~~A new weather event has been added, sandstorms! With it come new enemies, new loot, a new soundtrack, and a unique experience in the desert biome!
~~Blizzards now have a new visual effect
~~Deserts and the Underworld now have a heat distortion visual effect.
~~Dripping sand effects can be found in the desert, and placed anywhere by the player with the Magic Sand Dropper!

~~Forbidden Armor Set
~~Ancient Horn (Basilisk Mount)
~~Onyx Blaster
~~Sky Fracture
~~Mandible Blade
~~Spirit Flame
~~Pocket Mirror
~~Djinn's Curse
~~Lamia Vanity Set
~~Ancient Vanity Set
~~Desert Spirit Lamp
~~Magic Sand Dropper
~~Sandstorm Music Box!
~~Several new banners!

~~Sand Poachers now inflict the Venom debuff
~~Dune Splicers now have more HP and Defense
~~Dune Splicers and Tomb Crawlers may be more aggressive, especially during Sandstorms.
~~Added a new block mining visual effect
~~Added multiplayer performance improvements
~~Upped spawn rates in underground desert

Thanks OP, my girlfriend and I have just got back into this. Will have to make a new world and check it out

I don't think much world gen has changed aside from the sand drips, but I don't know which of those things will be stuffed into desert chests.

the games balance and combat is still shit because the devs listened to the retarded fanboy echochamber that are the official forums

Terraria was never really a game that focused too much on great balance, just a serviceable balance.

Also I doubt it was ever their intent to make the combat super deep or crazy.

I don't think the devs listen to much of anyone from the forums, and in the last few years I haven't seen them ever consider combat too strongly, aside from breaking really easy and simple cheesing strats for the final boss.

it's artificial difficulty as fuck

>Lamia Vanity set
So, is this gonna fuck up my mods?

Hi red

1.3 was truly terrible

all this focus on the desert and they still aren't fixing the pyramids.

>breaking super simple and easy cheesing strats that don't take much effort to do is artificial difficulty
Mm, no, that falls under patching exploits.
There's a number of other ways to cheese the boss, but they require far more effort to build and set up.

What's broken about 'em?

>Not posting the bug fix list
>Fixed the best reason to use a drill over a pick
>Fixed a number of exploits
I swear on me mum if they "fixed" something dumb like water quantity amplification (using a bucket in a G-shaped block space would give you a quantity of liquid on one side adding to whatever pool you wanted and some into the G to be recollected)

Kill yourself, blue.

i dont mean the patches

it just generally is


Red's working on Otherworld, m8.
Also nice shit opinion you got there.

No. Water splitting isn't a bug or an exploit. It's a feature. Just like slope pushing shenanigans.

It USED to be a bug, but they liked it and officially recognized it.

They said they wouldn't ever mess with water some time ago, but who knows

Just play starbound it's so much better

>Fixed the best reason to use a drill over a pick

A pick can mine faster than a drill if it's given a speed modifier. Drills do not receive and such benefit.

A drill, however, did have one thing over the pick: It basically exploded confetti everywhere with a flask of party.

>Flask of Party with a Drill floods the screen in Confetti
Now the only reason to ever use them over a Pick is "I like drilling noises."

Pyramids appear too infrequently. Less than 1 in 10 worlds will have one pyramid, despite the unique and useful loot inside them. When was the last time you saw one? Have you ever seen one?

Yeah, the last three worlds I made had them. Then again, I make large worlds for every single playthrough.

Also, I'm going to have to address your misinformation on the chances of getting pyramids.

Paraphrasing from the wiki, an experiment prior to 1.2.3 in generating 100 SMALL worlds yielded that, on average, a small world would have a 15% chance of having one pyramid, and a 2% chance of having two.

These are small worlds.
1.2.3 increased the chances of pyramids appearing.

so if my world is already fully explored, do i miss out on anything?

I use large worlds and haven't seen a pyramid in the last dozen worlds I created.

Maybe using a trip where it isn't necessary to is affecting your luck.

>new update out
>computer's currently borked
Just my fucking luck

Thanks, that fixed it

So will it fuck up my mods?
>Pack with the Throwables
>Sushi's crafting tweaks
>Mob prefixes

Yes. tModloader is going to need to update to 1.3.3, that might take anywhere from a day to a week, then some other mods may need to update for 1.3.3.

Looks cool but doesn't seem worth a new run.

Thanks anyway.

It does to me. This will significantly affect my early- to mid-hardmode experience in three classes.

>mostly slight changes with a handful of new items, most being vanity

>new early-mid hardmode weapons for ranged and magic giving more use to some of the most useless materials in the game as well as being upgrades to lesser weapons
>a new adamantite-tier hybrid set as counterpart to frost
>a new mount that can charge
>a petrification-negating accessory
>filling out an area that was an extreme waste of space prior with new content even if it is mostly optional

Early hardmode is one of the most boring yet annoying parts of this game. This does a lot to help give a bit more variety to it, as well as giving Summoner a new early-mid hardmode option.

>tfw trying to get daedalus stormbow


>Deserts finally get something other than maybe a pyramid loot chest with nothing else in it, or a hole in the fucking ground full of mobs that give nothing.


You should close it off with a password once you get 4-5 people who might be regulars.

Once you go past that it becomes a complete clusterfuck and everything's awful.

>1 in 4 drop rate from Hallowed Mimics
That's not that bad.
>Key of Light costs 15 Souls of Light, easy enough while mining about in Hallowed Underground
>Dump it in a plain chest
>Fight Hallowed Mimic

None of that is worth playing through the game again.

>Connection failed

the mimics themselves never ever spawn, so it's all hanging around slowly gathering souls

I've made about 7 chests so far, still nothing
fucking brutal

It's not saying anybody is trying to connect.

Yea but when I do a new run, I like it to feel totally new to me. I'm too familiar with everything else by now. I'll wait for the next content update or the new Terraria.

Whichever comes first.

Are you sure that's the right number?

>still no skeltal summons
what the fuck

>new early-mid hardmode weapons for ranged and magic giving more use to some of the most useless materials in the game as well as being upgrades to lesser weapons
What materials?

Every time I reinstall Terraria I get super bored after I beat the first two bosses.

It takes way too long to progress your character in singleplayer, and I don't really like mining and autismcraft house building the whole time.

>Sky Fracture
15 Souls of Light
Light Shard
Magic Missile

>Onyx Blaster
15 Souls of Night
Dark Shard

Mythril/Orichalcum anvil.

I am so sorry.

>No Skeletons to carry you through late normal and early hard
>No Skeletal Colossus as an early fixture summon
>End-game Summoner Set Bonus minion is still total shit

At least Stardust armour is a straight upgrade over previous armours.
Solar isn't even that.

I seem to be having the problem where my router might have the same IP as my modem, and it's not port forwarding properly.

Any clues welcome.

Yeah, they fucked up quite a bit in 1.3, but at least mods can fix it.
>Thorium's end-game shit is pretty good

>generating new world
>it's crimson and not corruption

God I hate this red shit.

I can't stand Thorium or Tremor.

I'm waiting for the Spirit Mod. I don't like the look of the Purity stuff but everything else looks decent.

Once you've previously reached hardmode, you can choose whether newly-generated worlds are crimson or corruption.

How do I get in to this game

Is that a new option?
I don't remember that.

It came with 1.3.2 I believe.

Odd, I quite like Thorium (sans the shitty bags) and Tremor all around. They add quite a bit to the game and makes things quite chaotic and interesting, especially coupled with mob prefixes.
>Plenty of gear options everywhere
>New bosses that ease the shifts from boss to boss, Grand Thunder Bird into Eye, into Eater/Brain, into Queen Jelly, etc.
>Interesting stuff like Patchwerk in the Blood Moon
But to each their own and all that, it's still better than the Cataclysm mod where everything is gaudy recolors and all around ugly.
Spirit also looks promising.

You've got to understand that the first few hours are the worst part of the game.

It starts becoming far more enjoyable once you figure out that your mobility is going to improve significantly and so will your mining ability and survivability.

I strongly suggest that, for a new player, you start on normal mode rather than expert.

Holding shift will automatically select the right tool for the job. Pickaxe for blocks, axe for trees, hammer for hammerables sans walls. Holding shift over open air close to where your block placement range is will hold a torch, holding it further away will select projectile light sources like glowsticks or flares.

Tapping ctrl will toggle smart cursor on and off. This will automatically select blocks when mining, automatically select the optimum spacing for saplings when placing them for trees, automatically select the next space for laying minecart tracks or platforms, open space for walls, walls for hammering walls away, and so on. It's best to turn it off for detailed stuff.

Talk to your NPCs for hints.

Honestly I liked Spirit more when it was just promising to fill in the more barren areas and give more options in general, but now there's all sorts of junk all over the place and I'm starting to like it less as it's turning into another bloatware clusterfuck like Thorium and Tremor, with a million billion redundant and gimmicky unique special snowflake materials that will just build up and never see use after their little niche.

>They added monster waifus

Holy shit.

The lamias were already in. It's just now you can kill them to make monster waifu vanity.

Every time I play this game is all fun and games until I reach NG+ and I have this pressure of stopping the corruption or lose everything. It is a very anti fun mechanic. Is there a way to disable this?

>no new bosses

wow it's nothing



Who the fuck cares about water duplication now that there are Infinite Water Buckets

There is no NG+. Hardmode is the 30% point in the game.

The corruption doesn't actually speed up that much, and slows down considerably once you beat Plantera.

It's not going to fuck over the world, you won't lose everything. There's actually a lot you can gain from letting it spread, and very little that you lose.

Even the Jungle won't be fucked over, as the mud becomes so dense that only the outer edges will become corrupted, and you can seed Chlorophyte here and there to fight back the corruption by rehydrating the dirt, turning it back into mud and turning corrupt grass into jungle grass.

Some people don't like doing fishing quests.

>Hard mode only from Angler
>Requires you to get him fish which requires lakes which you have to artificially make to have a good shot at fish which means you need to get a ton of water, which water duplication is the best method of doing so
>This would also mean you couldn't duplicate lava or honey meaning in order to have any for any reason, you'd need to either pail it all yourself or use Mechanics pumps plus mountains of wires

So does this add more endgame content, or just more early game content that nobody gives a shit about?

Why is Redigit working on Terraria Otherworld and not Terraria 2? Isn't Otherworld made by some other dev? Is Otherworld just a quick spinoff to make money off retards?


They don't really need to make money. The Terraria team is probably loaded from the long-term success of Terraria. They're probably just making both games for the sake of making more games.

try not being a scrub

outside of the water

Post some good looking roofs, please

inside of the water, the Neptune's Gift is extremely powerful

>Quick spinoff
>been like 3 years in the making by this point
Engine is basically Re-Logic's partner in crime at this point in time. Otherworld is Terraria 2 by any other name, even if they won't officially call it that and are still treating it like a spin-off, although it will contain all the core features of the original Terraria (if not the exact content) and more, plus several more advanced features.

Red went over to check it out and found it very promising, but lacking by the standards set by the previous Terraria, so he started getting very hands-on with it. He's officially extended its development cycle to start doing quality control and polishing, hammering out some issues and reworking some features and mechanics to fit better to the type of gameplay experience that Terraria fans know and love.

The only shit they've ever done to make quick money is the toy merch, which I would bet they likely regret somewhat aside from the yo-yo deals with One Spin.

Shield of Cthulhu.

I'm dead serious.

When he teleports to charge into you, you charge into him first, and he'll back off while you take no damage.

what is the advantage and disadvantage of going blood world over classic purple corruption

You can traverse over Crimson in really early game much easier than Corruption.
That's about it, the rest is all personal preference in the gear you'll get, such as the obvious Scourge of the Corruptor v. Vampire Knives and which boss you prefer, Eater vs. Brain.
And you can always make another world to fight the other one/get other stuff and/or make new world, take back Crimson Corruption seeds, whichever you did not take (or send world into Hard-Mode, spawn the Steampunker, and buy all the Crimson/Corruption Clentaminator Spray you can, then go back to main world and spray down an area you want to turn into Corrupt/Crimson for specific mob spawns and the Boss.

Baghnakhs, Vampire Knives, and Piss. I don't remember the disadvantages too well.

Ichor will drop instead of cursed flames, which is considered by-and-large to be one of the best debuffs a player can use well into the end of the game. Meat furniture. More interesting pre-hardmode boss. Armour that suits early game magic and ranged better than it does melee, although the loot from the hearts isn't as good for magic or ranged as corruption. The caverns are less cancerous.

Crimson has spiders and goasts. Corruption does not.

Corruption has one of my favourite (potentially a little overpowered) melee weapons from the dungeon chests, while crimson is very good for tanks or less skilled players.

Personally I like to implant whichever one is missing into the world by taking blocks from another world and do the other boss on another world around the same time.

shit. i missed out on that.

wanted the terraria comic(with toy)
no where at toys r us in Canada

wanted the wizard from that small random loot bag
7$ for canadians
fuck that

such a shitty small selection of toys overall for terraria, nothing else i want
ended up buying a small plush of the Eye of Cthulhu

I'm 100% new to Terraria, any tips for a beginner?

surround yourself with walls at night

running to the edge of the world early is difficult but rewarding
exploring the jungle early is difficult but rewarding

alternatively you can dig

make walls 2 thick, and usually of different materials
(not for a gameplay benefit, it just makes it look not like total shit)

really, don't worry about it, just dig around and figure stuff out, check the wiki if something is confusing
and make lotsa little houses for npcs to live in

From fishing, I regard the Toxikarp to be a better weapon than the Bladetongue, from hardmode fishing.

From mimics, I prefer the dart rifle (corruption) to the dart pistol (crimson), however I prefer fetid baghnakhs to the chain guillotines although the latter isn't bad. Neither of the magic weapons are especially amazing, but they do have their niche uses.

Frankly ichor stickers are way too strong assholes compared to the vine fuckers from the underground corruption, however the floaty gross are less annoying than dealing with world feeders, is how I personally feel about it.

Crimson has a giant skeleton in the background. Corruption is dark. Crimson isn't a massive pain in the ass to traverse, corruption is. I feel that shadewood is mostly preferable to ebonwood but both have their uses.

see The beginning is not indicative of what the game will become. Terraria ramps up the insanity by several orders of magnitude as you progress, and you improve in many different ways as you go through the game.

Play Normal Mode if it's your first time, on a medium world.

>Terraria update


Head straight to the ocean, Go as far near the edge of the screen as you can possibly go.
Start digging.
Dig a 2 block wide hole all the way to the bottom of the world, and once you've dug as low as you can go, exit the game and start up the world again


Don't play on Expert.
Learn the game on Normal difficulty, then for a 2nd Playthrough you can torture yourself.
The Housing tool is garbage half the time, so just know Houses cannot be within X blocks of Corruption/Crimson, Houses have to have between 40 and 200 blocks inside their walls, Platforms count as walls and at the same time don't, every room requires 2 decoration pieces, most space-saving is a Workbench and a chair, cheapest is chair and a table, and a light source plus a full background you personally placed, so you can't dig down and make a house using dirt walls that were already there.
Feel free to make Commieblocks and use the Wiki, it is your friend and somewhat mandatory for shit that isn't so easily figured out, like where to craft a Watch, where to craft Potions, how to spawn some NPCs, etc.

Why would you do this?

what are the dogos doing?

draining an ocean, or what?

how would a player even do that, needing air

>where to craft a watch
You can learn that just from showing copper, silver or gold (or tin, tungsten or platinum) to the Guide.

Show anything and everything with "material" in the tooltip to the guide.