Instead of Buyer's Remorse, post bullets that you've dodged and how you knew better.
>No Man's Lie
>That hokey fucking art style
>Even if it had content, this game looks unappealing
Instead of Buyer's Remorse, post bullets that you've dodged and how you knew better.
>No Man's Lie
>That hokey fucking art style
>Even if it had content, this game looks unappealing
Other urls found in this thread:
Dodged how, 99% of us on this board pirate games anyways, I played no mans for like 10 hours on an off, I would never buy it, but it was ok concept demo
Dodged with your wallet. I wouldn't have even wasted time on this fucking game. It's wide as an ocean and deep as a puddle.
>Decent thread
>Starts with most safe game that utterly failed
Way to start a stir, faggot!
I don't buy any game until it gets lower than $20 at max so I dodge pretty much every bullet.
>Fallout 4
>Game has a voiced protagonist and EXACTLY 4 dialog choices every time
>No skills, and being able to level up SPECIAL every level makes it meaningless
And apparently, all of the DLCs are shit, so I'm even more glad I dodged a bullet.
Why do people say that Bethesda isn't dumbing down their RPGs again?
Only bullet I ever took was starbound
maybe minecraft counts, but I still play minecraft due to mods so I think it's a bullet to the anus well received.
After starbound, though, there is literally no excuse for a n y o n e having fallen for the NMS hypetrain.
It's straight up just starbound's lie factory hypetrain given a 3rd dimension.
I literally just found out about No Man's Flop being so bad today. I never kept an interest with the game. Same with Fallout series. The art style and game setting didn't appeal to me even if the game actually did deliver on all fronts.
Fallout 4
GTA V(got it from a friend later tho)
Mighty Number 9
Pretty much what this guy said. The first game I've bought at full price in 5 years was Overwatch.
No Man's Sky as well. I was interested in it, but I knew there is no way a small team of hipster-looking guys could pull off something that ambitious.
I could not dodge:
>The Division
what's wrong with me
>Why do people say that Bethesda isn't dumbing down their RPGs again?
there are people who say this?
how is that dodging with my wallet if i dodge every single title?
I'm pretty sure it's universally known that Bethesda dumbs down their games, some people just don't care.
Fallout 4.
Really enjoyed 3 and NV, never really cared for the older games but theyre ok.
Was a massive Oblivionfag, also loved Morrowind. I bought Skyrim day one. After 30hrs, it finally clicked with me how shitty the game was. I guess the wool was pulled, or the honeymoon phase ended. Fucking shite game.
Was cautious about fo4, saw all the awful, awful screenshots and webms and such before release. Didnt buy it, and Im glad I didnt.
Hell, I pirated it and still felt bad. Its a terrible game. Only put about 15hrs in. But even after the first 3hrs I realized how similar everything was, and how the only good part was wandering around exploring which got boring since there wasnt really anything to actually DO.
>fallout 4
>mgs5 on release (picked it up for $11 a few months ago)
>rocket league on release
i wouldn't count being able to dodge no man's sky because there's free refunds on it currently anyway
bullets i took
>halo odst
>ff7: dirge of cerberus
not bad desu, i never buy shit on release or preorder anymore so its easy
I was consider buying it till I play the beta.
>Sort of excited because it's Battlefield in a WW1 setting
>Come away disappointed, because it's just Battlefield. In a WW1 setting...
Well, here's hoping Titanfall 2 is good. At least all of Titanfall 2's future updates will be free, instead of gated behind a Season Pass.
I played the Titanfall 2 beta and realized they removed everything great about the first one in hopes of making COD 2.0 (when in fact COD has been ripping off Titanfall movement with AW and BO3 so this is a fucking step backwards, Respawn)
How bad was the Beta for B1?
you dodge having to pay for it, that's what I meant
>No Man's Lie
and most importantly the nuke of them all
Honestly I can't think of anything that wasn't painfully obvious. I've barely ever touched any of the FPSRPGs because they've all looked (and subsequently, turned out to be) very tacky, shallow, and reptitive on all fronts.
More often I find myself going into certain things with more realistic expectations. For example: I never had much of a problem with most WoW expansions because it seemed pretty obvious to me what direction the game was headed in. I strictly played with the intention of having something to do with my group of friends when I wasn't playing other more interesting games.
I'll give him that the depth of Morrowind's dialogue is sometimes over hyped, but I don't see how anyone can honestly excuse any of the other stuff.
I didn't pre-order No Man's Sky
I cancelled FFXV and Call Of Duty Infinity Warfare Legacy Edition pre-order.
Hell yeah, i'm on a roll!
Almost every game over the last half decade?
I don't pre-order shit, and usually don't buy on release. Fucking impatient faggots.
>Fallout 4
>Was considering pirating it
>Watched friend play it before I did
>He got an hour in before he got bored
>Hated playing the entire time
And that was how a game looked so bad that I didn't even pirate it.
Nah, you probably don't pre-order games because you jerk it to TotalBiscuit.
>How bad was the Beta for B1?
Everyone is comparing it to Battlefront. So, if you enjoyed Battlefront, you'll enjoy Battlefield 1. If you felt Battlefront was an awful, shallow, incredibly overcasualized monotonous farce that's debatably the worst multiplayer fps in recent memory, then you'll dislike Battlefield 1 (though I don't think it's as bad as Battlefront, it just copies many design choices.)
>Xbox One
>New 3ds
No game I want to play or maybe 1-2 but they are not released.
you just couldn't get good.
reviews and even Sup Forums for the most part made division sound like it was worth playing and it was ok for the first few hours until it was the same shit over and over again...were there any dlcs for it even? I literally forget the game existed until you mentioned it here
those of us with brains dodged it because we noticed they NEVER HAD A PLAYABLE DEMO at any point during development.
Seriously, this is the #1 red flag of a shit game and people still don't realize that if the devs don't want you to play it, they are hiding flaws that they don't know how to fix.
I hardly do any gayming anymore so many bullets have been dodged. I suppose Fallout 4 counts though but I have played it a lot and I won't be buying Todd's Season Pass Round 2 for more boring settlement management that appeals to the Minecraft audience. I must be going casual too with age because I got more enjoyment out of a mobile rip off game for $1 than any $60 "AAA" release.
I'm not sure that disliking a subjective factor like aesthetic style counts as a way "you knew" that NMS was going to be rife with bugs and missing features.
I knew No Man's Sky wouldn't be everything everyone thought it was going to be just because of the procedural generation. Procedural generation always starts out okay, but after a while you notice how everything is the same except in different combinations and you're really just doing the same things over and over.
I didn't think it would be as bad as it turned out to be though.
I got the season pass back in March when it dropped.
I've been holding off playing it so I can play all 3 expansions in succession and get my money's worth
I think there's been only 1 expansion that came out less than a month ago. By the time the 3rd comes out I'll have completely forgotten about it all. The devs win this round.
Procedural generation only really works well in smaller scales.
I mean, Binding of Isaac is procgen, and it fits the game well.
Having creative and eye-catching aesthetic shows me that you care for every layer of your game- the look, the sound and the feeling as you play the game.
>thought the concept of an ASSFAGGOTS shooter was cool
>loved the idea of the redneck bird shooting shit with rockets
>computer that was capable of playing it dies in early February
>don't get a new one until late July
>mfw seeing the horrible UI and the playerbase death
To think I nearly wasted $60 on this.
That should've been a red flag to you right away, before every thing else that was shit.
Never, EVER support Gearbox.
No Mans Sky could work if the 'settings' for each planet/flora/fauna were randomised as well so we can colossal trees/hills/mountains/creatues etc or absolutely miniscule, planets so small you can run around them in 5 mins, or creatures that are bug size etc
Doged it like a boss. Best feeling this year
This guy knows what's up.
Dodged op pic related but got suckered by mankind divided. Nevar again.
(Though The Fractured But Whole looks good....)
I blinded myself and walked into the Fallout 4 meme. I was on deployment when it was released and I'd watch the guys who bought it play. It looked like hot garbage but I didn't say anything since I was known as a negative Nancy.
>ohhh... you're a parent, huh? Cooool....?
>Hey, tell that black australian to fuck off. Oh, you can't? He's just going to move into your town and you can't say anything about it? OK... I like that...
>You've never played Fallout before? Well, your starting stats are very important and determine how your charac- oh. You can change them on a whim, eh? That's totally... radical.
Anyway, got home in February and slammed down $60 for it on my new PC, hoping it would be a better experience if I were in the driver's seat. Nope.