Po-Pokemon Go is dead, guys!

Po-Pokemon Go is dead, guys!

Digimoncucks on suicide watch

I've pretty much dropped this game now.
Don't think I'll pick it up until they introduce 2nd gen.

>shit game makes millions

Nothing worth celebrating here.

Even if nintendo only got 10% of the profits, it's still got $50 million off of this in 3 months.

That's considerable for doing nothing at all.

Gamefreak is making a killing though.

>tfw completely missing out on all of this and apps in general because I'm still rolling with one of these
feels indiferent

>Gamefreak is making a killing though.
and yet we will not see them increase their size and scope and deliver high quality console ports, ever.

> Nintendo is dead!

The need to expand what player can do with it. I know it's not easy getting all 151 mons of gen1 but just imagine how much money you can make with all 751 current ones

It's been confirmed dead in the USA and Japan from mobile gaming websites like pocket gamer

Unfortunately places like India and Latin America are still playing and buying shit from them. Not really a surprise

Nigga that would mean they give a shit.


You do realize only third world countries and California are playing this right?

I love Nintendo and Pokemon and all but shit posting isn't an excuse to fool this board's gullible demographic. Yes it's dead, in the glorious USA and nippon. Fucking BRs and Pajeets still play this game

>dead in Japan

Why lie?

What are you winning lying?

Are you a Sony friend?

literally no normie cares about the other gens
I can guarantee you this fad will completely die out once they anounce the 2nd gen

Japan has better mobile games to play like Fate GO

>on consoles/pc

That's true, it isn't dead. It's in life support. It's already dead in a good number of parts in the world. And those that still play are spending a boatload.

These people are called whales. Maybe OP should get a lesson in mobile gaming rather than screen cap click bait tweets

>falling for Sup Forums's "X is dead!" routine

By then it will have made about $700 million. It was a one trick pony, but that pony won a lot of races.

It's actually dead in Japan. Ever since Niantic fucked it up; the japs had their revenge and blasted it across every website and social media platform.

It was alive and crazy in the first two weeks before Niantic shat down their throat

what happened?

i didnt follow that shit game for a while, why it died?

there were several console games. From coliseum to XD and snap, and some other mini games.

The moment Niantic screwed with the game was the moment Japan went nuclear and REEE'd it to irrelevance

So much to the point they actually made a tennis game more popular than Pokemon Go because the "filthy gaijans ruin everything"

it didn't die, people just stopped killing themself playing it so the news don't care anymore.

I never saw a game be killed so quickly in a single update

Even the most casual player recognized how hard they were getting jerked around

Man, nips can be pretty aggressive.

hey, I'm not denying it isn't a success
just that adding new gens won't save it once the fad dies out

i'll never understand why patrons give a shit about the business side of their video games.

unless you're financially invested in a company just fuck off and enjoy the games you enjoy.

Niantic 2 weeks and some ago ruined the game. They took away the tracking and the same day took down every fan site that helped people track Pokemon together in their area, they made spawns harder and more random, they slowed down the refresh rate to detect Pokemon, they made getting items harder like ultra balls and 10km eggs, they increased the flee rate and hit rate which makes Pokemon harder to catch (30+ balls) and removed dratini spawns completely while saying they know what's better for the game than their users

Japan went ducking ballistic and America just said whatever and stopped playing

The CEO Twitter got hacked and his pass was "nopass"

They removed all the tracking features and don't have any plans on reinstating them

They lowered the catchrate drastically

Made anything other then Pidgey/Ratatta much harder to find

All in a single update

Shit sucks

when is nintendo next share holder meeting? Curious to see their data on the phenomenon.

>Even if nintendo only got 10% of the profits, it's still got $50 million off of this in 3 months.

And why the fuck do you care?

>download game
>spend forever setting my shit up and getting everything to work and actually getting on the damn thing
>create character
>see map
>do tutorial
>hey man, this seems kinda nice
>"There's a gym near you! Go outside and check it out!"
>close game
>haven't played it since

I forgot what it was actually asking of me.

I thought Nintendo didn't have dick to do with this?

because the haters main argument is "it doesn't count nintendo did nothing"

But he's right.

There's already data by mobile analytics companies out there. It plateaued like 2 weeks and a half ago and dropped like a fucking rock.

The only ones playing are diehard freaks and 3 year olds; both of which are whales (term for people that spend a shit load on mobile transactions)

Just upgrade. I see ghetto niggers with smart phones so there's really no excuse
At this point a phone is a useful tool. You can get directions and they all come with a bright flashlight now

>I thought Nintendo didn't have dick to do with this?
they made a percentage since they own the company that own pokemon. It also boosted pokemon games sales.

>I thought Nintendo didn't have dick to do with this?
Google memed them in getting a share of Niantic

We ingess players warned you about what was going to happen and no one listened. Im glad the japs didn't stand for this though, this was such a fucking TRAINWRECK

They do, people just said they didn't to try and downplay it's success.

Yes, and the person I replied to was talking about "console ports" so I assume they meant putting main-line games on consoles.

Everything is spread out in California, it's shit for this game, even in LA.

t. commiefornian

XD is mainline in every aspect.

I know I totally could do that, but I'm also too lazy and basically don't even really need my phone for phonecalls since I barely talk to anyone or leave the house much, so it's very low on my priority list. Eventually, when this phone dies a little more. Half the buttons have faded and the on/off switch is stuck so I can't reliably turn it back on if it's off, so it's just on all the time now, doing nothing but telling me the time.

Downtown SD is pretty good, especially places like Balboa Park. But yeah, in less urban areas it's pretty shit.

>$500m to go until the ingress engine's 20 years of development time gets paid off




What do people spend money in the game? I tried it shortly and didnt' spend a dime and neither did anyone I know. Is it few turbo whales going nuts or do people regulary spend some money on it?

>20 years of development

dumb loliposter.

It took them "20 years" to make the ingress engine

Quality Google Engineering, amirite

Which is a good thing since it makes those rare Pokemon finds that much more significant. It also makes grinding for the normal Pokemon worthwhile since you can't rely on tripping into Dragonite every other step.

I still have a flip phone. I really don't plan on upgrading tbqh.

It's a mobile game. They always die quickly.

Didn't GTA V get a billion in like two weeks or am I remembering things wrong?


>missing out on literal shit posting

It's great, I'm doing it right now :3

You Can get a really good smartphone for 200 bucjs like the redmi note 3 pro or the vernee apollo lite there's really no reason to buy these 500-800 dollar smartphones hell if you can spend 200 more get the axon 7

>not grindan multiple waifu games while you're away from battlestation

Fucking piece of shit made by monkeys, I can run Mobius FF and Idolm@ster Starlight Stage fine but not this ugly shit.

I will drop it hard when the Prisma Illya event concludes.

It did 800 million in 1 day

>Gamefreak is making a killing though
No, Niantic is. They're the ones who developed Pokemon Go.

Didn't google pick up ingress devs after they've released ingress?

You must be 18 or older to post here.

Whatever, dad

No. Niantic started out as a part of google, then became independent in 2015.

I'd post the list of pokemon games on console/pc just to make you look silly but you're baiting so here's a (You)


>Another literal who twitter post

Why isn't this shit bannable yet

>Costs 4 dollars to make
>Apple/Google take 30% of the profits
How can they make so much money?

did you reply to the wrong person?

Who owns the rights to Pokemon, young one?

I bought the amazon prime phone for 60 dollars, not the strongest smart phone out there but it can actually run most apps which is different than my old phone

The Pokemon Company.

>$500 million split between seven other companies

What three companies make up The Pokemon Company?

You're almost there :^)

What's the best mobile phone game where I can collect images of scantily-clad anime tiddies?