Wasn't mods on consoles one of their biggest selling features on "next gen" bethdesa games?
Sony won’t allow mods for Fallout 4 and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on PS4
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I was also lazy and didn't feel like finding a good thread image. boop.
Was to be expected.
>Wasn't mods on consoles one of their biggest selling features on "next gen" bethdesa games?
Sony would have allowed mods if they were paid mods, which never worked out.
wtf i hate sony now.
I assume this has something to do with preventing piracy, right?
Big bad Sony strikes again. I'm sure it had nothing to do with a lack of interest in the modding community.
I wish there was a way to watch the PS4 Skyrim sales bomb in real time in response to this.
Sony's proprietary bullshit.
Chill out. Beth is still working with Sony to fully implement mods. Read their post.
based on what was known with fallout PS4 couldn't handle the mods. xbox got 2gb for mods but last i checked PS4 was getting something like 500mb. Bethesda and Sony were working together to bring it up but i guess it didn't pan out.
Bethesda said that console mods got more traffic than PC mods so that'd be just based on xbox one. This would have been a gold rush for Sony, they basically just gave Microsoft Skyrim as an exclusive.
they're not. they're willing to work on it but only if Sony will play ball. so it's now on Sony to make the call
"W-we didn't want them anyway, haha... Enjoy your shitty mods, PCucks and Xboxfags!"
The whole purpose of this press release is to put pressure on Sony to greenlight PS4 mods.
>those games
>needing mods
lmao'ing @ u pccucks
> Square
> Konami
> Sony
> Nintendo
Why is it always the Japanese gaming companies that just baffles you? Whenever Ubisoft or EA do something it's always easy to identify it as greed. Meanwhile you have ching chongs competing in who can win the special Olympics.
mods without script extenders are absolutely worthless anyway.
anyone who plays bethesda games on consoles is literally retarded
Based on how Bethesda has done their business in the past, I'll just assume they tried to jew Sony out of some money for their efforts and were shut down so they released this lie to put the pressure on Sony instead of owning up to their jewery.
You could build a decent PC for the same price as a PS4. Just keep it simple and look for good deals and sales.
Oh, well I guess that's $60 I won't be spending.
>got Fallout 4 on ps4 after release.
>yea we're getting mods too!
>see this
I got an Xbox One a year ago and never really played my ps4 again. I'm not even subbing for plus when it expires.
>hurr durr gaming PCs are expensive
unless you're buying $300 meme cases, building your own computer that's better than a console would be about the same price as said console
Didn't mods on xbone brick some units?
For the fallout 4 copies.
Apparently it's all on Sony:
No it was fake.
Forgot pic
Just PS4, PCuck.
sony said their biggest competition is PC
yet they disallow mods
that gives PC an even bigger lead
A good gaming pc is like 700 bucks, I bought mine piece by piece and ended up getting a video card for free. Cost me like 500. This was 4 years ago, now to beat a ps4 all I have to upgrade is video card.
>tfw you fell for the ps4 meme
best shitpost all day
>turn on my computer made of slightly outdated second hand and hand-me-down parts that cost a grand total of about $200
>load up skyrim legendary edition that I got on sale for $15, heavily modded and with an ENB, texture mods, perkus maximus, immersive armors, weapons, creatures, and patrols, all kinds of chargen mods and animated hair
>looks much better than the remaster on ps4 could ever hope to, runs at 60 fps, and is actually moderately fun to play instead of being abjectly terrible
Its happening .. Sony has a m,monopoly on the console market and we are seeing the result with them getting cocky and screwing over their fans because they know they will eat their shit
>ps plus becomes mandatory to play online
>ps plus games selection becomes indie filled shit
>pl plus price hike
>release half baked new system to capitalize on buzzwords
>no 4K blu ray support
>no backwards compatibility
>plans to charge for updates
Sony is crashing >> I can see many moving back to MS if the Scorpio blows out the pro
Graphics card?