NES emulator for Xbox One approved

Phil Spencer cannot be stopped

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Good on them. Wonder how long it'll last though.

>NES emulator useful. My phone, handhelds, and PC didn't have this decades ago.

>Passed certification

wait how is this legal

Apparently this is a multi-system emulator that can emulate snes, genesis/mega drive, gameboy/color, and gameboy advance games as well as nes games. Nesbox is the name of the dev or something

That's not the point user, the point is the drama that will ensue if nintendo decides to take on MS for emulating their games

Emulators are always completely legal as long as they were built from scratch through reverse engineering. The ROMs they can play are a legally grey area. ROMs you create yourself or that you purchase from the rights holder are perfectly legal to play, ROMs you acquire through any other means are illegal but near unenforceable.

Interestingly a person could buy a game from the Wii/3DS/Wii U VC and rip the ROM from it and play it on this emulator 100% legally.

Emulating is not against the law

>NoA's face when

Microsoft will probably cave in and just remove the emulator to avoid getting dragged into a legal mess. It might not end up being as interesting as people are expecting.

Emulators are legal, even though they're mostly used for illegal services

It's the same thing with torrent clients.

There is NO way this stays on Xbox One for long. If it does go on the store nab it asap.

Nintendo is releasing a NES emulator this holiday, this would completely go against that.

>inb4 I could already do it on my pc

Think about the normies who wouldn't do it and were going to eat up the new NES shit. If they have an Xbone that is no longer a sale for Nintendo

Microsoft could literally buy Nintendo 10 times over so this will be no big deal for them. They'll probably remove it to avoid any drama.

MS isn't emulating anyone's games, it's basically a third party optimizing a basic emulator for the xbox, which is completely fine and legal.

But with how Nintendo has been acting recently, I don't doubt they'll make a fuss of some kind

They actually did it the absolute madmen. Get me off this wild ride Spencer, we are going too fast.

MS can but Xbox division can't. You act like their gaming division has access to the complete assets and resources of the entire company.

Although I don't expect Microsoft to fight Nintendo here there is a precedent for allowing emulators on differing and/or competing hardware!!

You might also remember the Atari 2600 hardware module that both the Intellevision and Colecovision consoles had. Atari tried and failed to stop complete hardware clones.

This is the one and only time I've considered actually reporting something to Nintendo just because I want to see a massive legal fight between the two.

If there's a fight, Nintendo loses
There probably won't be a fight, Microsoft isn't going to care about the loss of one app

Imagine if someone ported dolphin.

MS would cream Nintendo in a legal fight. Not only that, if MS can prove that the emulator has nothing that Nintendo owns (e.g. code or some shit) it would fuck Nintendo up sky high.

>t. someone who hasn't actually studied law

There's no telling how this case would go because the facts are totally different from every case that came before it.

>If there's a fight, Nintendo /probably/ loses


Even Apple doesn't fuck with MS when it comes to anything legal. Think about that.

The previous cases involved commercial products and they were sold during the lifetime of the console that was being emulated. Those are two extremely unfavorable conditions and yet the console industry has yet to win a single case.

This emulator emulates decades old hardware and it's going to be available for free. I think this would probably be a slam dunk.

I'll take it. At least it's not absolute.

Last thread anons said that NES lost its copyright or some shit

Take a look fags. This is what happen when you go full law fag. That's why every alignment is better than pure law.

>It's not breaking the law Nintendo.
>Well what about all the games that would be lost to history because no one wants to sell them anymore.
>What about the fact that the original copyright owner doesn't care anymore and this is the only thing keeping the history alive? What's the problem there?

holy shit

consoles have finally caught up to where my computer was 20 years ago

you can literally get a nes emu for your fire box or any other 'smart' device that connects to your tv and plug in a controller. consoles are slow as fuck.

>full law fag
>not in accordance with the law

I'm pretty sure the problem is the potential legal troubles, they just want to see how far they can take this.

The NES hardware is public domain at this point. It's been 25-30 years and patents only last 15 IIRC. Games are protected for like the next 60+ years though

Nintendo will go full damage controll when people star downloading roms for it. They will try to pull the emulator down even if emulators are legal.

That's funny because I remember emulating shit on my PSP years ago. The problem isn't that consoles can't do it, the problem is that they're a closed garden. If you get CFW running on them though, it's a non issue. Just look at the huge array of homebrew on the 360 or the PS3.

The difference is people buying the Mini NES thing won't have to look for games while people getting this NES Emulator for the Xbox One will still have to search for games to play it with.

If normies wouldn't do that for the PC or phone, what would make them do it for the Xbox One?

Though the NES hardware was hardly even unique to begin with. Aside from two chips all of the necessarily hardware in the NES was off the shelf parts. Pirates quickly disassembled the famicom and made hardware clones with fairly high degrees of accuracy. The trick was that the 2A03 used a common 6502 core, the actual processor core wasn't that unique at all it was the audio processor embedded in it that was unique. It was possible to reverse engineer the PPU and then if you paired that with a 6502 running at the proper frequency and you should have a mostly functional clone. Then you could try to reproduce the sound hardware but even if you sucked at it the console would still be playable. This is likely how famiclones became so ubiquitous.

NX released?

>what about games that aren't being sold anymore
>doesn't matter, it's against the law

Nintendo would have an argument if they sold all their old games digitally on the Wii U or something, but the fact that they DON'T do this, shows that they don't want to make money and hate video game fans and consumers. They're doing more to appeal to casuals than just doing things that appeal to both.

Imagine if they put their entire back library from NES to Wii and every console on the store and would give out free games every month like Xbox and Sony. They'd be making money and pleasing fans.

There is no reason to own a Wii U at all besides Sm4sh and Bayo and W101. There is nothing. Nintendo hates the core base.

This board is for 18+

MS has way more money to burn than pretendo and wut hy r doing isn't illegal. This board is for adults. Minors need to leave NOW