Can we have an actual informed, non shitposting thread about the ps4 pro and its capabilities?

Can we have an actual informed, non shitposting thread about the ps4 pro and its capabilities?

If the ps4 has a rx470 its truly bottlenecked by that jaguar cpu, since it works like 950 with a decent one as shown in this pic.

it's a 480 that's at around 900MHz (can't remember the exact speed) because there's exactly the same amount of compute units

>8GB of Vram


Holy shit, how could they fuck up so badly with the cpu then? Its a rx480 that works as a 950-370 level.

you retard it's not literally the RX480 GPU

The CPU and GPU are on the same die and at 16nm but it really does seem to be the exact same design

It should be a rx 470 just badly bottlenecked.

The vram is another issue. Half of that is shared or used as system ram. They should have gone 12.

I think the scorpio will use 12 so that 4 will be system and 8 for games. It's what DF predicted and will make the pro look bad in the future.

the RX 470 is the 480 chip with a few CUs disabled however the PS4 instead lowers the clock speeds a lot for greater yields instead of disabling CUs

not really they stated it delivers 4.2TFs while according to Wikipedia the regularly clocked 480 delivers 5.2TFs

Then why the fuck do you have to choose between 1080 60 fps and bad graphics, or 1080 30 fps medium graphics?

What is happening then?

because it's a piece of shit in general, even the 480 is mid tier and this is even worse and as you said the CPU is pretty horrible, though they have some really low level programming to make it less of an issue, kind of like what DirectX12 and Vulkan aim to do, consoles have always had really low level APIs

CUs are more important in AMD design anyway
it is about 10-15% weaker than desktop 480 because clock scaling is not ideal for both parties
so all and all not that bad, 500 price tag though for that, and probably still 5200 rpm hdd

>We can confirm that the reports are correct. Rise of the Tomb Raider has three different modes in the PS4 Pro version only: an upscaled 4K30 presentation with HDR support that strikes an impressive balance between visual features and resolution, a 1080p30 mode that ramps up quality settings to the max and an unlocked frame-rate mode for 1080p that sees performance vary between 40-60fps (we assume that this will be down to CPU bottlenecks)

yeah and higher resolutions especially benefit from parallelization so I imagine that's why they decided to go for more compute units instead

having tried an industrial HDR monitor I swear the difference is way bigger you'd think, it looks so fucking natural

Well, amd rx cards and nvidia 1000 series have hdmi 2.0 and access to HDR.

I know but no monitor for your average consumer exists and the first ones will definitely be shit like the few expensive TVs that are out with only like 60% HDR coverage

Then maybe Id just connect my pc to the fucking tv?

the fucking TV isn't good enough

Then why such a deal with the ps4 hdr?

Can it even stream through a 1.4 hdmi cable on vanilla ps4?

too expensive, too shit and cheaper shit HDR TVs especially have a huge delay with HDR modes enabled, also the software has to support HDR or it's fucking nothing

I made no remark about it being something exceptional from the PS4, I just wrote that HDR is fucking amazing, I'm a PC gamer you hopeless shit