The devs for the new mass effect game said the universe will have no connection to the previous trilogy because of...

The devs for the new mass effect game said the universe will have no connection to the previous trilogy because of outcry from fans that hated the trilogy.

Question: How can the fans of a trilogy hate the trilogy?

New Mass Effect promises "no white male lead" as the dev said to promote diversity. Does that even matter to gamers? When I hear things like that devs say its a red flag that their focus isnt on making a great game but more on promoting some kind of social agenda when they should be talking about frame rates, or ya know the game.

The forums for the game were shut down by EA due to there being almost no game talk but it was all discussion of political garbage, not Mass effect politics but things like LGBT+QW rights and respecting Islam and all this other weird ish that has NOTHING to do with gaming.

Other urls found in this thread:

>How can the fans of a trilogy hate the trilogy?

People who were fans of the series, prior to seeing the ending of the third game, hated the ending of the third game.

This isn't hard.

Uhoh! Sounds like the SJWs are at it again! Time to raid tumblr!!! xD

Im happy the game is developing a huge online community their saying at Bioware. The new game will have all kinds of new multiplayer modes never seen before in the Mass Effect Universe like Last Man Standing, Final Elimination, Capture the Flag, King of the Hill, and other online modes.

I'm a fan of Mass Effect and I hate the trilogy. Because ME2 brought casualized shooter gameplay and a mostly irrelevant side-story and 3 completely fumbled the closing.

>People who were fans of the series, prior to seeing the ending of the third game, hated the ending of the third game.
but uhhh thats one game? that doesnt mean they hate trilogy? who are these die hard fans they talk about who hated the trilogy? I gotta say its weird to hear someone can be a fan of something but hate it, it doesnt make any sense.


The ending of 3 was so bad that it actually spoilt the other games.

New gameplay video showing that this game will work on 4k upscaled from 720 using the Frostbyte engine on the Sony Playstation Neo.

Gameplay now has jump packs for jump punches as shown in other trailers where you can leap in the air like superman and punch enemies across the room.

well i have no intention of playing 3 because its not on steam. weird.... they were going to remaster the trilogy but 2 days ago that project was cancelled since the andromeda devs complained its not fair if a ME trilogy is made when their rebooting the universe.

OP claimed they hated the whole trilogy. I didn't.

As for the developers' decision to reboot the story: Even if people don't hate the entire trilogy, any story which treats the trilogy as canon will necessarily treat the end of the third game as canon. People would rather have a new story than a continuation of one which ended badly.

>People would rather have a new story than a continuation of one which ended badly.
what was so bad about this "ending"... spoil it user!!!! I wanna kno since not gonna play ME3 neways... I want to see what all this hate is about to see if its just triggering ppls autism or not.

Multiplayer is required to level side characters their saying that without playing online the team mates you get normally in game will stay low level and can only go up in level through online matches.

I want reddit to leave

>Ending 1: The Universe ends in a giant blue explosion
>Ending 2: The Universe ends in a giant green explosion
>Ending 3: The Universe ends in a giant red explosion

You should've realized by now Bioware is full of shit and say whatever says them. Let me translate

>EA didn't like the negative outcry about ME3 so they wanted us to distance from the game as much as possible.

Fans? Fans mean precisely jack shit these day when they're outnumbered by mainstream audience that will buy anything advertised enough.

>Fans mean precisely jack shit these day when they're outnumbered by mainstream audience that will buy anything advertised enough.
bu-but if the larger audience think the content is horrible havent they just destroyed an IP since its not fans bitching about it it would be everyone?

well its an ending.... maybe they meant to make a ME4 to keep it going but gave up due to all the hatred as insiders are saying?

Shut up, you're making too much sense.

The ending was so terrible it actually ruined the first two games for me. I can't even replay 1 because I know how it ends and it just makes the whole experience meaningless, just like that fucking ending.

>Jetpack stolen right from Elex
>Chest high walls everywhere
>Horrible looking running animation
>That skidding around the corner

This is going to be shit, isn't it? They've completely run out of ideas to the point where all they can talk about is diversity bullshit.

Do you honestly think the CEO, who is only interested with short term growth so he can gain appease his shareholders and ultimately jump ship with truckloads of money, cares about running an IP into the ground?

Who gives a shit about the "fans"

She's very beautiful!!

I've never been to reddit and I've been on Sup Forums since 2007 and Sup Forums needs to chill the fuck out about feminism and sjw's. they are not that big of a deal and you all sound retarded how easily you get triggered by this type of shit. leave the fucking house once in a while

I guess everyone saved that post

>Question: How can the fans of a trilogy hate the trilogy?
It's like when the new devs of Splinter Cell loved the series, they just hated everything about it.

well that explains why everything is ruined these days from Ghostbusters to Dark Souls 3.

desu only ME1 was good and even then it was a flawed gem

It's even worse when you read the leaked script of what we should have had.

It would have been SO MUCH better... I'm still playing Andromeda tho, I'm a sucker for space rpgs.

What the duck is that thing on that picture?
How do people keeps those things alive? Do they not get laugh at for looking like that?

>>Horrible looking running animation
Look at the ass jiggle though on the character in the gameplay videos, normally only boobs get that treatment this may be a gaming first!!!

Mass effect starring Nikki Minaj!

>that pic

I still remember hearing

'343 wont be that bad! it's made of old bungie staff and huge halo fans!'

Then they took my halo, turned it from a close quarters arena influenced shooter into 'pinging at people from across the map with battle rifles, which are incredibly powerful and you spawn with because fuck CQC and Weapon control'

and then raped the lore

>Do you honestly think the CEO, who is only interested with short term growth so he can gain appease his shareholders and ultimately jump ship with truckloads of money, cares about running an IP into the ground?
Wouldnt that CEO then be known as the CEO who goes to companies and runs their IP's into the ground and not get hired like ever?

the flaws made it great, it's endearing when a game has a few rough edges

2 broke immersion, was designed for consoles, and took 2 steps back with the customization and ammo/heat system

3-4 years and its gone.

Promotes diversity and yet excludes white males...

I've had enough of this world it's really has gone to shit the last 6 years

>Do they not get laugh at for looking like that?
actually they are worshipped for speaking truth to power and being against white culture because whites are evil. My school is offering a class next year called White Blight which talks about how whites are all born racist.,

Who gives a fuck about the IPs and the company when shareholders are making a truckload of money? No one that matters.

Only the short term matter.

I agree I actually enjoyed the long treks across mostly-empty planets and the space opera feel over the hollywood blockbuster action of the 2nd and 3rd games

also Vigil's scene is still the best in the trilogy

>Ending 3: Mission Accomplished!!!


>Gameplay now has jump packs for jump punches as shown in other trailers where you can leap in the air like superman and punch enemies across the room.

You are saying this like it's a bad thing. I'm more concerned about the obnoxious mates that just can't SHUT THE FUCK UP for a minute.

Also, I'm curious how they're gonna make a good story in a setting where the main characters are basically explorers. ME politics was a strongpoint for its writting and I don't see that happening here.

>Promotes diversity and yet excludes white males...
white people are literally scum. try leaving your basement to realize that whites are destroying teh world around you because they hate black people.

>New Mass Effect promises "no white male lead"
I'm going to go ahead and assume you have zero source


No, because the blame for a bad game falls on the team who made it. Nobody ever looks up that far into the corporate culture that permeates the studio.

Would you ever blame the management of a restaurant for burning your chicken? Even if the management made rules or deadlines so drastic that no cook could cook adequately?

food analogies

>Susan Hummer
She's built like a Hummer, that's for sure.

that was posted on twitter and was all over the forums there, that isnt the only reason why EA shut the forums down but it sure didnt help.

look how they oppressed this poor WOC

>It's even worse when you read the leaked script of what we should have had.

It's just....what a fucking waste, you know? The first game was so good, I must have replayed it four times, I was so looking forward to the rest of the series....really good space RPGs are so rare

I haven't bought a Bioware game since and I don't think I ever will again

>New Mass Effect promises "no white male lead" as the dev said to promote diversity.
>Leader in the first gameplay video is a white male


jewish != white

You are being memed on.

>New Mass Effect promises "no white male lead" as the dev said to promote diversity.
Then why did they show off a white male lead in the gameplay the other day?

>he forums for the game were shut down by EA due to there being almost no game talk but it was all discussion of political garbage, not Mass effect politics but things like LGBT+QW rights and respecting Islam and all this other weird ish that has NOTHING to do with gaming.
Ya don't say.

Also wasn't that pic a shoop?

Shoot, what was the ending? What made it so bad? Didn't enjoy 2 very much, and have no interest in trying 3.

Have you played any Mass Effect game? All of your choices were supposed to culminate together in the final game.

While the third did some things right, the negatives are vastly overwhelming. But the last fifteen minutes of the game were terrible before the ending even appeared.

>final level is fighting the same enemies over and over again
>rallying final speech is only to your friends, not to the organized army trying to reclaim Earth
>no final boss
>painfully rushed scene between Shep/Anderson/TIM that could have been epic
>deux ex machina ripped straight out of the Matrix that makes zero sense
>everything you did in the previous games by this point DO NOT MATTER ANY MORE
>Eldrich-tier Reapers revealed to be logically broken as a threat, invalidating their menacing presence
>three different endings, only made different by the colour of the explosion
>zero closure and no 'post-war' events revealed

They released an extended ending a few months later, but even that failed to redeem the game. Anyone who says Mass Effect 3 is a good game deserves to be lashed to a cross.

that video proves how racist white people are and how we must do more to restrict their rights from destroying the lives of minorities and children.

As we should. The more hard drives have that post on it, the greater the chance of it lasting spreading throughout time and space to infinity.


>Your choices matters.
>You won't get an Ending A, Ending B and Ending C choice at the end.

thats no shoop my friend and thats bioware's dev team for the new ME Andromeda which is being said to be the first AAA title made almost entirely by all minorities.

Negress is hot.



And I want Sup Forumstards to leave, but we don't always get what we want.

>He doesn't know about the whole russian leak incident.

ME 3 was supposed to have a very different story at some point but when the script was leaked they chose to can it and start from scratch a new story taking elements of the first one instead.

You can read the script here if you are a masochist :

The result is the abortion we all know.

>You are saying this like it's a bad thing.
Pretty stupid that the main online modes feature this atack and the cryo kick, where you inhale some kind of cryo stuff from your intake on your suit spit it on the enemy then kick them across the map.

so glad the new game is being built as they said from the ground up with multiplayer in mind to give fans what they always wanted.

Please stop being a sensible level headed adult.

My favourite part is that nobody building the Crucible even knew what they were building. Or did the original creators even know?

>Sir do we really have to build all three death lasers? This one turns people into robots...
>Does the AI have to read the operator's mind and reconstruct his worries? Can't we just put Siri in there, I mean we are kind of at a rush

Russia truly is the worst country on Earth

>being said to be the first AAA title made almost entirely by all minorities.
But Assassin's Creed is all made by Chinese, Indians and French-Canadians

>oh shit guys we royally fucked ourselves when we were writing the ending to the last game and we're not creative enough to figure out an interesting way to work around this.
>better just retcon the series and blame the "fans".

Not that turning mankind into goo was all that much better than the tricolor disaster...

>Shoot, what was the ending? What made it so bad?

See Also Red Letter Media ripoff style version: >

Wow, Zombie Hitler looks like THAT?

The fans didn't hate the trilogy. We hated how everything we did amounted to a fucking color coded multiple choice question.
That our actions meant nothing in a game marketed at us as "Your actions mean everything".
We hated the outcome not the trilogy.
Everyone hates 3 but they are divided on whether 1 or 2 is the best.

>ME 3 was supposed to have a very different story at some point but when the script was leaked they chose to can it and start from scratch a new story taking elements of the first one instead.
so the leaked story is better? how do we know this "leaked" story isnt just some fan fic rewrite? I member reading a harry potter book that was supposed to be leaked only to find out some crazy person actually wrote like a 400 page fake book but it was actually good and followed the lore.

I bet you started with 2

Why do people call him Marauder Shields?
The ''shields'' part just indicated the remaining shields, and then it just said ''Marauder Health''.

The name is just Marauder.

>Everyone hates 3 but they are divided on whether 1 or 2 is the best.

IMO 2 had better combat (except for thermal clips) but 1 had better everything else.

Wow is that the writing staff?


Nope. I played the first one first and love the first one more than the second.
I want the heatsinks back and actual RPG elements like it previously had instead of just giving me skill points when clearing major objective.

Objective truth coming through


>invested probably over 100 hours into 1 and 2
>uninstalled 3 after 10 minutes because THAT FUCKING RUNNING ANIMATION


>The fans didn't hate the trilogy.
its pretty clear in that one guys twitter and from the forums that Bioware devs say the fans hated the trilogy which is why they didnt make ME4 because fans werent grateful about ME3 and instead chose to insult the hard work because the audience hated diversity and didnt support the LGBT values of the game with the romances.

ME2 has a goofy running animation as well.

>Wouldnt that CEO then be known as the CEO who goes to companies and runs their IP's into the ground and not get hired like ever?

No, he'll be known as the CEO who saw a 5% growth in capital and revenue over 3 quarters in the fiscal year while working there (added in season passes and micro transactions), while cutting costs in development (Early Access and preorders) and adding efficiency by streamlining the work force (cutting jobs)

This. As a white man I'll think again before a black child opens his door into the car of a Hispanic man.

The first two levels were so retarded that I can't fathom why anyone played any further.

>Anyone who says Mass Effect 3 is a good game deserves to be lashed to a cross.

The game was good, only the end sucks really.

i'm not even jocking :
>Best combat in the franchise
>More RPG elements than in ME2 without falling into the clunky interface and inventory of ME1
>Some "epic" moments
>Some choices are actually hard to make
>Gorgeous ost

Frankly, if the ending had stayed unchanged from the early leaks I would prefer ME 3 over 1 even with the more linear storytelling.

ME 3 is better than 2 as it is imho.

>Think all is already lost
>See this
I did't think all could get even more lost.

Hating the outcome of one game in a trilogy doesn't mean you hate the entire trilogy.
it is like hating an entire family because the black sheep is blight on mankind.


This is bait

Shepard must now make his final decision - to control the Reapers, to destroy the Reapers, or if they had a perfect game to become one with the Reapers.
The DEVICE docks with the Citadel, Shepard leaps off the edge of the platform becoming one with the Reapers.
The DEVICE docks with the Citadel, Shepard places his hands into the control mechanism and gains control over the Reapers. Earth is destroyed, and the Reapers leave.
The DEVICE docks with the Citadel, Shepard destroys the tubes resulting in the Reapers being destroyed. Earth is also Destroyed.
The DEVICE docks with the Citadel, Shepard places his hands into the control mechanism and gains control over the Reapers. Earth is okay, and the Reapers leave.
The DEVICE docks with the Citadel, Shepard destroys the tubes resulting in the Reapers being destroyed. Earth is devastated.
The DEVICE docks with the Citadel, Shepard destroys the tubes resulting in the Reapers being destroyed. Earth is okay.
The DEVICE docks with the Citadel, Shepard destroys the tubes resulting in the Reapers being destroyed. Earth is okay. Shepard survives.

It was the same shit, fuck off with your false flagging.

Context of this?

nigga this shit is from 8 months ago

it's a shoop

>New Mass Effect promises "no white male lead"
Will we be able to play as different alien species or are we stuck as humans, because that's just as bad as racism in space.

Stop posting that bunny

Then at least I didn't notice it while playing.
Could you sprint in ME2?