Nintendo games like Phoenix wright using tumbler speak

>nintendo games like Phoenix wright using tumbler speak
>Square enix uses shitty unreadable accents and nonsensical names for spells
>Blizzard censors "gg ez" in chat because it triggers people

What are some Sup Forums approved company and games so I can avoid this toxic culture of censorship in my games

PW is NOT a Nintendo game
PW is NOT localized by Nintendo

I think the spell names are alright in DQ. But those fucking accents. Fucking why.

The new translations are actually more suitable, since they are onomatopoeic in the spirit of the original Japanese, as opposed to just nouns.

On the negative side, they are 100 percent gayer.

The writing in DQ is pretty gay overall.

Did we play the same series? Because I remember NPCs having accented text back in Dragon Warrior 1/2/3 and monsters

>they're using words I don't like and they shouldn't
>this is censorship

>Sup Forums cries about tumblr for years
>loses literally every culture war



>the media represents our culture

You could not be more out of touch

>culture war
You speak as if a unidirectional train with predetermined stops is some sort of battle.

>Shillery retweets Brianna "John Walker Flynt " Wu's victim tweets
>Sup Forums listed as alt right

How do they get away with this

A rose by any other name is just as sweet.

Welcome to the new generation of gaming annon. Its not only nintendo. Localization is fucking cancer now full with that shit and memes.

>Shillery retweets

People whining about censorship don't care about accuracy, author intent, or portraying the sense of the japanese text. They just want something to bitch about. You are far better off just ignoring them and assuming they are incorrect about everything.

I dunno why people hate the DQ accents so much to the point that they consider the text "unreadable." I always thought they added a bit of flavor that I didn't see in other games.

>New translation: Friz, Frizzle

I knew having Snoop Dog localize DQVII was a bad idea, but they didn't fucking listen

These names have been in the games since the PS1. Dragon Warrior 7 on PS1 has these names. This is not new.

You're right, every argument against censorship is 100% invalid.
No one that dislikes censorship ever has a valid argument, because I can simply stick my fingers in my ears and scream at the top of my lungs and pretend they don't exist.
Censorship is great, guys.

Because its text. I have no idea how they intended me to read this accent. Like a brit? Irish?
How are you supposed to pronouce "tae"
>simmer doon an listen noo
Its not that its necessarily BAD. I mean I can still understand what they are saying its just so silly it takes me RIGHT out of the game.

Just that nobody on Sup Forums presents a valid argument, so you are better off just assuming they are lying or incorrect - possibly missing one valid point - rather than running around assuming that a dozen memes or angry rants are somehow valid conversation topics.

Because nobody actually writes the way the fucking speak you fucking moron. It's the same reason why we laugh a niggers who write in nigger speak

>Phoenix Wright
>Nintendo game

Sup Forums being retarded as usual, I see.

I thought it was pretty clearly Scottish like Groundskeeper Willie.

simmer down

>Phoenix Wright


They didn't censor GG ez in overwatch as it still displays in the chat log. They just add a little message afterwards pointing out how much of an insecure little bitch you are afterwards. Though most of the messages are pretty humorous and people type it anyways just to see them.

I can see how this could get annoying fast for some people. I don't mind the actual accents, but the changes in spelling, even if they are to get the accent across, definitely make it more obtuse to read.

>it still displays in the chat log.

Why would you post about a game you literally don't play?

I'm not native english speaker and I had absolutely no problems with DQIV. Only faggots do.