Is Pokemon Go dead in the water?

Is Pokemon Go dead in the water?

Are they ever going to do any fun events?

what's it like to be married

That can't be real

did someone shop the baby

You've skipped ahead a bit there.

What's it like to hold hands?

With how you whites are today, I don't know if that's a shop or not.

That gotta be shopped, if anyone confirms its not im gonna die laughing.

They fucked up big time. Most people stopped playing it already.

like pokemon go
at first you absolutely love it an spend every waking day thinking about it
after a month you realise it's actually really shallow and doesn't offer you anything you couldn't have gotten anywhere else

The baby is black.
The guy got fucking cucked while he was busy playing Pokemon.

hahaha americans

nigga if the baby was white I'd be asking if it was shopped

Shit, you have to pretend to care about another person and their wants and needs.

That babby is photoshopped just saying kid nothing personal
Consider suicide

>look up the account
>account suspended
obvious bait,also the babies face is a lazy shoop

>le funny photoshop

It was the most obvious flavor of the month game, it's over.

Why is it always a brown haired guy with a full beard and black rimmed glasses?

handholding is a little too elementary for someone who is psychologically maladjusted to females. t. average Sup Forumsgoer

It's shopped, boys. You can relax.

>nu-male cuck
>casual game cuckold

Exactly what I expected.

He should aim the pokeball at his wife's son and catch a nigglypuff.

Fucking cancerous cuck.

>parents are white
>baby is pink


He got cucked by patrick star.

check out the dry wall paneling in the back

that must be hard on the nerves, major psychological drain

I hope at least the next generation will rebel against their turbocuckold parents and MAN THE FUCK UP

Shitty. After about a year they just stop trying and just start taking up space and money.

Like having a cat you get to fuck occasionally.

Good job baiting everyone with the pic

To answer your question, it's on life support in the USA. No one plays it at all except weirdos or very little kids of age like 4. The only scene where it's kinda still alive is hipster ville that is California.

Japan has died out. They made many articles shaming people who played it and once Niantic fucked up millions of Japanese gamers and NEETS had their revenge by star bombing the game and writing bad reviews and stuff on forums and gaming websites

This is how dead it is

In third world and other shit countries like those in Latin America or UK, latter being notorious for mobile addictions. It's still alive and well there with people buying shit

TL;DR: It's dead in the USA (except Cali) and Japan. Not sure about Europe. Latin America and UK is still all over it. MENA and Asian countries like Korea gave up on it recently. So yes, by the end of the year it should be dead worldwide because Niantic are literally the most incompetent devs in the face of the planet

Not like it matters, the one hit wonder fad got them like 500M in total revenue

>after a month

more like 2 fucking days

It approximately took a full month like Mentioned

thankfully yes this time.

pretty dead in the UK.
even my impressionable 12 year old sister has stopped playing it.

500m split in like 5 parts. Game seems like a failure.

>Put PvP battles
>Put trading
There,now it is alive again.

As opposed to a hardcore game cuck?

no baby is born with hair like that

I am not talking statistics here, anyone worth their salt should have known from the get go it won't go anywhere far when the entire app only has the barebone elements of a pokemon game.

Well then that confirms it being only alive in the Latin America region and India

I'd assume Uk is still crazy about it considering the folks with mobile addictions you have over there

All white people are actually pink. Why do you think your skin turns red under the sun.

Awwww they put a big bow on it

The baby's face is shopped you stupid retard.

Shet my niggs post your team

