Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums.
I'm looking for a game from a long time ago, it looked similar to starcraft maybe and was sorta an rts though maybe more turn based as you could rewind time to redo some parts but i can never remember what it was called. Anyone know? Also i think we should have an rts thread

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=RTS with rewind

lmgtfy.com/?q=RTS with rewind

No I'm looking for a video game, not a camera

did you uh... look at the results sempai?

Did you uh look at the first link sempai?

> new game
Sure isnt an old game that's for sure

pity bump

For the record, it's definitely not Achron, right?

>Also i think we should have an rts thread

Will Rise of Legends ever be released on Steam? Pic related has 600k owners according to Steam Spy

Are we sure it's an RTS? The rewind shit sound an awful lot like you played a turn based tactical game and could just undo your turn.

I hope so.

Remember when the media hyped RoL as the game when the mantle of graphics was passed onto RTS?


RoL was released during E3 2006 so nobody gave a shit and then the reviews complained about its weird fantasy units. It bombed really bad, and the Company of Heroes, SupCom and the new Command Conquer games happened.

More people remember Universe at War than RoL

The problem was that most RoN players didn't like it since it was different.

Not entirely sure no. It was 15 years ago. But you could move your guys as a group and when the "turn" happened it occurred in real time.
No, far too recent. Red alert 2 i know wasn't out yet as i played it waiting for RA2 or was it firestorm...

Which game was that again? Was that "not age of empires"?

Civilization if it was real time is how I would refer to it but I can see why one would say Age of Empires.

Then yes that game was awesome. If it's what i think it is. Better than aoe3

>EA destroyed C&C series
>They wanted to turn generals in f2p
>They cancelled it

Pic related is reason why I will hate EA till death

I thought OP was talking about Original War but that one doesn't seem to have rewind

Cossacks is another "not Age of Empires"

RoN and Cossacks are more interesting than AoE
Also AoE 3 was a mistake

RTS-thread please?

You will have to be more specific

Any fellow UKF here? They're just too much fun for me to consider playing a different army.

This game made me realise I'm old. I played a lot of the original but now I'm too old for this constant chaos, micromanaging bullshit

It can be pretty hectic but I don't think it's that much more chaotic than the original, though I haven't played that in years.

All i remember was itwas 2d and was similar in look to starcraft 1. And i moved marines around and had guys with flamethrowers as well. It was kinda turn based but the rewind couldn't help you if someone died.


I'm playing AoE3 atm with Napoleonic Era and (if it counts) Evil Genious. Still looking for something that has the same wow-factor like Red Alert 2 YR and Generals had.

Here I thought I was the only one who knew about this game.

>tfw I reinstalled the original and the fourth mission I think, the town defense, is way too hard now

There's all these dudes screaming at me and shit explodes everywhere and I feel like I must have 4 hands to handle everything

I can deal with action games like Doom just fine but as soon as I have to divide my attention it all goes too shit. I wonder hoe many people feel like me, maybe action games sell so well not just because of COD kids.

And it's not just strategy. I installed Mankind Divided, chose the non-lethal options and halfway through the prologue realised I ain't got time and patience for this shit. I just want to explode my way through the game. Same with MGSV or when I reinstalled Crysis to see if I can max it out now.

The older I get the less patience I have. I can't believe I used to push through games and challenge myself 15 years ago.

I'm the kinda guy who likes to play all the factions, even though I have my favorites like everybody else.
However, I only play aganist the AI, so there's that.

are you sure it was his own game and not some custom map for starcraft 1?


I've basically gone the opposite way since I used to not finish games or only play on easy modes but now I needed to play with extra challenges to stay motivated. I can certainly get the feeling of needed more hands though I think that makes it more fun.

ayy lmao people don't even know about Rise of Legends

Anyway here's the best time travel game ever made. This shit right here was satisfying as fuck

But user, is talking about Rise of Legends. The extended edition only consists of Rise of Nations and Thrones and Patriots

Yea. Starcraft doesnt give that much freedom in the editor. Let alone an entire campaign

Command and Conquer

I misread.
Carry on.


Was supcom 2's pathfinding working as advertised? It genuinely triggered my autism in the first game