsoft had.
>Uh, I'm confused. NPCs with custom voices don't require SKSE in Skyrim. Neither do quests or areas, unless it's necessary for the scripts.
You're confused because is wrong. You don't need the script extender to add new voice files to the game. You need it when the new dialogue *does not* include voice files, because then you can use Fus Ro Doh to add a small delay so you can read the subtitles.
Just because those shit games get mods doesn't mean good games will.
Consoletards were being scum of the earth like usual (stealing PC mods and making them available through the console mod system but without actually checking if it even remotely worked - which it invariably never did -, and then retards who fell for it blames the actual mod developer, sending him spam and death threats and whatnot, also demanding that some mods they like be consoles-only). I'm pretty sure that's the real reason.
>They're[sic] conference was extremely bare xbone
Missed opportunity desu senpai.
IOW Beth and Sony couldn't settle the division of responsibility and their cuts. Sony would have refused to make themselves responsible for hosting free content, and Beth would have been on board for monetizing the mods as they were with Skyrim on Steam. The actual creators would have gotten shit either way, as with Steam paid mods 25% (probably less on PS4, possibly nothing at all), but more important to Sony would have been ensuring they remain in actual control of the distribution (NOT giving bethsoft their own sub-PSN store for their mods), and be appropriately compensated for their trouble. And they just couldn't come to terms on that cut.
These miserable greedy megacorps are looking at user created content as the next golden goose, and their shortsighted monetization attempts will kill it if they can ever stop fighting amongst themselves or being shut down by consumer-responsive quasi-watchdogs like Valve.
So? A shit buggy game that runs, looks, plays, reads and sounds like shit won't be able to have shit stolen mods on a shit system made for shitters? Who cares
>sony supposedly trying to compete with PC
>won't allow the one feature that might give them a slight chance at that
So where are all the sonyroaches now?
Probably busy playing their games unlike PCucks who shitpost all day.
With a PC I can game, shitpost, and MOD all at the same time.
What games?
The 14th chapter in some shitty anime franchise that's probably also on pc?
I'll get around to playing games when I'm done modding them
Holy shit.
Oh no, I cant download power armor skins for that shitty, broken game I haven't played in months? Whatever shall I do?
>plz preorder & hype like the niggermarketer that i am
Yeah, go fuck yourself.
Sounds like denial. I recommend you move into the next stage of grief, Sony pony. The sooner it's over the better you'll feel.
>Whatever shall I do?
Play something else.
Oh wait that's not an option either.
Shame you can't just load a thousand hours of free content into fo4 and play forever, and maybe even make it good.
So basically, as much as I hate sonyggers, Sony is being the only sane console company and actually trying to filter the massive shitfest of mods that would flood their system, including but not limited to faggots ripping mods without the authors' permissions and slapping them up and wondering "WHY DONT THEY WORK ON CONSOLE I COPIED IT EXACTLY" like what happened before with the others? And they're the bad guys because they didn't want to deal with idiots?
Well, you know what they say:
"You can't have a bad modding community if you don't have any modding community at all!" -some sony CEO probably
Probably true. But frankly I'm laughing either way becuase whether they DO add mods and have dumbasses crying that they can't get PC only mods to work, or DONT add them and get stupid shitposts like these threads trying to start flamewars, they're fucked and mods should've stayed on PCs where they belong.