New P5 footage ok it's just parts of yesterday's stream but whatever

New P5 footage ok it's just parts of yesterday's stream but whatever

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Day 0 pirate

It's not on PC

Everytime I see new footage, I get de-hyped. This cast looks pretty boring compared to the previous one and the music isn't impressing me at all.

>5 fucking months

My hype went into hybernation when the western release date was announced. The hype will return in January, right?

Can't wait to get it on PC.

>b-b-b-but muh exclusive

No, it's not, there's no "Only on Playstation" on the cover this time. Also, Sega owns Atlus, and since they said more games are making their way to PC...

What is a modded PS3?

>personafags can't enjoy persona unless the cast loves them 100% of the time

But if that's the case why hasn't P3 and P4 been ported yet?

Is that John Cena?

And if it doesn't you can always cry and ruin every P5 thread just like you fucks did with Bloodborne while you scream how Sony is such a terrible fanbase

>cast loves them

I was talking about the being disappointed by the characters and music. Not if the characters love me.

The footage is pretty disorienting. I can't tell if it's jumping him to different points in the game like a demo or if the dungeon entrances are that sporadic.

>NINE Moloch
Bring back Imagine already

>Each video is the same area 3 times


Just a few more days till it comes out. Sorry though for all the fans that have to wait for Feb though...

Also only P5 image I have.

>I am disappointed in these characters we know next to nothing about
Are you okay, user? I think you hit your head somewhere down the road.

5 months...
152 days...

Thanks Atlus.


6 days for modded PS3 master race.

Character designs, personalities, interactions seem like generic shit we've seen trillions of times already. And having played the other Katsura Hashino games we pretty much know this is gonna be the same old 'friendship prevails' garbage. It's a real shame about Meguro though, the music in this one just sounds like elevator music.

That's better. If you didn't like P3 or P4 you are better staying away from this one too.
What about Catherine though? Hashino also directed that one.

>weebs ever caring about a game's quality

I am literally crying and shaking with rage. I don't want to wait till next year february.

That's what you get for being EOP

Eat shit weeb.

You have problems then and need more of a life

He's right though.

Same here, but I'm worried it'll end up like Zero Time Dillema for me. I filtered the game almost five months before it dropped and forgot it was even a thing until my Amazon updatedme three days prior.

leak where

are all persona games like this? it looks terrible, the gameplay looks boring, even for weebshit standards this looks like shit
why do people like this?

>he plays Persona

You're the weeb.

OP here, I also forgot 41 minutes of intro + some gameplay

I want the soundtrack any day now.

Where the FUCK are the OSTs already? Somebody must have at least SOME ripped songs or something.

Can anything actually justify a 6 month delay at this point?

please I want a full version of get up

>All these EOP tears

I'm drowning in them holy fuck

This is what Sup Forums is hype for? Look like boring weeaboo garbage for losers.

Atlus USA only got a build of the game to start translating at last E3.

Morgana dies and becomes a persona for the main character

>why do people like this

Music and waifus. And all you other faggots don't even try to deny this. The core gameplay has always been boring shit and the characters are generic animu trash. Waifu wars are the only reason why Persona is relevant

>A mascot character

I wish they had the balls to do this.

Got a source? I wanna read more about it.

alright thanks
glad Im not a weeb virgin then, seems sad to play games for this one reason
enjoy it I guess, whatever floats your boat


Only yourself to blame.
There is already a kind american/japanese san woking on translations for importers as we speak

Cant wait till you die a sad, lonely death

What are you guys going to do 6 days from now?

I want to _pet this kitty.

>Block Sup Forums
>Block leddit
>Pray to god I don't see spoilers in the normie world of places like facebook

Posting bestiality to get banned for 6 months.

>Pray to god I don't see spoilers in the normie world of places like facebook

This is going to fuckibg happen

Please be male.

Well I don't have any friends that play games like that and I'm not subscribed to any facebook feeds that would post such info

>browsing reddit
>browsing facebook

I hope you get spoiled, cancer.

Resist the urge to go on Sup Forums
Turn off recommendations on YouTube

You can still lurk even if banned.

It's STILL not confirmed beyond a shadow of a doubt but that kitty is most likely a guy.

Who else is ready for johnny yong bosch to play every male and ashley burch to ruin your waifu?

>Been watching a lot of Persona 5 videos on youtube
>Just realized that its going to show spoiler vids in the fuck recommendation bar

>Go to your YouTube "History" tab
>Click "Clear All Watch History" and "Pause Watch History"

There you go.

>voice volume

Problem fix.

Was there such an option in previous games of the series?

>Implying they'll finish before Atlus
Translations for games aren't as easy as just making the words English. You need to translate it, proofread it, inject it, and make sure you don't miss anything. Especially with games like Persona which are extremely dense in the dialogue department. The reason it even takes Atlus USA this long is because they don't get to really start until the game's out in Japan.

I wish that guy the best of luck, but I'll laugh if he can't finish before the official western release.

Facebook is almost completely garbage, but
>Not having a social life that warrants using it, at least to plan things with people

Who else digital here? Soon.

>can only play as far as the translation guy is
>have to stop everytime and wait for him to catch up

Yeah sound like fun time!

Remember when this series had balls?

I managed to knock down the price from over 100 to 68, but that's still so expensive.

Why would I plan things with people? Im not a normalfags who go partying and clubbing and all my friends are on skype.

I don't need to know about the social life of coworkers and other people that I don't care for.

I dont remember seeing a manual. Is that a deluxe edition thing?

>There is already a kind american/japanese san woking on translations for importers as we speak

Yes, because someone is REALLY going to take the time out of there day to translate a game (FOR FREE) that's already being translated.

You'll take your meme filled game and you'll like it.

You can't de-delusion them user, they're hopeless.

Maybe? I did get the 20th anniversary edition.

I had some yen left over from Berseria so it didn't cost me that much.

I'm going to go cold turkey on Sup Forums as soon as this shit comes out in Japan, there's no way this place won't be a minefield of spoilers

A new era of ''adachi is the killer'' will be born.

>There is already a kind american/japanese san woking on translations for importers as we speak
Who? If you're talking about the TradukoSoft guide, they're only going try be doing basic menu translations and an overall story summary. You'll still be at a loss for most cooperation events and won't get the nuances of the story.

Didn't stop the Fates translators from trying for seven months, when they didn't even know what would be changed until the last one. All it takes is someone in the Persona fanbase being more rabid, which wouldn't be hard. The only question is whether or not the translation quality is good. Your typical manga fan translation has awful writing, and who's to say a P5 translation could be even worse?


>yfw even the OST has spoilers

Persona 5 on PC will mark the death of console gaming, if Persona 5 comes to PC, everything else can.

And it's basically inevitable at this point seeing how japanese games on STEAM are outselling their console versions.

>SMT IV: Apocalypse
>A Real SMT Game


Physical master race.

Pic is outdated since I'm getting it with amiami bonus as well.

What video is this comment featured in?

Is this gonna be another 5 hour wait to your first battle like Persona 4?

Well, at least theres options to speed it up a bit.

Shoo, shoo, PC gremlin

Fire Emblem Fates translation is still not complete and probably never will be.

>And it's basically inevitable at this point seeing how japanese games on STEAM are outselling their console versions.


You don't even need a PC to play Persona 5. You can play it on a 10 year old console.

Not give a shit because I have a bad memory and will probably forget anything I read here 5 months from now.

That didn't stop it from having the bulk of its main story script translated a few months ahead of time, which is what most Persona fans would want from a P5 translation.

EDF 4.1 sold in one week on STEAM what the PS4 took ONE ENTIRE YEAR to sell, just try to imagine a game like Persona 5 on PC.

Do you guys actually speak/read moon or are you just gonna BS your way through the game somehow?

Im not 100% fluent in Japanese but Im sure I know enough to get me through it with minimal trouble.
I might not fully understand the story, but at the very least I know every kind of command the game could tell me to advance. Talk to X, go to X, find X, etc.

I beat Persona 4 in Japanese just fine, I just didnt know every line.


All I want from these fags are an undub so I don't have to listen to westerners botch japanese honorifics.

Pure breed moonspeaker
That is, speak, read, write

>see one game out of 500 sold better on steam than on consoles that means it's profitable!
>EDF 4.1 sold in one week on STEAM what the PS4 took ONE ENTIRE YEAR to sell

You realize that the only reason of EDF 4.1 sold on Steam is because of the people who already played the PS4 version or already knew the series, which is very scarce, told everyone on Sup Forums to bought it right?

So these are the faggots refusing to give us dual audio huh.

I'm cumming at the thought of persona weebs holding their best efforts and avoiding Sup Forums just to stumple upon a spoiler and cry on his tears for a game he has been waiting almost half a decade for

Alright already you little shit, just fucking take it

""""""""""Master Race""""""""""